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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea


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When I first came on this site, I was...terrified. Hell, I still am some days. I don't know how to talk to people! I don't know how to start conversations... I remember thinking, "Should I say, 'hey fellow sneeze lover, let's talk about them twitchy appendages!'...."  (sad but true).

I mean, sure I'd comment on stories...and even wrote my first one that...kinda...died. (RIP Date with Destiny..)...but I didn't even really...come out of my shell on here until I read a story called Michelle at the Theater. The way it was written captivated me, and it was then I became truly hooked on giant sneezes...and the writer's...well, writing. So, I read another one...and another one...(My Roommate Josh is my FAVORITE wait, why did I cross that out, My Roommate Josh is my favorite!!) and I was officially hooked on giant sneezes. And it was all thanks to @Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea

( ...Oh god..I just tagged him. He's gonna know I tagged him, he gets notifications... --curse word, curse word, curse word!!-- )

Uh...I guess what I'm trying to say is...THANKS, Tea! You really are a talented writer, and if it wasn't for your stories, I wouldn't have realized how much I enjoy powerful, strong, GIANT sneezes...and I know I'm not the only one who enjoys your work!!  So...thanks!! *awkward wave* 


( okay, time to go into hiding now... )


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Oh wow! Thank you very much! That's really really nice of you to say! And I love your stories too! I really appreciate this!!!

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1 minute ago, Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea said:

Oh wow! Thank you very much! That's really really nice of you to say! And I love your stories too! I really appreciate this!!!

(*comes out of hiding spot*)

I just...I didn't know how else to say it.  You're frickin' awesome, dude. I mean..uhh...dangit. Words, hide. words...

I meant every word. You inspire me to write more. :)

(*runs back to hiding spot* omg what did I just do?! )

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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