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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy day at the zoo (m, f)


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I've been meaning to post this for awhile but kept forgetting. Last Sunday, my family and I went to the zoo for one of my kajillion brothers' birthday and apparently the March cold is getting to the patrons, because I was fortunate enough to witness five sneezing incidents.

1) A man in his late forties, early fifties. He sneezed so violently it rocked him forward and made me jump about a foot in the air. He sneezed again, a really guttural, almost primal sneeze, then unfolded a large white handkerchief and blew his nose with a trumpet-like honk.

2) A boy about sixteen or so sneezed fifteen times in quick succession. Like, hup-SCHOO-hup-SCHOO-hup-SCHOO and so on, with barely enough time in between for a breath. No nose blowing, unfortunately.

3) A middle-aged woman who definitely looked like she was getting a cold. Her nose was red and chapped around the edges and she kept sniffling, finally sneezing delicately into a tissue. She blew her nose with a wet gurgle, dabbed it, and tucked the tissue back in her purse.

4) Probably the most underwhelming of the sneezes--a quick single sneezed by a man in his twenties into a napkin as he--and we--ate lunch.

5) A teenaged girl with several quiet, almost unnoticeable sneezes. There were about ten-fifteen seconds in between. She said something like "Great, I must be getting sick" and blew her nose softly.

I had to work hard to conceal my pleasure from my family.:blush:

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Wow, these sound amazing. I always wonder how people who sneeze repeatedly over 10 times or so in a row without manage to not pass out. I’m sure they were pretty breathless at the end? Did anyone comment on it? I always feel so embarrassed when people comment on other people’s sneezes, which is ridiculous I know lol.

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22 hours ago, James86 said:

Wow, these sound amazing. I always wonder how people who sneeze repeatedly over 10 times or so in a row without manage to not pass out. I’m sure they were pretty breathless at the end? Did anyone comment on it? I always feel so embarrassed when people comment on other people’s sneezes, which is ridiculous I know lol.

Haha, I feel embarrassed too. :D No one commented on the teenaged boy's sneezes. He was with someone who looked like his girlfriend, so maybe she's used to it? He was a little breathless at the end and drank some water.

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