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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Greatest Showman request (m)

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Hey guys, just thought I’d pop in and see if anyone would be willing to write a fanfic about Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron) :wub::drool::drool: from the Greatest Showman. If not it’s cool,just thought I’d ask. I’ve seen that movie a couple times and it’s amazing! 

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22 hours ago, ScoobertDoobert23 said:

Are you picturing more of a couples sneezy fiction with him and Anne Wheeler, or?

Honestly I would be happy with pretty much anything. I do love the two of them together. They make such a cute couple :wub: 

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While The Greatest Showman's editing and plot pacing could have been better, I couldn't agree more. 

(I don't mean to say anything is wrong with this movie. I'm just saying Jackman could have done a lot with maybe twenty extra minutes..)

You really got to see how good they would be together in "Rewrite the Stars". The song, the choreography and emotion in that scene just all works beautifully.

The only ideas I can really think of that pertain to those two are:

  • Anne Wheeler and Phillip Carlyle are traveling the globe running their renowned "Greatest Show" everywhere they stop. Carlyle has taken the reigns from P.T Barnum as ringmaster, while he takes time off to raise his little girls, Helen and Caroline back home. Anne Wheeler has expanded he illustrious trapeze act to include more daring stunts and risks. They have grown both personally through their incredible feats in the show, and together through all the rehearsal time and traveling. While they en route to their next destination via train on a snowy and freezing evening, the window of (Anne / Phillip) blows wide upon in the middle of the night. Suddenly in rehearsal two days before their landmark big show in Boston, Massachusetts to (Anne / Phillip) lets out a powerful "Hatschooooo!" while attempting a stunt. Everyone is shocked, because this is one of those funny sneezes that signifies to the rest of the universe that you are getting sick without a doubt. The rest of the story could include a caretaking element amongst their relationship, contagion aspects amongst Anne and Phillip or even the whole circus crew (Bearded Lady, Dog Boy, Tom Thumb, etc.) and a detailed progression of the cold and how it might impact their big show.
  • The only other integration of sneezing in this universe that I can think of is an unknown allergy of some sort. Carlyle brings in a brand new animal to the circus, and unbeknownst to Anne she is very allergic to the new acquisition. The story focuses on Anne (or Carlyle) trying to figure out what is making them sneeze so much, and why! 

Those are just two really rough ideas! If we hammer down a storyline together, I can write some stuff for you if you'd like.

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