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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Working out rapid fire sneezes (f)


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I was at my gym last night working out on the bench press while a group of women nearby chattered away about some manner of crap when suddenly, I heard a loud round of rapid fire sneezes, so I twisted my head to look. One of the women was having a massive and LOUD attack. It was like a loud "ESSSSHHUH!" sound, but I swear to you, it was SO loud, it sounded like something smacking against a wall. It literally almost hurt my ears! She looked to be in her mid-40's, had short, messy brown hair and a rather large nose with a sort of hump in it. I personally did not find her attractive, but to each his own....

Anyway, all of the other women were falling all over themselves trying to bless her for each sneeze (ANNOYING), when suddenly, one of the instructors starts clapping her hands and jumping up and down.

She says, "oh, I just LOVE IT when people sneeze like that! I love it when people sneeze more than once! It makes me giggle!"

She then went ON AND ON about it and about how when someone sneezes more than once, it's so cute and so funny and she loves to hear it.

I jokingly asked her if she had a sneezing fetish and she giggled insanely (airhead! :laugh: ) and said, "I think I might!"

For the record, (before any other guys get all excited about this....LOL) the instructor didn't do a thing for me either. She was wicked skinny (TOO skinny) had chin length brown hair and a rather manish face that was all lines and angles. She did have pretty blue eyes, though!

Totally weird!

But amusing none the less.... :P

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