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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Older British TV Show (Desmond's)


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So I've been rewatching Star Trek: Enterprise recently and fell back in love with Dominic Keating's portrayal of Malcolm Reed. Which means I went onto Keating's IMDB page to see if there was anything else of his I might want to check out. Back in the late 80's/early 90's, he did a show in Britain called Desmond's, which is apparently a show set in a hairdressers. And I couldn't help but notice that one of the episodes was entitled "Coughs and Sneezes". The summary of the episode is as follows;

"Desmond has a cold that is driving the customers away. When he is ordered to stay in bed, Tony [Keating's character] takes over the shop with drastic consequences."

And I was like, "I need to find a better summary than this, because I need to know if the episode ends the way I think it does. It's a sitcom sick episode; it has to end the way I think it does, doesn't it?"

So I Googled, and it turns out...it's on Youtube.


So I took a deep breath, immediately jumped to the end, and...the 23 minute mark...


It's exaggerated and clearly fake, but I'm kind of in love with it anyway. And then I think about the Enterprise episode "Sleeping Dogs" and wonder why the two sound so different. Then I decide I don't care, because I got two things featuring sneezing from Keating, and that is way more than I had any right to expect.

I just found this like ten minutes ago, so I'm still kind of excited and flaily. I apologize. I'm sure there's plenty more sneezes in the episode if you want to watch all of it, but I'm kind of stuck on the very end there.


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