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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Grossed out by friends sneezing


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Hey everyone! l was curious if anyone here had a similar experience to mine, or has any guidance to offer.

I’m a female with a preference for male sneezing. As l realized that l had the fetish, it started to seriously bother me when friends sneezed, male, female, or nonbinary. l find myself seriously disgusted by it (not as bad as family) even though l know they really can’t help it. Most of my friends don’t know, only one does, and she hasn’t sneezed in front of me since finding out. 

Any guidance?

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I don't really find that too much, but I can also say that people I'm actually friends with sneezing doesn't do anything for me.


I guess it's just because I view them in so much of a not sexy way that, the sudden connection to something that is sexy in my mind, is just sort of a mental nope these two things don't belong together, make it stop kinda thing.

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I'm a male with a bisex fetish and two of my friends know and when ever my friend sneezes she gives me the 'pervy look' or she uses my phone and goes through my fetish playlist (don't ask why it's there) but I still take it well they took it fine :L

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/7/2017 at 5:15 PM, iluvemojis said:

As l realized that l had the fetish, it started to seriously bother me when friends sneezed

Interestingly, I remember being bothered by my friends (and family) sneezing before I knew I had the fetish (or at least, what it was). It was only once I made the fetish connection when I was ~14 that I started to understand why I didn't want to witness it with friends/family. 

I wish I had guidance for you, but even after all these years I've not been able to overcome my issue with it. With family I actually get visibly angry, which I pass off to them as me being germaphobic—but still really isn't fair to them. At the very least, know you're not alone in the matter!

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11 hours ago, Lexie13 said:

Interestingly, I remember being bothered by my friends (and family) sneezing before I knew I had the fetish (or at least, what it was). It was only once I made the fetish connection when I was ~14 that I started to understand why I didn't want to witness it with friends/family. 

I wish I had guidance for you, but even after all these years I've not been able to overcome my issue with it. With family I actually get visibly angry, which I pass off to them as me being germaphobic—but still really isn't fair to them. At the very least, know you're not alone in the matter!

Thank you for the comment! My family is very oblivious to the fetish in general (so at least I know that they have no clue, thank the LORD) but they talk about sneezing all the time and it drives me up a wall!! 

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3 hours ago, iluvemojis said:

they talk about sneezing all the time

I'm sure this is because of the fetish, but I've never been able to understand how people (families in particular) can talk about sneezing so casually. My family does this too, and I basically run for the hills every time.

Slightly off-(original-)topic, but related to that last point: my family has also more than once discussed how much they hate when people stifle their sneezes ("That can't be satisfying! What's the point? It's so dumb!"), and I'm just chillin over there with my bisex fetish and passionate love of stifles (especially female, the ones they make fun of) like 😳😡😫 

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20 hours ago, Lexie13 said:

I'm sure this is because of the fetish, but I've never been able to understand how people (families in particular) can talk about sneezing so casually. My family does this too, and I basically run for the hills every time.

Slightly off-(original-)topic, but related to that last point: my family has also more than once discussed how much they hate when people stifle their sneezes ("That can't be satisfying! What's the point? It's so dumb!"), and I'm just chillin over there with my bisex fetish and passionate love of stifles (especially female, the ones they make fun of) like 😳😡😫 

haha this is really relatable. The worst thing ever is when one of them sneezes and says something like "wow that was a big one" and i am cringing rn just thinking about it because EW. 

People really do talk about sneezing a lot more than I realized. I guess because it's not sexual to them, but still. Makes you want to die on the inside every time 

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1 hour ago, iluvemojis said:

haha this is really relatable. The worst thing ever is when one of them sneezes and says something like "wow that was a big one" and i am cringing rn just thinking about it because EW. 

People really do talk about sneezing a lot more than I realized. I guess because it's not sexual to them, but still. Makes you want to die on the inside every time 

I can agree with that i find it in a lot of outside discussion when im out and around someone will talk about sneezing even tho they have no interest in it or i hear people who will say "why am i sneezing so much?" 

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I despise family sneezes.  I guess I’ve never read the term bisex fetish, but I’d say that describes me to some extent.  

I am really only attracted to certain sneezes and certain people or types of people.  I hope that makes sense.  Some of the types that are not appealing to me can be linked to family members who are similar in appearance or sneeze type.   

I hope that makes sense.  

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On 1/21/2018 at 10:12 PM, Alyssa1146 said:

I am really only attracted to certain sneezes and certain people or types of people.  I hope that makes sense.  Some of the types that are not appealing to me can be linked to family members who are similar in appearance or sneeze type.   

I hope that makes sense.

That totally makes sense! I'm the same way. I'm relatively open about my fetish with friends of mine, and I always describe it to them this way: if 100 people (of varying genders, appearances, relations to me, etc.) lined up in front of me and got naked, I'd only be attracted to a handful of them, for one or more reasons. E.g. I wouldn't want to see friends or family naked; I have a "type" with both men and women; and so on...so the same applies to sneezing, at least for me.

I usually use this explanation to assure friends I tell about my fetish that I won't be turned on when they sneeze, which 99% of the time is true. The only time it isn't true is when I'm attracted to a friend anyway, but of course that's a different issue altogether 😳 

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I know what you mean lol. I wouldn't say I get totally disgusted but hearing family and friends sneeze certainly makes me UNCOMFORTABLE. Not sure why but I def don't like it. I think I definately associate sneezing with sex, so yeah, super uncomfortable with some people lol

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I feel like I’ve gotten more comfortable with it as I’ve gotten older and kind of just used to it. I still don’t like it. Sometimes it still irks me hahah. But for the most part I just ignore it 100%. I have some friends with allergies, and I feel like that’s kind of made me get over my annoyance about it just by witnessing their Nerzes all the tiiime. But I don’t like it. I’ve just become more apathetic lol. 

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