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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Hello! Similarly, I've been a part-time Lurker for well over two years. Previously, I basically just enjoyed reading the fan fictions of my favorite shows like Flash and Supernatural, every now and again. It wasn't until I found the incredibly detailed "Observations" and captivating "Original Fictions" sections on this forum that I ultimately moved to create an account, and begin collaborating. I guess following the same format as you, I'm a sophomore in college and I've had the fetish ever since I can remember. I don't think I learned to define it as a sneezing fetish, until very recently however, when I found this predominantly nice community online. Since joining, I have absolutely fallen in love with cold scenarios, and all the denial and contagion aspects associated with them. The helplessness of an individual sneezing from a cold, and the "fall of the mighty" paradigm really interests me for some reason. Outside of fetish stuff, I am studying to be an engineer, but am thinking of rerouting my educational journey to teaching as I near the end of my time at the university. I like playing videogames, watching Netflix and going to see movies in the theatres just like many other nerdy guys my age.

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13 hours ago, ScoobertDoobert23 said:

I've been a part-time Lurker for well over two years

Welcome out of the land of lurkdom!

I hope you enjoy being a member here!



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