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Sneeze Fetish Forum

do you need a tissue

Ben Drowned

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(y/n)= your name if your male if your female then just make up a male name

(h/c)= hair color

(e/c)=eye color

(f/c)=favorite clothes 

Your pov: I walked into my first class of the day, sitting in my desk I got prepared for the next hour. Since this was LA class we usually just get reading assignments, I got out a book I picked out in the library called (fav book). My friend Erica sat in front of me, since our desks where basically made into tables. I noticed something about her,  her face seemed kinda flushed, and her nose seemed a little pink. But I tried not to pay any mind, there are two things she doesn't know about me. 1 I have a crush on her, and 2 I have a 'small' fetish for sneezing, nose blowing, and my favorite nose rubbing! It would always make me smirk on the inside when a girl does that. Face down in the book, I moved a lock of my (H/c) hair out of my face, and continued to read periodically glancing up at Erica. It had only been twenty minutes in, and I could see the irritation in Erica's nose, she'd constantly rub her nose, or sniffle slightly.

She'd have false starts, and have the cutest looking pre-sneeze face. I heard a small gasp, looking up I saw Erica with the same pre-sneeze face, but this time the sneeze followed through. "he..huh.. Heshoo!" That sneeze sounded very wet, I tried t act as if I saw nothing. "bless you" I hid my blush behind my book, Erica thanked me, I saw her rub her twitchy nose, there was a small mark, but too me it was noticeable and cute! She'd constantly sniffle, and rubbing her nose I couldn't focus or think straight. "hey.....(Y-y/n) do y-you have a tissue?" Her voice small, congestion creepped in slowly, I nodded and went through my binder, I'd kept a small fresh pack of tissues. "here" She took one, and blew her nose softly, my brain turned to mush. 

When class was over, I walked to my next one just thinking about Erica's itchy nose, how'd she'd constantly rub it, and sniffle slightly. We'd had a lot of classes together, so I knew I was in for a rid. During our second class, which was algebra. (hhh I hate that class) I got out my math book, and got to work.....

(hahah want a part 2 just request)

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(okay though only one person requested I'll do a part 2)


your pov: I got out my math book, and got to work. Erica continued her pattern of sniffling and nose rubbing, a small twitch or her nostrils would add to the pattern occasionally, but it was still driving me up the wall. I could hear her breath hitched, and the pre-sneeze princess was back. Her eyes fluttered shut,  as she turned away from me and covered with her elbow. "heh....huahh..Heshoo!..Yeshoo!" A loud double,  coated her jacket she wore, she sniffled and rubbed her nose muttering. "jeez this cold is getting really annoying." She turned to me, with a shy look. "Oh sorry, I'm just talking to myself." "it's okay do you need another tissue?" She blushed a deep crimson, I felt my face doing the same. "y-yes please, thank you (y/n)" She took the tissue I handed her, while adjusting her red rimbed glasses. She gave a soft wet blow, when she threw her tissue away, I noticed her now red tinged nose, running slightly, I gave her another tissue, and she continued to rub her irritated nose. "tha-thanks ag-gahh" Her breathes snagged, with the urge to sneeze painted across her face. "Ashew!..heh..hah..HASHOO!..Gnxt!...Yeshoo!" The teacher, and students blessed her with astonishment, she'd never sneezed like that before, and she is a bit of a sneezy person. She rubbed her nose with a thank you. "bless you" I said she sighed with a congested "thag you (Y/n)" Rubbing her nose once more, she was just so cute I'd melted into  a puddle by the end of class.

(welp guys this is it any request I like doing mythology)

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This is adorable (: I can only imagine the line Erica had on her cute little nose. I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off her if I was there. Well written though (:

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This is a POV storie that really blows my imagination, and that makes it AWESOME! I hope you can continue it! 


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6 hours ago, M214186 said:

I love this keep going


6 hours ago, AlexSneezeFetish said:

This is a POV storie that really blows my imagination, and that makes it AWESOME! I hope you can continue it! 



8 hours ago, NoseRubbingFan said:

This is adorable (: I can only imagine the line Erica had on her cute little nose. I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off her if I was there. Well written though (:

okay okay then since you guys really like it I'll make a part 3


Your pov: I was in my last class before lunch, and of course Erica was in that one too. My mind was in and out, I was fantasizing about rubbing her nose,  holding a tissue to her sneezy nose, it was all so pleasant but they where just fantasies. This next class was health class, so I grabbed my health folder, and got out my notes. Erica seemed very shy when she was sick, but I don't blame her. She doesn't like to be the center of attention, but is very smart. She sat with me, moving back her messy brown hair, adjusting her glasses and rubbing her nose with a thick sniffle. "heh..het-CHU!...Hesheiw! ugh" she sighed as she released a double, into her elbow. "ugh this code is godda be the death of be" Her voice cluttered with congestion, her nose was redder than earlier, and her tone was more irritable. I dug out my pack of tissues, and gave her another tissues once again. "thags....heheh your basicaly the tissue god" Her phrase made me blush, but I just gave her my cheesiest smile.

"yup I am" Erica placed the tissues against her nose, and blew. I died inside, I couldn't think straight again. 'brain...me-melting..can't think ahhh!' When she was done, I was ready to drop dead and die from cuteness overload. She rubbed her nose periodically in class, and would let out muffled sneezes, which would put me on edge especially her false starts. For the whole day she did this, when we where leaving to go home she thanked me. "hey (y/n) thanks for the tissues" She was pretty close to me, then the most unexpected thing happened. She sneezed "heh...huh..Hext-CHU!" on me! She panicked and  repeatently said sorry, I gave her a nervous smile. "it''s fine I know you didn't mean to" truely I was fanboying on the inside 'oh my gosh she just sneezed on me and it was so wet and adorable, her nose is so cute. She sneezed on me god I wish she would do it again!' 

(sorry guys if this wasn't my best, I'm just not feeling to good. I caught a sneezy  head cold, and I really my sneezing is getting a little messy. ugh just sneezed on my computer. Someone save me from this cold, or at least mail me a box of tissues cause my house doesn't have any at all!)

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