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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Topics Regarding Childhood/Memories (PLEASE READ)


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Dear membership,

It has come to the staff's attention recently that some topics have been created revolving around 'childhood memories' or other requests for people's experiences of things they remember in relation to the fetish when they were much younger. 

We fully appreciate that this topic is something that a lot of members find interesting, and it is also a way to hear other people with similar experiences when they were just discovering their fetish. However, the forum does not allow for any discussion in regards to the fetish involving anyone under the age of 18 (under 13 on the Youth Board only). It's very easy to get carried away in the discussion, and some members have inadvertently posted sneezing/fetish-related content of underage people in discussions such as these. 

Therefore, while these topics are not outright disallowed, the staff would like to discourage such discussions. Any member who posts content of themselves or others while they are/were under the age of 13 will have their post(s) removed and staff action taken against them accordingly. Please use common sense and discretion if these topics are discussed. The staff also reserve the right to remove any content they find inappropriate.

Thank you for your attention! Enjoy the forums. 

PuddinPop, on behalf of the SFF Staff

Edited by PuddinPop
Amending ages as per the rule change
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