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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezing From Flying


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I've noticed it doesn't seem too uncommon for people to sneeze on airplanes, due to pressure changes and dry air I guess, but I'm wondering how common it is to be sneezy after the flight? I'm always sensitive for a day or two after and I don't know why. Anyone else like this?

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my nose is a little sensitive after and during the plane but I don't sneeze till I get off for some reason it doesn't bother me

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Well-  I can only say - I have had a lot of good obs in planes already. To be honest - I "hate" or better fear to fly (nevertheless I do it about ten times per year) and the hope of a good sneezing observation helps a bit.. - I personally have not to sneeze more than usually, so I have no idea, if its common for many people to be sneezy hours or even days after a flight,.But would like to know it. Lets wait if there will be more answers.

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  • 3 months later...

When you fly, not only does your nose/sinuses go through a pressure change but the air on airplanes is so dry since it’s recycled that it can irritate your nose especially if your nose is already prone to being dry or sensitive. So then once your nose gets all dried out, any dust or anything can make you sneezy. As for congestion, the pressure change that occurrs while flying can mess with your sinuses and stuff you up. If anyone has any corrections to anything I said please add them! I just got this from having doctor/med student friends lol


i know I always get a little sneezy after a long plane ride *rubs nose with knuckles* 

Edited by weevill25
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I remember one time I went on a plane ride with a bad cold and I just remember being so sneezy because of the dry air and how sensitive my nose was. And after when we had landed was super stuffed up.

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