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The Coffee Bean Cafe (M, huge sneezes)


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Hello! ‘Tis I, the one-who-rarely-posts-but-is-suddenly-posting-a lot.
I’m trying my shot at GIANT SNEEZES...not just that, but MALE ones...I'm...ehhh...it's only my second  Male 'original story'  I've written. 

so...I hope you enjoy it? I’ll just be, uh...over here...in the corner..hiding under this giant blanket...cause…*mumbles about being shy and feeling embarrassed and stupid* reasons....



Ah...the Coffee Bean Cafe.

A place where aspiring poets, singers, writers...individuals who want their voices to be heard gather, sipping on warm beverages and snapping their fingers after each ‘performance’. I had never been to one of these things, but--eh. What can I say? I was bored. My friends were all out of town, and no more boyfriend to spend time with---stupid, no good…

--Well, it looked interesting on the social media page, so...there I was. Trying to get my mind off of...recent events...and enjoying a nice cup of coffee, when--

“Thomas, it’s fine...see? Nothing to worry about.” Curiosity grasped my attention span--honestly, anything can do that, but still--- I decided to glance from the corner of my eye and I noticed two guys sitting at a table next to me. The men were of slender build, the one talking had dark hair, what looked like eyes to match, and tan skin. The one named Thomas, a smaller gentleman with ivory skin and messy brown hair, seemed to be a nervous wreck; glancing around the area, and rubbing at his nose with his knuckles.

I’ve been told it’s impolite to stare, but...damn. Thomas’ nose was...there. Hell, it was the first thing I saw...how couldn’t I?! For someone his size, which wasn’t that tall, It was--like a beak. A big beak.

“There are only two exits here, David. TWO,” Thomas stated. “What--what if--I mean, I heh--already feel a...ahhh...AHH--” Thomas clamped his hand against his nose, his brow beginning to furrow as he apparently was fighting off something.

“Thomas, you’re going to be fine. Just read a snippet of your story, and we’ll leave. I know you don’t like speaking in front of people--”

“It’s not the speaking I don’t like---”

“But you’ve got a knack for writing! Your voice deserves to be heard!”

“My voice, yes…” Thomas groaned, shaking his head. “But the other thing…? Not so much.”

“Oh, that’s just in your head,” David waved his hand dismissively.  “Everyone thinks they have big sneezes.”

“They--heyy--HEYY---!!” Thomas shook his head, pinching his nose once again.  My attention was soon at my own table, and I had to blink a few times. No...that was my imagination...the napkins didn’t just move a little…

“They think they do…” I heard Thomas grumble. “I know. Seriously, let’s just go---”

“Too late, you’re next.”

“Wait, what?” Sure enough, Thomas Acer was being called to the stage. Everyone turned to face him, fingers snapping softly in support. Now I didn’t feel so bad staring at him as he got up, a crooked grin showing on his lips as he nodded to everyone...including me. David, obviously proud of his work, decided to scoot a bit closer to me.

“He’s my best friend,” he said. “Sometimes, you gotta get over your fear of stage fright, and...just do it. Let it happen, ya know?”

He was obviously looking for some form of praise, so I politely smiled and nodded, which was exactly what he was looking for. “Uh, is he a poet?” I asked.

“He’s a writer,” David sighed. “Been cooped up in his apartment for days, and if I hadn’t suggested he come here, he might still be trapped in his little room.”

“Oh...that’s...admirable?” I guessed, turning to look at Thomas. Poor guy looked to be a nervous wreck...more so than at his small table. The paper trembling in his hands, he leaned in towards the microphone.

“Uh...Y-you should know, your closest exits are back here and the entrance--J-just...just so you know...in case you have to leave…” Thomas cleared his throat, began to read...and I was lost. His words...were captivating. I felt like I was immersed in the world he created, and I couldn’t help but close my eyes and visualized everything; the three suns setting over the mountains, the smell of the meadows, the breeze blowing past my skin--

Wait, that breeze...it felt so real!

I opened my eyes, only to see Thomas had closed his. “Huhh...The--the MUHH--HUH--man..” His chest expanded it seemed, and that’s when I realized the breeze wasn’t from the story...it was from the writer. “I’m SUHH--HUHH--sorry, but..I...I HUHH--have to---HUHH--sneeze! RUN!!”

Napkins blew off of tables with each intake of breath. Members of the Coffee Bean Cafe looked around confused, but once the tables started moving slightly, people began to disperse, remembering where the two exits were.

I...I couldn’t move. Neither could David. He looked to his friend, panic written all over his face. “I...I thought he was--”

HUHH---HEHH---HAHHHH---” Thomas’ face became slack, as his body seemed to give into the oncoming sneeze. A few chairs had turned over, my hair even started blowing in the strong current of wind. I finally stood up, grabbed David and headed for the exit when---


I found myself sliding across the tile floor, hitting the wall. I look up, and David had already ran out of the cafe.

