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In scenarios with pollen Allergies, which flowers are your favorite?


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I've never seen a question like this, thought I'd go for it. 

Hibiscus to me is fun. I feel like since the center sticks out so inducing with it would be fun to watch.  I also think dandelions are really good. I'm surprised no one talks about them, considering how easy it would be for a seed to get stuck up someone's nose accidentally.

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I'm clueless about flowers and which are more prone to causing allergic reactions, so don't mind me as I follow this thread... for science. 

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Only flower that ever got to me is hyacinth. That's a mean flower. :whip: But I'm not sure if it's pollen or the scent. 

I love allergies to lilacs, lilies, lilies-of-the-valley, jasmines... and roses, although I've been informed that roses are in fact one of the best flowers for allergies because they've been bred (do you say that about plants? Cultivated? Bred? Anyway, you know what I mean) to have very little, if any, pollen. But I still love the idea of rose allergies because of the aesthetics. :wub: And there's still the chance of people being sensitive to the fragrance, if not to pollen, and I think that's at least one part of flower allergies. ^^

How would allergies work with dandelions - I mean, they look all sneeze-provoking with all that fuzz, but aren't those seeds too big? Maybe I'm just stuck on the idea that pollen grains are supposed to be so microscopic they get into the body and wreak all kinds of havoc with the confused immune defence? :huh: 


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6 hours ago, Anonymouse said:

I'm clueless about flowers and which are more prone to causing allergic reactions, so don't mind me as I follow this thread... for science. 

Hahaha sly of you my friend! 

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6 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Only flower that ever got to me is hyacinth. That's a mean flower. :whip: But I'm not sure if it's pollen or the scent. 

I love allergies to lilacs, lilies, lilies-of-the-valley, jasmines... and roses, although I've been informed that roses are in fact one of the best flowers for allergies because they've been bred (do you say that about plants? Cultivated? Bred? Anyway, you know what I mean) to have very little, if any, pollen. But I still love the idea of rose allergies because of the aesthetics. :wub: And there's still the chance of people being sensitive to the fragrance, if not to pollen, and I think that's at least one part of flower allergies. ^^

How would allergies work with dandelions - I mean, they look all sneeze-provoking with all that fuzz, but aren't those seeds too big? Maybe I'm just stuck on the idea that pollen grains are supposed to be so microscopic they get into the body and wreak all kinds of havoc with the confused immune defence? :huh: 


I believe that is true about roses, but who knows. Maybe your character's allergies to pollen are just THAT bad :razz:

I mean it is possible. Most likely by accident. They aren't that big unless we're measuring my length instead of width. This is honestly the weirdest conversation I've ever had, but also the most amusing :laughingsmiley:

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9 minutes ago, TsundereKushami said:

I believe that is true about roses, but who knows. Maybe your character's allergies to pollen are just THAT bad :razz:

I mean it is possible. Most likely by accident. They aren't that big unless we're measuring my length instead of width. This is honestly the weirdest conversation I've ever had, but also the most amusing :laughingsmiley:

Sadly, it's not by far the weirdest conversation I've had. :lol::shy: But yeah, I suppose it's possible, I mean, it seems possible to be allergic to anything. But it does seem like sneezes from dandelion seeds would more likely be because of the physical irritation from getting them up the nose, rather than an allergic response. Not an allergist, I can't say for sure, of course. :lol: 

Yeah, it's sad, roses are beautiful and so are allergies. :yay: But like you say, maybe they're just THAT allergic. ^_^ 


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Just looked it up apparently it induces allergic reactions slightly more often then average. It counts as a ragweed plant. Interesting to know, very interesting...

Now I wonder about your conversations, but at least this is entertaining. Next fic you do should be with roses somehow. :thumbs_up:

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I have really bad hay fever, and almost any flower can get my really sneezing. Daffodils and Crysanthemums are the two big ones that really throw me into a fit, but my favourite would have to be lilies.

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6 hours ago, TsundereKushami said:

Just looked it up apparently it induces allergic reactions slightly more often then average. It counts as a ragweed plant. Interesting to know, very interesting...

