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What if...


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What if, sometime in the future, I get into a time machine and travel back into the 1960s, but I can't get back to the present and I have to live there for the rest my life? Then I end up meeting my grandpa when he was young, marry him, and give birth to my mom/dad? Then my parents meet up and give birth to ME and I end up becoming my own grandma? Or maybe I was my grandma this whole time? It's just a thought I had.

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8 hours ago, HiThereBuddy said:

What if, sometime in the future, I get into a time machine and travel back into the 1960s, but I can't get back to the present and I have to live there for the rest my life? Then I end up meeting my grandpa when he was young, marry him, and give birth to my mom/dad? Then my parents meet up and give birth to ME and I end up becoming my own grandma? Or maybe I was my grandma this whole time? It's just a thought I had.

I mean you could but why would you. That's so complex. Though wouldn't it possibly create a paradox of sorts?

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5 minutes ago, TsundereKushami said:

I mean you could but why would you. That's so complex. Though wouldn't it possibly create a paradox of sorts?

I wouldn't. It's just a scenario.

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Ohh OK I thought you were presenting it for yourself as a hypothetical! 

The question still stands, though. I wonder if that's even possible. If it doesn't cause a paradox, then will it create two versions of this person. Interesting question honestly. 

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Yes, but what if a paradox creates a parallel universe, and it happens in a different timeline than your original? That would mean that you are not you (when you're hungry... sorry, couldn't help myself. :lol: ), but ALMOST you. And if we speak hypothetic things here, we have to take reincarnation into account as well; if your grandparent dies before you are born, then you could in fact be your own grandparent, and thus it would be no time paradox at all. 

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4 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Yes, but what if a paradox creates a parallel universe, and it happens in a different timeline than your original? That would mean that you are not you (when you're hungry... sorry, couldn't help myself. :lol: ), but ALMOST you. And if we speak hypothetic things here, we have to take reincarnation into account as well; if your grandparent dies before you are born, then you could in fact be your own grandparent, and thus it would be no time paradox at all. 

Why can't they both be me? I don't think it's as complex as people say it is.

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Because in this dimension, matter can't exist in two places at the same time. HOWEVER, on an atomic level, all atoms actually DO exist in several places at the same time and they aren't fixed in one position until they're measured in that position. So I guess on an atomic level you could, but the physical laws we have to live by in this dimension won't allow it. 

** according to quantum mechanics

Edited by Chanel_no5
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9 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Because in this dimension, matter can't exist in two places at the same time. HOWEVER, on an atomic level, all atoms actually DO exist in several places at the same time and they aren't fixed in one position until they're measured in that position. So I guess on an atomic level you could, but the physical laws we have to live by in this dimension won't allow it. 

** according to quantum mechanics

Thanks! I've been wanting to implode the earth for a while :D

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Just now, HiThereBuddy said:

Thanks! I've been wanting to implode the earth for a while :D

:lmfao: You too?? 

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But if you had a child with your grandparent, you would cease to exist because the chances of you giving birth to a child with the exact genetic makeup of your parent are infinitely small. And then the chances of that child growing up to give birth to a child with your exact genetic makeup are even infinitely smaller. 

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I have another idea: What if there was a whole planet made of sand, and the sun exploded? Instead of getting destroyed, it would just turn into a glass planet, and life would start over from glass bacteria, then they evolve into glass animals. Is that where the band comes from? Is pork soda alien music? 

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4 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Are those shower thoughts? If so, you shower too long. :lol: 

I forgot how I thought about this. I think I was eating out with my family.

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38 minutes ago, HiThereBuddy said:

I forgot how I thought about this. I think I was eating out with my family.

Hahaha, okay! ^_^ Well, even if the planet's surface is all sand, the core must be something else, right? And if the sun explodes, the components of the core might have a different reaction. Although I'm sure there could be some extremophiles that could actually survive in a glass environment... given that this planet was capable of sustaining life to begin with. 

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Here's another one: y'know how mimes make invisible objects? What if he makes an invisible PERSON? Can it see real objects, or only invisible ones? Is it even on the same plane of existence of us? Has the mime created another plane, or has he linked two already existing ones?

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