Some friend.

Meanwhile, Thomas was still fixated to the stage, and seemed to be battling with another oncoming sneeze. His head reared back, and I swear I saw his nose twitch as he released another monster-of-a-sneeze.


I ducked behind a fallen table, the debris of napkins and paper cups tumbling around me. I peeked from my hiding spot, and noticed Thomas’ eyes squinting...his head tilting slightly, a confused look on his face.

“Huhhh..? Hihh--Hihh??”

The sneeze was stuck. Now was my chance. I scurried across the room, dodging the obstacles in the way, and climbed on the stage. Thomas’ eyes widened as he observed me. “N-Nuh-No!” he tried to warn, his breath hitching even more. “Duh--Don’t! I’m..HUH..Nuh-HUHH--n-not done...Huhh?? HEHH?? HAH--




Why did I close my eyes, you ask? Maybe it was because I didn’t know if my hand would be ripped off my body after pinching his nose? Maybe it was to brace myself for another wind storm to make its way through the cafe?

Regardless...it seemed to work.

Hehh…?? Huhhh?Thomas’ eyes opened slowly, becoming cross-eyed as he observed my hand over his large, sensitive appendage. I couldn’t help but giggle at how silly he looked. When his eyes finally met mine, I could see that the need to sneeze had vanished, his hazel eyes looking relieved.

Tentatively, I removed my hand from the cannon on his face, and we both froze. It wasn’t until Thomas sighed in relief, that I remembered to breathe as well. He looked at me with a smile, and...my mouth opened, but nothing came out. Oh god...what do I say?


A soft chuckle left Thomas’ lips as he rubbed his knuckles against his light pink nose. “Thanks. I, uh...I’d offer to buy you a coffee, but...uhh..” We looked around the cafe; napkins and paper coffee cups littered the floor, as well as fallen tables and chairs.

“Uh,” I pursed my lips, raising an eyebrow at him. “I think they need to do some redecorating,” I joked.

“Yeah, seems like it,” he chuckled sheepishly.

“W-well,” I stammered, “there’s...there’s a coffee stand, just a few blocks from here. Maybe we..you..I..umm..”

Thomas raised an eyebrow at me, and I couldn’t help but blush. “You really wanna get some coffee with me?” he asked, almost in disbelief.

I nodded, gesturing towards the exit near the stage. As we both walked out, I couldn’t help but smirk.


I might not have gotten anything writing related out of the experience…But I got a date.

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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Giant sneezes aren't really my thing, but your writing was impeccable. You don't need to be nervous, I promise! :D thank you for sharing

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That’s so cute.  I want to know if the poor guy has a cold or what (I always like to know the cause of a sneeze) since his friend mentioned he had been in his apartment for days... would love to read about their date! :D

Edited by starpollen
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6 hours ago, JustAnotherGuy said:

Giant sneezes aren't really my thing, but your writing was impeccable. You don't need to be nervous, I promise! :D thank you for sharing

((Wait...impeccable...that's---that's a good thing!!))
Thank you!! :lol:  I can't help but be nervous...there's so many AMAZING writers that are part of the Giant Sneezing stories, and...I wanted to try...and make something :) Thank you so much for the comment!

5 minutes ago, starpollen said:

That’s so cute.  I want to know if the poor guy has a cold or what (I always like to know the cause of a sneeze) since his friend mentioned he had been in his apartment for days... would love to read about their date! :D

Hmm...are you saying I should have Thomas Acer in other stories? ;) Well, if there's enough people asking for more...then I will write it. I don't want to clutter the forum with stories if no one likes it :blushing: Thank you for the comment!!!

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Oh wow, this was awesome. I can't believe there are so many giant sneeze stories on here lately! I LOVE it. I wonder what their date is like... and I loved how he was trying to warn his friend at the beginning. The suspense is always so great. Thank you for writing this!!

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Just now, Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea said:

Oh wow, this was awesome. I can't believe there are so many giant sneeze stories on here lately! I LOVE it. I wonder what their date is like... and I loved how he was trying to warn his friend at the beginning. The suspense is always so great. Thank you for writing this!!

... ........  .......... (DANGIT, SAY SOMETHING HIDE!!)
Uh, Oh my gosh. Uh..thanks! WOW! For you to say that.. Holy toledo, batman. You write the BEST, and you...I...WORDS...UH--THANKS!! I mean, I could totally write a date story...continue Thomas' adventures if more people speak up!



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1 minute ago, facet said:




(If you continue this, I'll continue mine.) :P 

0///0 (That's me blushing so much right now)



(...Oh gods, what did I just get myself into?!) :lol: 

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You really are amazing at writing! I wish my stories were half as good as yours have been, really great work! I loved this! :)

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