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wedding planning


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Back again because this one is pretty memorable..

M and I have been planning our wedding and chosing bridesmaids and groomsmen etc as well as venues and all the usual stuff. 

we were snuggled together on the couch my head on M's chest working on our guest list when M kissed my head before turning and sneezing his usual "haessh,esshh,esshh,haesshew" of course I blessed him as soon as he was done and reached up to kiss him. M commented "I love you, I was always worried Id end up alone forever because noone would want to spend forever listening to me sneeze fifty times a day"  I sat up and kissed him harder before saying "I love you too.. you could sneeze two hundred times a day and I wouldnt complain once as long as I was with you" which bought up the next subject M asked "what will you do if I sneeze during the ceremony? would you be angry?" I laughed and told him "you dont get to chose when your going to sneeze we have talked about it remember? if you need to sneeze do it I dont ever want you to feel like you have to hide or hold back your sneezes around me. If you sneeze during our wedding Ill do what I do every chance I get, hold you while your sneezing or cover them for you kiss you then bless you" he looked up at me and said "and youd do all that at our wedding infront of everybody?" I laughed and told him "yes I would. Id do it anywhere in front of anyone but you always move or walk away when people are around so I dont get to" 

we had just finished a few lists and decided to cook dinner M was at the stove and I was doing dishes at the sink behind him I heard him come up behind me And was very pleasantly suprised when he wrapped his arms around me from behind and sneezed into my shoulder "haeshh,eshhh,esshhh,haesshhew.Haessshew" then kissed my cheek I spun around and said "Bless you bless you bless you bless you and bless you again! very nice suprise" before kissing him deeply before he could say a word needless to say we didnt finish cooking tea

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14 hours ago, Gandalf said:

When is the wedding? Of course i am very curious if he will be sneezing that day :-) Thanks for the obs!

wedding is in April

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13 hours ago, elements said:

SO cute! Poor him so worried about sneezing! Dis someone in his life make him feel bad about it?

Yes.. kids at school when he was alot younger. 

and an ex told him it was discusting and left him because he sneezed to much 😭😭

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On 1/13/2018 at 4:12 AM, Knicker14 said:

Yes.. kids at school when he was alot younger. 

and an ex told him it was discusting and left him because he sneezed to much 😭😭

poor him! That's awful! Now he has you :)

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