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Having a cold on the plane


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I knew I've been starting to get sick (sore throat, congestion, etc.) but when I woke up yesterday it finally hit...and with a 7 and a half hour plane ride to go along with it.

At first I was really embarrassed to blow my nose on the plane because it would last FOREVER and I'd go through 3 tissues and STILL have to blow my nose. Also, I don't want to be that gross person that's sneezy, blowing their nose, and coughing constantly. So, initially I'd just wipe my nose and then go to the bathroom to really blow it all out. Since it was the first day it just got progressively worse throughout the plane ride. Eventually I needed to blow my nose so much that I just gave up and blew my nose at my seat from there on. 

There wasn't many people on the plane so I was able to move to my own row and sprawl out, which also let me feel less embarrassed about being soo sick. I kept sneezing fairly often and went through one pack of tissues like nothing. Almost every time I sneezed, I'd blow my nose and then feel another tickle. There was one instance when I sneezed about 4 or 5 times in a row and the guy across from me blessed me and was being super sympathetic about my cold. He actually wound up sneezing a few times throughout the plane ride and then he lightheartedly joked about me giving him my cold (which I absolutely loved, of course). He blessed me every single time I sneezed which was a crazy amount so after awhile I told him he didn't need to bless me anymore because we'd be here all day, but he say he didn't have anything else going on and still did it most times anyway. And then when the trolley came he bought me a tea. *melts*

Fast forward a few hours in and I just have a bajillion tissues out everywhere, despite trying to be hygienic about it. I wasn't sneezing as much but still had to blow my nose constantly. I heard quite a few people sneezing, too, thanks to mid-December! (ugh). But every time I'd wake up from a nap I'd feel even worse and then the sneezes would start up again for a few minutes and then be a little more spread out.

Very annoying plane ride so I thought I'd share the good stuff with ya!

Hopefully this is a somewhat coherent story because I had to take a lot of noseblowing breaks with some interrupted sneezes. Cold is definitely worse today. I feel like I just ran 10 miles, hahaa. 

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I hope you feel better I was like that for half the week this week, blowing my nose and sneezing a lot. I'm still sick but not as bad I hope you feel better

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Ugh, that doesn't sound fun at all. I'm sorry! But how sweet is that guy? Can't believe he actually bought you tea? That's so nice, wow! ^_^

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59 minutes ago, Sophie<3 said:

Ugh, that doesn't sound fun at all. I'm sorry! But how sweet is that guy? Can't believe he actually bought you tea? That's so nice, wow! ^_^

I know, me neither! I was in rough shape. haha. A total mess

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2 hours ago, Ben Drowned said:

I hope you feel better I was like that for half the week this week, blowing my nose and sneezing a lot. I'm still sick but not as bad I hope you feel better

Brutal. thank you for sympathy! haha. I hope you do as well. (:

17 minutes ago, psychlone said:

oh, bless you! that doesn't sound fun but thanks you for sharing.

thanks (: The only fun part is knowing at least someone will enjoy the story.

8 hours ago, honkmaster said:

Thanks for sharing your obs, but I'm sorry to hear that you have a cold and I hope you feel better. 

Thank you !! me too.

8 hours ago, JWL said:

Bless you and I hope you feel better soon

thanks thanks thanks

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I am sorry to read you we're sick.

And an eight our plane ride must have been exhausting to you.

Do you feel better now?

It was so nice and caretaking from the boy to buy you some tea and blessing you all the time.

And your conversation was really nice.

Where did you travel? 

Get well soon :) 

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I remember being sick on a plane once. Luckily it was only for a little under 2 hours instead of 7 or 8. That was really sweet of that guy to buy you some tea though! Feel better! 

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On 12/15/2017 at 4:30 PM, Ben Drowned said:

@forestdaze I'm feeling mush better are you if not then I hope you do <3

definitely doing way better now, thanks. I've got some ear stuff and delightful post-nasal drip stuff going on so im still blowing through tissues like it's my job........


On 12/15/2017 at 5:43 PM, taléya** said:

I am sorry to read you we're sick.

And an eight our plane ride must have been exhausting to you.

Do you feel better now?

It was so nice and caretaking from the boy to buy you some tea and blessing you all the time.

And your conversation was really nice.

Where did you travel? 

Get well soon :) 

yes, i am feeling a lot better. thank you (: I went to Ireland & Scotland!! Beautiful

On 12/17/2017 at 4:18 PM, BlondeSneezer said:

I remember being sick on a plane once. Luckily it was only for a little under 2 hours instead of 7 or 8. That was really sweet of that guy to buy you some tea though! Feel better! 

thanks! yeah, it definitely wasn't ideal. luckily the plane was pretty empty to i was able to move into my own row and be sick and have my tissues everywhere and actually lay down  horizontally. :P

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2 hours ago, forestdaze said:

definitely doing way better now, thanks. I've got some ear stuff and delightful post-nasal drip stuff going on so im still blowing through tissues like it's my job........


yes, i am feeling a lot better. thank you (: I went to Ireland & Scotland!! Beautiful

thanks! yeah, it definitely wasn't ideal. luckily the plane was pretty empty to i was able to move into my own row and be sick and have my tissues everywhere and actually lay down  horizontally. :P

I have watched your youtube videos and they are out of this world for real. Can you pls write some more obs on your noseblowing or some more vids on youtube? Many thanks!

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17 hours ago, forestdaze said:

definitely doing way better now, thanks. I've got some ear stuff and delightful post-nasal drip stuff going on so im still blowing through tissues like it's my job........


yes, i am feeling a lot better. thank you (: I went to Ireland & Scotland!! Beautiful

thanks! yeah, it definitely wasn't ideal. luckily the plane was pretty empty to i was able to move into my own row and be sick and have my tissues everywhere and actually lay down  horizontally. :P

first off good to know your feeling better second nice Ireland and Scotland awesome! and third "blowing through tissues like it's my job" I laughed a bit at this but good to know your feeling better

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