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Extremely Sneezy classmate

Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

My first ob! Woo! This is about my friend, E. So E is a very sneezy classmate with horrible allergies, but I had the courage of asking him what he was allergic to, and he said cats, so I don’t know why he sneezes so much. But yesterday, I was in 1st period listening to people present and I looked over at E, and I noticed him starting to sneeze. He sneezed 4 times, and i dont know how to spell them, but after the 3rd sneeze, his nose was starting to run so he ran to the tissue box, sneezing one last time.


thats all for now, but there will be plenty more!!

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He sounds super cute! You should ask him why he sneezes so much if he's only allergic to cats, or maybe one of your other classmates has a cat and that's why. I'm just very curious. 

Edited by D.VA
improper grammar (oops)
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