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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hello! Isn't this fun :)


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Hiya! Fairly long-time lurker, I actually created this account last year but I go through phases of how much attention I pay to fetishy stuff so I more or less left it... so thought I'd put a bit more effort in now.

Im mostly here to post fetish fanfiction (so far snk, red dwarf and mcu) - because it's probably not something I'd write just for myself, and it's very motivating thinking that other people might enjoy it! Plus it's quite refreshing not having to think of plots more extensive than "and then... they sneeze" ;)

Obviously the vetting process before one is verified is very important and I'm reassured by the security measures, but it is a bit sad thinking that it might be a very long time before I'm able to e.g. edit my own works, since I'm mostly here to post fiction! But like I said, I want to make more of an effort now, and hopefully I can become an approved member of the community :)

Lol it was so crazy realising that this thing id had as long as I remember was a fetish... and that other people had similar experiences... anyone else? The internet is amazing.

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Welcome to the forum!

9 hours ago, warminside said:

Obviously the vetting process before one is verified is very important and I'm reassured by the security measures, but it is a bit sad thinking that it might be a very long time before I'm able to e.g. edit my own works, since I'm mostly here to post fiction!

Being more active will certainly help your chances of validation, so we look forward to your future contributions!

Have fun!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, @warminside! We're glad to have you here on the forum, and I hope you are enjoying it! Rest assured, if you keep up semi-frequent posting and present yourself as a positive presence around the forum, validation will come :) In the meantime, if you want to edit anything in your stories, just use the Contact Us! feature to contact staff. We can edit it for you as long as it's not a constantly repeating request.

It sounds like you already understand how things work around here, but to enhance your time, if you could find a few minutes to look at read before posting — it contains lots of information and frequently asked questions that will help you understand how things work on the forum. You will also be able to see which areas you can currently access and which will become available to you when you are "fully validated" a bit further down the line. In that regard, the validation system is explained in how do I get validated?

If you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature right at the top of the page.

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