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Afraid Of Nosebleeding..?


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Hello everybody :)

I hope you are all fine.

I don't know if the board 'General Discussion' is the right one, but I wanted to ask.

Is there anyone else who is afraid of nosebleeding?

I am and I cannot figure clearly out the reasons.

It doesn't depend if the nosebleeding is caused by sneezing or something else - for example stress?

When I see a person who is affected by it, I get fearful and precarious.

Although I just want to help in this situation.

Have you any thoughts or advices why it is so disturbing for me and how I can interact with it more calm?

Thank you :), taléya**



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Honestly, nosebleeds freak me out as well. I think it's because I find noses so pleasing/erotic, so seeing it do something like bleeding crosses wires and does me a HUGE concern. :lol: 

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Any blood from my nose scares me because I’ve only had a handful of them in my entire life at the most (I can only remember 2) :lol: 

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I'm pretty freaked out by nosebleeds, too. Mostly because... I seem to automatically associate them with brain tumors? :/ Which is ridiculous clearly! So for me personally it helps to tell me that they don't hurt and are most likely due to dry skin in the nose or something equally harmless. And they often stop quickly again, too! Hope this helps at all!

PS: How do you feel about your own nosebleeds? I've had a few bad ones in my life, one that literally lasted for hours, but it always freaks me out a lot more if it happens to someone else. Is it the same for you?

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They don't frighten me.  They are just annoying.  I get at least one a month.  It's not from anything serious, my nose is just a mess, lol.

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21 hours ago, facet said:

Are you afraid of other bleeding too?

It could just be that you have a slight phobia to blood, which is pretty common. Similarly, it could be a flip-side to your fetish. For example, it's pretty common here for people to love sneezing, but are also total germaphobes in daily life.

As far as how to deal with it... Well, I guess, firstly- how often does it happen? Most people I know rarely get them in the first place so it probably isn't that big of a deal. But if you're serious about overcoming it, you can probably approach it the same way as overcoming any fear through exposure therapy.

But again, that might be a bit extreme if the problem rarely happens in the first place.

Hello facet,

thank you for your reply and your advices:)

No, I'm not afraid of other bleedings just this one.

To me it doesn't happen often, but my brother is often affected with it.

Mostly if he is stressed out and the bleeding is going on for about an hour or more.

I think just the emotion that I can't help him as I would like to is unbearable for me.

And the result is that I hope it won't happen again and feeling insecure.

You understand?

Regards :)


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5 hours ago, Sophie<3 said:

I'm pretty freaked out by nosebleeds, too. Mostly because... I seem to automatically associate them with brain tumors? :/ Which is ridiculous clearly! So for me personally it helps to tell me that they don't hurt and are most likely due to dry skin in the nose or something equally harmless. And they often stop quickly again, too! Hope this helps at all!

PS: How do you feel about your own nosebleeds? I've had a few bad ones in my life, one that literally lasted for hours, but it always freaks me out a lot more if it happens to someone else. Is it the same for you?

Hello Sophie :) 

thank you for your help.

I know - in some cases you think of the worst situations, or consequences for the affected person, often if he or she is related party.  

You are right it often stops after a few minutes, just this thought helps to calm down.

As I mentioned my brother is often affected with it and it makes me feel frightened that I can't help him as I would like to.

My own nosebleeds - I don't get them often.

Like you I've had maybe 4 or 5 bad ones the last years but I had people around me who took care and it just makes me feel precarious when it happens to others.

I am starting to feel enervated and dizzy, I hope it will be better someday?

I wish you all the best, taléya**

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