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I know that many people on the forum are pretty embarrassed about sneezing in public. Are any of you so embarrassed about your sneezes that you refuse to let out sneezes in private?

I might be one of the few people on this forum who absolutely refuses to let out sneezes in private. I just stifle in private because I don't want to hear my own sneezing. If I were to let out a sneeze in private, I would be embarrassed about it for days on end. Idk thoughts? What do you think about this?

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I feel I have a reasonably nice-sounding sneeze so, no, I'm not afraid to sneeze when I know I'm alone.  I do have the sneezing-in-public mental block, though.

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11 hours ago, bingochamp7 said:

I might be one of the few people on this forum who absolutely refuses to let out sneezes in private. I just stifle in private


I never sneeze in public, but like you, I stifle in private, not because I'm embarrassed when I sneeze privately, but it's just a more natural/comfortable way for me to sneeze.

I find that letting sneezes out can sometimes make my throat sore and it just feel more "contained" to stifle (if that makes any sense).



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Private as in alone, with no risk of anyone walking in on me? No problem, no abandon, I just sneeze. If I have a cold or otherwise sneeze more than just a random one, I... well... pretend I'm someone else. :lol: Not that it gives me pleasure; even my imagination isn't that strong, but I'd much rather imagine someone else doing it than me. :lol: Probably makes no sense, but anyway. I usually just let them fly when I'm alone in my own home, but I have the decency to cover and avoid spraying stuff if I know someone's coming over in a bit. They wouldn't know either way, but I would, and it would be embarrassing, because I'm easily embarrassed, okay? :lol: 

If I'm alone but in a public or semi-public place (for example, in the stable), I stifle, because there is still the possibility that someone's been there the whole time and I just didn't notice. :fear: 


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Similarly to Chanel, If I'm completely alone, I sneeze openly without a care in the world. However, if there is pretty much anyone else around, I would find the most isolated place I could and then stifle, though it doesn't feel natural nor nice, hence why I just let it out when I'm alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I let mine out all the time, unless I'm sick, then I stifle because... you know, basic hygiene. Sometimes I stifle in private if it hurts to sneeze though. I wouldn't mind if someone saw me sneeze in public though because for all I know there could be a fellow sneeze fetishist in the crowd. Pay it forward 😂 

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Hello bingochamp7 :)

I definitely understand you, and don't worry about it you are not alone with your situation.

Some people will think, you don't have to be ashamed because no one can see or hear you sneeze

I think here are a lot of people they'll understand you and give you some advices.

Maybe someday you will be able to be fine with your own sneezes?

Perhaps it will help you to find out, why you are uncomfortable with it?

Possibly someone reacted in a rude way to your sneezes in the past and it made you feel ashamed and you tried not to sneeze again in public and in private?

Maybe if you try to figure out the reasons if it is possible for you, you can handle your situation more pleasant?

I wish you all the best and I'm so sorry for my english, I really tried to comfort you a bit:) 

Best wishes




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On 12/2/2017 at 8:20 PM, bingochamp7 said:

I know that many people on the forum are pretty embarrassed about sneezing in public. Are any of you so embarrassed about your sneezes that you refuse to let out sneezes in private?

I might be one of the few people on this forum who absolutely refuses to let out sneezes in private. I just stifle in private because I don't want to hear my own sneezing. If I were to let out a sneeze in private, I would be embarrassed about it for days on end. Idk thoughts? What do you think about this?

@bingochamp7 That is one of the first times i have heard someone that actually does stifle in private is it your sneeze really that bad out loud to not let it out? but i will say i do like that you stifle no matter what 

as for me i usually try to fight sneezes if im in public cause im not really good at stifling them but in private ill sneeze out loud with no problems.

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10 hours ago, taléya** said:

Hello bingochamp7 :)

I definitely understand you, and don't worry about it you are not alone with your situation.

Some people will think, you don't have to be ashamed because no one can see or hear you sneeze

I think here are a lot of people they'll understand you and give you some advices.

Maybe someday you will be able to be fine with your own sneezes?

Perhaps it will help you to find out, why you are uncomfortable with it?

Possibly someone reacted in a rude way to your sneezes in the past and it made you feel ashamed and you tried not to sneeze again in public and in private?

Maybe if you try to figure out the reasons if it is possible for you, you can handle your situation more pleasant?

