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Sorry For The Absence...


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For those of you who know me and have shown concern for my absence on the Forum and outside sites, I deeply apologize for my MIA.

For the past several months I have been non stop working to help pay bills around the house and have been caring for my Mother and Father through hard times. I've had to pick up a few extra jobs and side jobs just to keep us fed and to ensure our dog, in her elder state and Diabetic, has the treatment she needs to stay happy and healthy.

I have not had the time or chance to venture onto this Forum due to these situations that require my full attention. Thus having deprived multiple writings and stories that I am ashamed of forgetting.

The current inconvenience is the car accident I was involved in almost four weeks ago that left me in the hospital for majority of this and last month. I dislocated and broke several bones in my wrist from being jammed from impact, broke my ankle from having gotten caught under the petal, a concussion from my airbag, and a few other problems that left me unable to work or do as I needed to do. 

I am sorry for those who have worried about me and could not reach me in any way, and yes I know, I should not be apologizing for such an incident, but It's in my heart to. I don't know when I'll be back up to speed as I was just given clearance two days ago from the hospital. I will try and be more active on this Forum the second I am able to. And again, I am truly sorry for not keeping in touch with those who care for me or have been ignored.

But for now, I believe rest and patience will have to be my bedside manors for right now. Two of my jobs have offered to fundraise a small donation towards my medical bills and I couldn't thank them enough for the help. I guess hard work and true dedication does pay off to those who need it. I'm glad there are people out there like that. It makes recovery seem less painful than it is.

Thank you to those who took the time to read this, and thank you for the messages and emails of concern. I will try and message back to everyone in time when I am able to. And for those who follow threads of mine and wish to see them continued, I will be back to it. I promise.

Thank you again to everyone, 

Pyrus_Fangmon :heart: 

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35 minutes ago, Pyrus_Fangmon said:

The current inconvenience is the car accident I was involved in almost four weeks ago that left me in the hospital for majority of this and last month. I dislocated and broke several bones in my wrist from being jammed from impact, broke my ankle from having gotten caught under the petal, a concussion from my airbag, and a few other problems that left me unable to work or do as I needed to do. 

Sounds like a nasty accident - I hope you recover fully and as quickly as possible.

Thanks for checking in with us, but it sounds like you have nothing to be sorry for.

All the best.




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Omg Pyrus, you've really had a hard time. Hope, things are going to get easier for you now... Thank you for sending us a life sign. I've missed you around and I'm sure, a lot of others did, too.

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Exactly girl. You dont have anything to apologize. But that just means that you are so awesome. I wish you a full recovery and the best for your family. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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