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Dust Sneezing by Dad


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Hey I'm back with more obs from my dad. He had a huge sneezing fit yesterday due to dust allergy. He was reading his morning newspaper when I finished Dustin the living room and suddenly I heard a loud HURAAAASSSHHHOOOOO and a sniff only to see my dad holding a finger under his nose with the paper on the table. I didn't think he expected that sneeze because he looked startled. 

It wasn't long before another sneeze over took him and he sneezed a wet double turning to his side. He took his handkerchief and harshly blew his nose while sneezing another wet Ishooo and another stifled double into it.

By this time his nose was turning red and he was starting to sneeze often. "I think the dust is making me sneeze" he said in a congested voice before sneezing another harsh HUHRAAASSHHHOOOO into his handkerchief. He stood up and went out of the room sneezing several times. 

I could hear him sneezing from the other room for 10 straight minutes until the sneezing finally slowed down. 

He stilled sneezed a few singles and doubles here and there for the rest of the day though.

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Loving the way you describe your dads sneezes in his handkerchief and blowing his nose

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21 minutes ago, Hankyrick said:

Loving the way you describe your dads sneezes in his handkerchief and blowing his nose

Thanks Rick. He sneezed another quadruple a this evening. The cold weather is making his nose sensitive. He was having sniffles and while he was watching TV I heard him sneeze a triple and about 30 sec after he sneezed a single. He got up and went to the bathroom to blow his nose. He had some heavy blows. I could hear because my room is next to the bathroom. XD 

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