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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Where did our fetish come from?


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So, there’s one thing that brings us all here from all over the world - our extremely rare and peculiar fetish. But does anyone have any idea how we got the fetish? I’ve read that fetishes come from past experiences, but I’ve had the fetish for as long as I can remember, dating back to around two or three years old. And I don’t remember any huge sneeze-related incident occurring that may have triggered my interest in them to the point where I’m attracted to them. Another idea that came to mind was that our fetish might be genetic - although I really hope not because the thought that one of my parents might have the fetish is downright disturbing. I’m obviously not going to just go up to a relative and ask them if we share an attraction to sneezing, so I have no way to know for sure if the fetish is hereditary. 

Do any of you have any thoughts on how we all got our very... unusual fetish? I’m interested to know what you think!

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I've thought about this a lot as well. Beats me on how I got the fetish but I can think back on just the age of 4 that I've always felt a spark with sneezing. And by spark I mean an awkward, unusual spark. While growing up from then on I knew I had a thing for it but I never really thought about it that much. I thought it might've been normal. I remember always thinking, "Huh.. well if I have a thing for sneezing then what if someone out there finds coughing attractive?" But other than that, never thought much about it. Of course once I reached a certain age old enough I uh... decided to watch sneezing videos on Youtube. Then of course that's when I discovered; this is a fetish, and I honestly felt.. excited? that I wasn't the only one and that other people have this too.

As far as genetics goes, I sure as hell hope neither of my parents has the fetish too. God, that's just.... no.

But yeah, I think about how this 'curse' on me came to be lmao. 

Edited by infinityonhigh
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've thought about that too, I always felt really ashamed of it growing up. 

There definitely wasn't a specific incident in which I realized 'oh yeah. this is for SURE a thing', I just always felt a little weird when people sneezed. Then growing up, I developed the vocabulary to talk about what it was and that was when I realized it was a fetish. But I definitely didn't have some monstrous, traumatic experience with sneezing as a child. 

I wonder if many of the people with our fetish wish they didn't have it. It's unusual for sure, yet nice to know other people are experiencing the same.^_^

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I tend to agree with what all’s been said here I’ve always been fascinated by sneezing and I remember really liking allergy related talk/ colds on tv shows and all that from a very early age. Honestly over the years I’ve embraced the fetish I still keep it a secret for now since it’s pretty rare and out there but as far as fetishes go it’s pretty cute, tame and unique! 

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From previous threads and talking to other members, it does seem fairly common that people with a sneeze fetish have come from families where either their parents or siblings had very loud sneezes. Maybe something about being exposed to the sound of loud or continuous sneezing early in your development does something to the wiring, making you hyper-sensitive to sneezes/colds in the world and media around you? I'm fairly sure this is what led to the development of my fetish. 

5 hours ago, FlowerCrown said:

Honestly over the years I’ve embraced the fetish I still keep it a secret for now since it’s pretty rare and out there but as far as fetishes go it’s pretty cute, tame and unique! 

^This sounds exactly like me :D 

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4 hours ago, NoV said:

From previous threads and talking to other members, it does seem fairly common that people with a sneeze fetish have come from families where either their parents or siblings had very loud sneezes. Maybe something about being exposed to the sound of loud or continuous sneezing early in your development does something to the wiring, making you hyper-sensitive to sneezes/colds in the world and media around you? I'm fairly sure this is what led to the development of my fetish. 

This actually seems very logical to me. I can remember having a fascination with hay fever and sneezes at, oh I don't know, maybe 7? 8? I've accepted this fetish (kinda) as part of who I am, just nobody knows about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure it is just as simple as our brains are wired up differently for some reason as we develop before we are born. For me it seems to be programmed into my brain and strongly as the things that turn on 'normal' people. Such as breasts, bums, vagina's and penis' etc. With any fetish I think there are two kinds of the same fetish. The kind where it is literally programmed into your brain like stone and cannot be changed and the kind where you learned/ developed to like something later in life but it isn't part of you. I always imagined it was programmed in a similar way that it is on gay people. It's not a choice and it's just the way you are. Something is just wired up in our brain to make us attracted to something different is all.   

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