I wish you all the best and I'm so sorry for my english, I really tried to comfort you a bit:) 

Best wishes





6 hours ago, Mf1611 said:

@bingochamp7 That is one of the first times i have heard someone that actually does stifle in private is it your sneeze really that bad out loud to not let it out? but i will say i do like that you stifle no matter what 

as for me i usually try to fight sneezes if im in public cause im not really good at stifling them but in private ill sneeze out loud with no problems.

Thank you both for your responses! Thank you for your kind words @taléya**!

@Mf1611 Just the thought of me sneezing is enough to get a negative mental reaction from me. My brain is weird :laugh:.

One reason I feel extremely uncomfortable with sneezing in private is the fact that stifling in private makes me feel slightly accomplished because I can control the urge to sneeze, an urge that many people cannot and probably would not control. Another reason for not sneezing in private is the fact that none of my family members cover when they sneeze. It always made me feel gross and even though I could just cover anytime I sneeze, the gross feeling has become so attached that I don't ever want to sneeze out loud. Also, when I was younger, I would notice that a lot of my classmates would say "Ew" or something similar whenever someone sneezed, and as I got older, I really internalized it.

Sorry to threadjack, but I wanted to address this.

Edited by bingochamp7
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13 hours ago, bingochamp7 said:


Thank you both for your responses! Thank you for your kind words @taléya**!

@Mf1611 Just the thought of me sneezing is enough to get a negative mental reaction from me. My brain is weird :laugh:.

One reason I feel extremely uncomfortable with sneezing in private is the fact that stifling in private makes me feel slightly accomplished because I can control the urge to sneeze, an urge that many people cannot and probably would not control. Another reason for not sneezing in private is the fact that none of my family members cover when they sneeze. It always made me feel gross and even though I could just cover anytime I sneeze, the gross feeling has become so attached that I don't ever want to sneeze out loud. Also, when I was younger, I would notice that a lot of my classmates would say "Ew" or something similar whenever someone sneezed, and as I got older, I really internalized it.

Sorry to threadjack, but I wanted to address this.

Hello bingochamp7 :)

You are welcome.

Be sure, I have the same feelings as you.

I used to know a man, he was a co-worker of my brother and he treated me - let's say - not very nice.

He sometimes visited us and he was a sneezy person, had hayfever and always sneezed in fits of 10 times or 15 times.

He always done it uncovered and I hated it.

Special when I was alone with him in one room, at this time, I was too shy to tell one of my brothers what he had done to me.

Maybe I can write you more in-depth in private message, if you want to?

For me it became nauseating and as you mentioned gross.

To see or hear him sneeze was unbearable, also the thought about it he did not covered them. 

And I can tell you - can I write plain spoken? - perhaps some people think I am insane, but every time he sneezed and was around me

After that, when he was gone I had to polish the room, whole appartement.

I initiated to dislike all men sneezes cause of him and it was difficult to bless someone, which I generally really like to do.

But last week I was at work and I had to work with a boy the same age.

I explained something to him, he hardly spoke some words in my language so it was a bit time consuming, but we managed it well:)

We were sitting at the same table and he had to sneeze once.

His sneeze sounded not too loud and he turned away from me and covered his mouth with his left hand.

I did not wanted to be unkind and blessed him, gave him a tissue and he apologized for sneezing and thanked me.

And I have to admit it was a good experience.

First I got used to dislike men sneezes but he changed my mind :)

And I totally understand you, you explained it very well.

I understand the experiences with your Family members, I feel the same :) 

I hope you are fine and best wishes to you,


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10 hours ago, taléya** said:

Maybe I can write you more in-depth in private message, if you want to?

Of course :) 

Sorry to threadjack again.

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I usually stifle in public and in private. My sneezes are usually messy (and not the misty kind.. it’s like Spider-Man’s web being slung out of my face :lol: ) so to avoid at least personal embarrassment and clean up I just stifle :) 

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10 hours ago, HarleyQuinnSFF said:

I usually stifle in public and in private. My sneezes are usually messy (and not the misty kind.. it’s like Spider-Man’s web being slung out of my face :lol: ) so to avoid at least personal embarrassment and clean up I just stifle :) 

Lol, those sound like my sneezes.  That's why I pretty much always use tissues.  I can't keep myself from sneezing; I wish I could.

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