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Ugh...okay...so...when I sneeze in private, I let them out full force...and they're...kinda big. When I have to sneeze in public..I don't know why I get so nervous...I try to hold back as long as I can, and then try to hide the fact I have to sneeze by muffling my sneezes...cause stifling HURTS... like a mother (shut your face, Grandma!)

And I can feel my face heat up if someone catches me sneezing and blesses me. 

Anyone else get nervous/embarrassed when they feel the need to sneeze in public??

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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I do sometimes, mainly if I'm in a very crowded place or if I feel like it'll be a bigger sneeze. Also, often when I'm sick I get nervous/embarassed about sneezing in public.

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1 minute ago, psychlone said:

I do sometimes, mainly if I'm in a very crowded place or if I feel like it'll be a bigger sneeze. Also, often when I'm sick I get nervous/embarassed about sneezing in public.

I'm glad I'm not the only one...today, it happened to me, and I really didn't want to sneeze...especially in the mall...Like...my sneezes are waist-benders. So...depending on how big they get, I might stumble forward, ya know? I just...I don't like having the attention on me. I'm legit super shy.

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10 minutes ago, HideAndGoSneeze said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one...today, it happened to me, and I really didn't want to sneeze...especially in the mall...Like...my sneezes are waist-benders. So...depending on how big they get, I might stumble forward, ya know? I just...I don't like having the attention on me. I'm legit super shy.

yeah, those sound like they would draw a lot of attention! is it usually just one though, or more?

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12 minutes ago, psychlone said:

yeah, those sound like they would draw a lot of attention! is it usually just one though, or more?

Lately, it's been two... Or three. Holiday perfumes, maybe? I don't know... But I just get so nervous. I try to run in and out of stores quick... 

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I don't really have a proper "mental block," but I am starting to hesitate to sneeze in public when I really need to depending on the situation. It's usually when there are a ton of people around me, like today in church. It's not so much shyness as wanting to do it well, because I'm an exhibitionist xD

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2 hours ago, HideAndGoSneeze said:

Lately, it's been two... Or three. Holiday perfumes, maybe? I don't know... But I just get so nervous. I try to run in and out of stores quick... 

ah. yeah I usually sneeze doubles and triples also, and people are a lot less likely to ignore them than just one sneeze (naturally I guess)

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I don't remember the last time that I sneezed in public, however I would absolutely hate to sneeze near anyone else, let alone in a massively crowded area. Since I also sneeze numerous times in a row as opposed to one, I would just melt into the ground :stitchfacesmiley:

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I always try to avoid a public show. If i'm at work then i try to walk away to somewhere privately if i start hitching so nobody can see or hear. Usually in my office the fire escape stairwell could give you some good obs of me!

Of course sometimes it is impossible - without the magical mental block which i would pay good money for! -to do so i try to choke back any build up which does work mostly but makes me do this weird body judder as it turns into some kind of internal hitching that can bring just as much attention but i can blame it on hiccups and nobody seems to call me out on it. It can also lead to getting blessed before anything has happened (death time) which i have written an post about before. 

In private - all bets are off! Goodbye walls goodbye shame.

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It depends on were I am. I'm more shy about sneezing around people I don't really like, or my family. But I have no big problem with sneezing in class, since I don't sneeze alot, and some people I know sneeze so loud they make me jump out of my flesh. But yeah, I see where you're comming from.

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8 minutes ago, MeForever said:

some people I know sneeze so loud they make me jump out of my flesh

I know a few people like that...I used to work with one until I moved to another state.

SIGH...I miss George. :( 

ANYWHO... yeah, I wish I wasn't so shy about it. Like, I can't stifle them...it's a pain even trying to...so I just try to be in an isolated are, 'vampire sneeze' and try to muffle it.

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for me it depends my sneezes get loud and high pitch at times, they can be very out of control I hate sneezing in science or band class.

I've sneezed into my trumpet before and boy did that come out weird it's very embarrassing when your a guy with a high pitch sneeze and you literally rock star head bang every time (unless controlled/stifled)

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I dont mind so much sneezing in public, but i HATE being blessed. Theres always a huge sense of relief when i sneeze and everyone within hearing distance doesnt say a word about it. I guess in a way i can pretend that it never happened and move on with my day.

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I can definitely get embarrassed about my sneezes in public.  I’m unable to stifle so it can be a pain.  I’m not as sensitive about it anymore but I can still get red faced.  Especially if someone starts taking about them. I’m a powerful sneezer and they range from really loud to jet engine (even muffled) so I will get comments occasionally.  I don’t mind being blessed really but I just cringe when I sneeze in front of a few people and it leads to sneezy conversations.  

Normally, I can feel it coming so I will try to leave the room or at least walk away from a group of people so they can’t see my build up. 

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  • 3 months later...

I haven’t sneezed in front of friends or the public or anyone except family and myself, and I’ve developed a but if a mental,block from it 😅. So, yes, you aren’t the only one 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love to see other women's sneeze so I tend to look at them when they seem they want to sneeze. (even friends)

I feel embarrassed too when people said "bless you" to me gently.

But you know what, enduring sneeze is actually bad for your health, so do not have to hold back : )

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