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Third time sick this month... (self-obs)


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I haven't written a self-obs or obs in general for ages, but...here I go, I guess. :blush:

I spent the day with a friend from one of my sports groups today. I didn't really feel that well going into it - I was getting stuffy yesterday and woke up worse today, hoarse voice, coughing, shivering a little. But we had both been looking forward to hanging out all week so I resisted the urge to hide out in my room all day (my usual strategy when sick, lol).

We wound up at his house watching Christmas movies together. Which was great, except that I had had this off-and-on feeling of kind of needing to sneeze all day, and it somehow got so much worse when we were watching films together. It kept flaring up, making my breath hitch, only to just tail off again after one breath. I was trying to be really subtle about the whole thing, but we were sat really close together (my friend was basically using me to warm him up, because apparently I was really warm. I felt too awkward to tell him that it was probably because I had a temperature. :lol: ). At one point, it got really bad; my eyes were tearing up, and I reflexively raised one of my hands to my face, and of course he chose that moment to look at me.

Friend: "You okay? You seem distracted. You gonna sneeze?"

Me: "No...I don't know? I'm fine. I think?"

Friend: "You're such a dork. Are you crying?"

Me: "My eyes are watering, I'm not crying!!"

Friend: *laughing* "It's only a sneeze, don't cry over it, Mai."

Needless to say, I was pretty much dying by the end of this conversation. He already knew I was sick anyway, because I sound so obviously stuffy/hoarse that he commented on it right away when we met up this morning. :bag:

It kept happening and I was trying so hard to ignore it. But (thankfully?) nothing actually came of it until I was walking back to my flat in the evening. The feeling got way worse again, and it was quiet and dark, so I just pulled my scarf up over my nose and mouth and kind of let it happen. Twice - "hhih'tsshu!-hih'tshuuu!" - which made me stumble a bit, and I had to get my balance back (for context, I'm clumsy af :lol: ).

Anyway. The feeling still keeps coming/going, but less frequently than earlier. But I'm going home for Christmas tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to seeing my family while like this. I'm really hoping my voice sounds better by the morning :bag:

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4 hours ago, MaiMai said:

Friend: *laughing* "It's only a sneeze, don't cry over it, Mai."

Ohhhhh man! I'd blush myself into oblivion if someone said this to me :lol: props to you MaiMai!

Bless you, too, and thanks for sharing! I hope you're on the mend at this point so your family doesn't notice anything!

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I hope you feel better soon, Mai!

And good luck with trying to keep it hidden from your family - that's something I totally do too!




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Thanks, guys! :heart:

And @zneeze - genuinely, I don't know how I managed to hold myself together, because I was crying on the inside. :lol:

I sound worse today, so I'm kind of dreading going home. My voice is so hoarse and I've taken medicine but I still sound so obviously sick. I saw my flatmate as she was leaving this morning, and the first thing she said to me was "you sound so ill!" and then she gave me a hug because she felt sorry for me. :lol: I wish I could just stay at uni, because being sick around friends doesn't bother me too much (I even don't mind being looked after by my close friends a bit... :blush: ), but family is the worsttt! :bag:

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13 hours ago, MaiMai said:

I wish I could just stay at uni, because being sick around friends doesn't bother me too much (I even don't mind being looked after by my close friends a bit... :blush: ), but family is the worsttt! :bag:

I'm with you there :( good luck and hopefully you improve some overnight. Wish I could help ya. :hug:

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Thanks @zneeze:hug:

I wish I had, but I've next to totally lost my voice and I've got a really horrible cough. I keep telling my parents that my voice is just because I wrecked it when I was out at uni, but I don't know how convincing that is! :lol: On the plus side, I was skyping with some of my friends earlier, and apparently my voice sounds very "sultry and mysterious", so that's a bonus. :rofl::laugh:

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53 minutes ago, MaiMai said:

I keep telling my parents that my voice is just because I wrecked it when I was out at uni

Good thinking! :awesum:


54 minutes ago, MaiMai said:

apparently my voice sounds very "sultry and mysterious", so that's a bonus.

Mai-sterious presumably..... :glare:


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Boy do I ever relate to trying to hide something like that from family! I guess this is one of those times where I'm glad my allergies are really bad because every time someone asks me if I'm sick I just blame it on my allergies like the oldest excuse in the book. Feel better soon!

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