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After Shower Sneezes


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Ever since about a year ago, every time I get out of the shower I start sneezing. Sometimes the fit lasts to about 30 minutes. I am not allergic to the shampoo or any soap, is it just the sudden change from warm to cold air?  Does this happen to anyone else?


A little visual😊

As I step out of the shower I instantly feel the tickle and double over with h-h eet-chew hetchOO. I start to dry off and get dressed when the tickle comes back and HAATCHO throughout breakfast I continue every 5 minutes or so with 2 sneezes like he-he-h-h-h-hetCHOO het-choo of my husband is still sleeping during this time I sneeze like this: hetnxzz hetnxzz

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It definitely happens to me (one or two quick sneezes, rather than a long fit), though in my case I think it may be more a sensitivity to soap and/or lotion.  I do remember reading somewhere, though, that a sudden change from warm to cooler air can trigger sneezing.

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I agree with Luisa39 your sneezes could be provoked by the change from the air.

Is your nose sensitive during cold or warm times of the year?

Do you still have to sneeze when you leave your bathroom? 

You wrote the sneezing fits lasts about 30 minutes.

Maybe you are allergic to any shampoo?

Bless you :) 

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13 minutes ago, taléya** said:

I agree with Luisa39 your sneezes could be provoked by the change from the air.

Is your nose sensitive during cold or warm times of the year?

Do you still have to sneeze when you leave your bathroom? 

You wrote the sneezing fits lasts about 30 minutes.

Maybe you are allergic to any shampoo?

Bless you :) 

Yes, bless you many times, sneezer08!:D

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45 minutes ago, taléya** said:

I agree with Luisa39 your sneezes could be provoked by the change from the air.

Is your nose sensitive during cold or warm times of the year?

Do you still have to sneeze when you leave your bathroom? 

You wrote the sneezing fits lasts about 30 minutes.

Maybe you are allergic to any shampoo?

Bless you :) 

Yes even as I get out of the bathroom I sneeze but I know I'm not allergic....

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this happens to me too, to varying degrees (sometimes a few sneezes, sometimes a full fit). I think it's the temperature change, or sometimes maybe the steam tickling my nose a little/making it more sensitive somehow.

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Not sure exactly what causes it, but many people have reported to experienced the same thing. Changes of temperature is a known sneeze stimulus, but I'm not sure what effect this is having in your nose to cause this response :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On Friday, December 29, 2017 at 11:18 PM, psychlone said:

this happens to me too, to varying degrees (sometimes a few sneezes, sometimes a full fit). I think it's the temperature change, or sometimes maybe the steam tickling my nose a little/making it more sensitive somehow.

Yea that's what I was thinking, mine is always a full fit of 5-10 sneezes usually spread out over time

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