Now I wonder about your conversations, but at least this is entertaining. Next fic you do should be with roses somehow. :thumbs_up:

DANDELION counts as a RAGWEED plant??? 'kay. Interesting indeed... You learn something new every day. And I thought I had a pretty good grip on allergies, but then again, it's mainly been tree and grass pollen that I've made, um, reserarch in. :whistle: 

Let's say I've wondered about my conversations too!! :rofl: And yup, rose allergies are on the list, although not on top of it right now. :P 

4 hours ago, Captain Carol said:

Daffodils and Crysanthemums are the two big ones that really throw me into a fit

Thank you! I totally just wrote something with Chrystanthemums being the culprit, wondering how realistic it was for setting off a really bad allergy attack, but I wanted a flower that blooms in November and comes in pink, so that's my pick. :lol: 


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3 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

DANDELION counts as a RAGWEED plant??? 'kay. Interesting indeed... You learn something new every day. And I thought I had a pretty good grip on allergies, but then again, it's mainly been tree and grass pollen that I've made, um, reserarch in. :whistle: 

Let's say I've wondered about my conversations too!! :rofl: And yup, rose allergies are on the list, although not on top of it right now. :P 

Thank you! I totally just wrote something with Chrystanthemums being the culprit, wondering how realistic it was for setting off a really bad allergy attack, but I wanted a flower that blooms in November and comes in pink, so that's my pick. :lol: 


It's very realistic. Believe me when I say those flowers set me off like a land mine or something XD

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35 minutes ago, Captain Carol said:

It's very realistic. Believe me when I say those flowers set me off like a land mine or something XD

Interesting.... oh, sorry! :laugh: Now I'm rude. That sucks, for real. But interesting for fictional purposes. :yay: 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/6/2017 at 11:17 PM, TsundereKushami said:

Just looked it up apparently it induces allergic reactions slightly more often then average. It counts as a ragweed plant. Interesting to know, very interesting..

I'm very allergic to most flowers, and dandelion is definitely one of them.  Roses are one of the few that isn't too bad to me.  It might be mostly be the scent then with roses.

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I'm glad it's not just me!

I'm highly allergic to almost all flowers especially if they are strong scented and pollenated. Annoyingly i can't recall the name of them but those flowers that have huge heads that are closed up but when they come to life open up and give off huge amounts of pollen kill me. If i were to close up smell a big bunch of flowers then look out. I've tried it before and it leads to a world of trouble :lol:


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I'm not sure what flower that is, but it sounds horrible!  If you remember the name, let me know so I can be sure to avoid them, lol 

I like flowers, I wish I wasn't so allergic to them.

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On ‎06‎.‎12‎.‎2017 at 7:07 AM, TsundereKushami said:

I've never seen a question like this, thought I'd go for it. 

Hibiscus to me is fun. I feel like since the center sticks out so inducing with it would be fun to watch.  I also think dandelions are really good. I'm surprised no one talks about them, considering how easy it would be for a seed to get stuck up someone's nose accidentally.

Hello TsundereKushami,

I like Hibiscus too.

I once read a fanfiction about Cristiano Ronaldo and the writer characterised that the perfume of his girlfriends skin (in the story she was an own charakter) smelled like the blossoms of a hibiscus.

She described it so beautiful - it did not had any affect to him - but she wrote how enchanted it was to him to feel her skin under his fingertips, to 'assimilate' her skent.

It was like a poem to read so wonderful, and sometimes when I have time I go back to this fanfiction and read it again and again :)

Regards, taléya**

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I'm going to have to agree with everyone who said roses are their favorite. They're so beautiful.


I'm going to watch this thread to get a better sense of realism with allergies...

... Even though I have and will completely throw logic out the window if it suits the fic...

I've had a character pretty much just be allergic to lilies and basically nothing else.

I'm debating if a character in a fic I'm working on right now is allergic to roses more than anything else, even though I've known that they tend to cause less of an allergic reaction for a while.

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  • 6 months later...

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