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I need to make or buy a rainbow tuxedo for a stuffed mouse. Any suggestions?


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Ok, this may seem like a strange question to post on here, but there are some awesomely creative people on this forum, so I thought it would be worth a try to ask!
So, I asked my daughter what she would like for Christmas this year, and the very first thing she asked me for was "A rainbow tuxedo for Speedy". Now, "Speedy" (not his real name :lol1:) is her stuffed mouse, and he is her most cherished stuffed animal, which she's had since she was a baby. He is a small white Beanie Baby mouse, about the size of a medium apple. (Only his whiskers are now missing, and he's only got about half his tail left. He's lived a bit of a rough-and-tumble life.)
So, some clothes for her stuffed animal....sounds like a pretty simple request, right? Um, not so much. I have NO idea where I could possibly buy something like this, or how to make one. I am a terribly un-crafty person, and my sewing skills are extremely limited. (Although I'm certainly willing to try and sew something, I just don't know where to start!) I have no idea whatsoever why she wants a 'tuxedo' specifically (or why she wants him to have clothes at all), but this is actually something that she's asked for multiple times recently, so it is apparently something that she really wants. She doesn't ever really ask me for that much, so I'd like to figure this out  if I can (and hopefully make it not look like complete crap!)
Anyway, if anyone here has any ideas or suggestions, it would be most appreciated! I'm drawing a huge blank over this :lol:  Thanks in advance!
Edited by gingerdean
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This is so adorable :laugh: The title of this topic caught my attention immediately LOL

I'm definitely not a crafty person myself, but I do try to be resourceful! My first thought would be purchasing doll's clothes or barbie clothes or something -- or maybe they sell small, fake clothes at some hobby shop. If you can find something white, it's probably not too hard to color/dye/stain the coat with different colors. Then you could like.. just glue a tiny bowtie on it and call it a tuxedo, maybe LOL. There are a couple doctor's coats in this search, but I'm not sure how easy they would be to obtain, or if they would be the appropriate size for Speedy: https://www.target.com/s/barbie+doll+doctor

Not sure if this is super helpful, but I found this tutorial: https://www.thespruce.com/make-fitted-lab-coat-for-doll-2365292

It's for a lab coat, but you could probably shape the fabric differently to try and get a more tuxedo-like shape.

My last resort would be going to a seamstress and asking for them to make a custom piece. I actually have a stuffed bunny rabbit I got when I was born that's my cuddle buddy when I go to sleep (even though I'm a grown woman :lol:). He's like 20+ years old now, and when I was in high school, he started losing all his fur. I got scared he would totally fall apart, so for my birthday, my parents took him to a seamstress. She had him for about a week, and when she returned him, she'd sewed him inside a purple jumpsuit! With a little hood for his ears and everything! It's really cute, and it keeps him protected in the wash and all that. So I think it's possible you could find someone locally, or even online, to do a custom, tiny rainbow tuxedo for Speedy :heart:

Best of luck with all this, and hopefully some other more crafty members can offer better solutions, haha!

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I can do up a simple pattern to follow if you give me some measurements. :)  it's hard to get it exactly right when you don't have your model to physically work from but I can try to give it a go.


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I don't have any actual suggestions, I'd just like to point out that "I need to make or buy a rainbow tuxedo for a stuffed mouse" is a sentence that has never before been spoken in the history of the human race. Congratulations on being the first!

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Ahh I wish you luck! If you pull it off she will be so thrilled! I will defer to my craftier cohorts for more practical suggestions. :)

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I don't know HOW you're going to make it, but you could always style it like the sixth Doctor Who (Colin Baker).  His outfit might fit the criteria.

I kind of have to wonder if she saw something on TV and wants something like that.  No idea what show she could have been watching, though.


Potentially more helpful, they do have clothes for beanie babies.  Just not exactly what you're asking for.  (And maybe a little spendy)  And no idea if they would fit you're beanie or if they'd be the wrong size.


The best fit might be the "Uncle Sam" outfit, not really "rainbow" but the closest one I can find:


They have a "Beach Boy" outfit that would do for the rainbow part:


They have a "Groom" outfit that would do for the tuxedo part:


And there are some TY teddy bears with suits:



Maybe you could mix and match? 

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I think the Beanie clothes or another small doll jacket would be the place to start and then perhaps you could sew or glue simple rainbow stripes with ribbon?

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If you made/found a white coat, you could color in the stripes with fabric markers fairly easily. And if you could make a little bowtie (ribbon, or felt and string), that would be a fucking adorable added little bonus! :D Good luck!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe find a way to get it custom done? If you have the money, I think you can find something like that for a decent price? I have no sewing skills at all. An easier way would involve a marker that can color in cloth. I don't know, I feel like you need something way more specific in size for this stuffed mouse. You won't find it easily, though. A little tie for the mouse will be much easier, but I wish you luck regardless! 

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Wow, thank you all so much! And I am sooooo sorry that I didn't respond back to this sooner.  (I've been pretty much out of commission with a broken computer and a barely-functioning phone <_<)  Thank you for all of your responses, and thank you so much Blackscatter, SleepingPhlox, Zakuconvoy, Dusty, Moon and TsundereKushami for all of your suggestions and advice!


On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:00 AM, BlackScatter said:

Then you could like.. just glue a tiny bowtie on it and call it a tuxedo, maybe LOL

Ah, this in particular got the wheels turning in my head. I have an old infant headband with a glittery red bow that I can cut off and use for the bow tie. It's the perfect size :biggrinsmiley:

Thank you so much for all of your suggestions, and for the links, it was very helpful! And also for sharing about your bunny, that made me smile. (I have a special bunny from my childhood as well- He's a porcelain rabbit that plays music, that I've had since I was little. He looks just like my pet rabbit I had when I was a kid, and I keep him displayed on my mantle. But I digress :lol:

On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:01 AM, SleepingPhlox said:

I can do up a simple pattern to follow if you give me some measurements. :)  it's hard to get it exactly right when you don't have your model to physically work from but I can try to give it a go.


Wow, that is really kind of you to offer. Thank you so much! If the offer still stands I may take you up on that, only if it wouldn't be too much trouble. I can send you measurements, although there isn't much of a shape to him; unfortunately, he's kind of just a bean-filled lump with a head, tail and feet :lol: But I will PM you!


On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 7:23 PM, ZakuConvoy said:

Potentially more helpful, they do have clothes for beanie babies.  Just not exactly what you're asking for.  (And maybe a little spendy)  And no idea if they would fit you're beanie or if they'd be the wrong size.

Wow, I had no idea they even sold these! Thank you for the suggestions, and especially for taking the time to link some of the items. I really appreciate it! 



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