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Phone call Sneezes


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This ob is of one of my really close friends. She has terrible dust allergies. Whenever she is exposed to dust she would start sneezing over and over again. 

One day I called her to ask some questions related to an assignment and it turns out she had gone out of town with her mom and she was still on her way back home when I called. I could tell right away that she was congested. She kept sniffing over and over and suddenly she sneezed. I'm not sure but her sneezes sound like Huh-Isshhhhh uh and then she continued to talk until again Huh-Isshhhh uh she sneezed. So this continued for about 10 minutes until she said in a very congested voice "Is it okay if I give you a call after I go back home ? I can't stop Huh-Isshhhhhh uh Huh-Ishhhhhh uh Isshhhhh excuse me *sniff*..sneezing" 

I blessed her and told her that it's alright and to give me a call when she feels okay. And I could hear one last Huh-ISSSHHHHHOOOOOOWWWWWWW uh before I kept the phone. That last sneeze was massive.

When  I met her a few days later she told me that she was sneezing the entire day. Apparently there was a lot of dust in that place she visited with her mom.

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4 hours ago, Ariel said:

This ob is of one of my really close friends. She has terrible dust allergies. Whenever she is exposed to dust she would start sneezing over and over again. 

One day I called her to ask some questions related to an assignment and it turns out she had gone out of town with her mom and she was still on her way back home when I called. I could tell right away that she was congested. She kept sniffing over and over and suddenly she sneezed. I'm not sure but her sneezes sound like Huh-Isshhhhh uh and then she continued to talk until again Huh-Isshhhh uh she sneezed. So this continued for about 10 minutes until she said in a very congested voice "Is it okay if I give you a call after I go back home ? I can't stop Huh-Isshhhhhh uh Huh-Ishhhhhh uh Isshhhhh excuse me *sniff*..sneezing" 

I blessed her and told her that it's alright and to give me a call when she feels okay. And I could hear one last Huh-ISSSHHHHHOOOOOOWWWWWWW uh before I kept the phone. That last sneeze was massive.

When  I met her a few days later she told me that she was sneezing the entire day. Apparently there was a lot of dust in that place she visited with her mom.

I bet that was nice listening to uour friend sneeze

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Wow!  A ten minute fit?!  I'm allergic to dust as well but have never had that.  Your poor friend!

I'm trying to think how I would have blessed such a fit...I definitely I would have said "bless you" after the first sneeze and "bless you" again at the end.  Probably would have sneaked another "bless you" in there during the fit as well?  Idk, it's awkward.:confusedsmiley:



Edited by Luisa39
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9 hours ago, Luisa39 said:

Wow!  A ten minute fit?!  I'm allergic to dust as well but have never had that.  Your poor friend!

I'm trying to think how I would have blessed such a fit...I definitely I would have said "bless you" after the first sneeze and "bless you" again at the end.  Probably would have sneaked another "bless you" in there during the fit as well?  Idk, it's awkward.:confusedsmiley:



Well she did say that there was a lot of dust and that the fit had started when she was back in the car. So maybe I called her in the beginning of her fit ? 🤔

Yhhh I felt sorry for her. It sounded really bad. I did say bless you one's but didn't want to keep repeating cuz it would be awkward 

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