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Not Bad at All (SPN, Dean)


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Just wanted to thank everyone for being so kind on my last post. You’re all too sweet.

I’ll just leave this here...



    Being sick sucked. As a child Dean always figured that when he got older he wouldn’t get sick anymore. No chest rattling coughs or sneezing fits that left him with a massive headache afterwards, no more fever dreams or sore throats, but he’d be lying if he said he hated it. Of course the illness itself Dean despised, but the trip to Bobby’s that he and Sam would inevitably take if one of them so much as sniffled was awesome. So some part of Dean would always be okay with getting sick. 


Dean could feel the cold coming on the previous night. He knew it would suck and John hadn’t hesitated to drop the boys off at Singer’s house in Sioux Falls when he realized Dean’s sneezing fit in the car was anything but normal. Dean of course, denied any and all accusations of illness and told his father that he was fine to hunt. (Sam assumed that Dean’s enjoyment of hunts was some kind of phase.) But John wasn’t listening to Dean’s argument anyway, and he was already heading in the direction of South Dakota before Dean agreed to go to Bobby’s for the week. 


Bobby heard the familiar rumble of John Winchester’s Impala outside that afternoon. He sighed, wondering what reason John could’ve had for dumping his kids at his house this time. Not that he minded. He loved Dean and Sam like his own. 

Bobby picked up his ringing phone, staring out the window at the Impala. 


“Hey, Bobby. It’s John Winchester.” Bobby rolled his eyes and dragged a hand over his beard. 

“Hey, John. How’s it goin’?”

“Great, great. Listen; Dean‘s got a head cold and I didn’t want to drag him on a hunt sick, so-“

“Yeah, I’ll take ‘em. The door’s unlocked.”

“Great. Thanks Bobby.”

“Mhm.” Bobby sighed and hung up the phone. A head cold. He didn’t have much in the way of medicine, being that he hadn’t been sick since he was a kid. He would have to go on a supply run. 

Sam announced their presence from the doorway. “Bobby? Its us!”

“Come on in, boys!” Bobby called back and made his way over to the door.

Dean was sneezing into his sleeve upon arrival. 

“Jeez, boy, sounds like a doozy of a cold. Gesundheit.”

Th-tha...huhKSSHCH! Thagks. Sniff!” Dean rubbed his nose on his jacket sleeve and both boys looked up at Bobby.

Well this would be fun.

“Alright. Coughing any?” Bobby questioned, eyes darting between all the different types of medicine lined up and down the isle

“Umb, a little. Mby throats kinda sore too...lozenges, mbaybe?” To Sam, Dean seemed to have gotten much worse during the ride to Bobby’s, and he suspected his brother would develop a sinus infection sooner or later. 

Bobby tossed a bag of cherry flavored drops in the cart. “Okay, sneezing, obviously,” he added bulk pack of Kleenex which from experience, probably wouldn’t last more than two or three days. “Some Tylenol...some cough syrup incase...hm, definitely decongestants...what kinda soup do ya like besides tomato-rice?”

“Bobby, you dod’t ndeed to buy all this stuff for mbe.” Dean said sheepishly. Bobby huffed, Dean’s statement obviously tumbling out of his mouth on instinct, after John had most likely drilled it into the kid’s brain that he didn’t deserve to have things like soup and tissues when he was sick.

“Well, I want to. Now, pie...apple or peach?”


Huh...hh-hh...hur...ihhhh...g-god...this sucks ahh...ass...hut’CHSSSHEWhhh! HhhHURUSSHhyewwhh! Hihhh...huhTSHSCHehhh! HhhhhIXGSSHCHEWHh!”

“Bless you.” Sam offered, glancing up from his book. 

Dean nodded his thanks, breathing heavily through his mouth. 

Bobby grimaced. The poor boy hadn’t stopped sneezing since they got back from the store. It would be a miracle if Sam didn’t catch this.

Bobby cooked up some tomato rice soup, knowing very well that it was the only soup Dean really wanted even though he’d told Bobby that chicken noodle was fine. He’d learned the recipe the first time he’d dealt with the boy being sick. 

When he called the boys to the table, Dean shuffled over, loosely holding a crumpled tissue, his nose red and to go with it two dark circles underneath his paled green eyes. Bobby felt a pang of sympathy in his chest.


“Bless you.” The older man spoke softly. 

“Thagks, Bobby.”

“Made some tomato rice soup, if you’re hungry.’

Uhh’KSHSH!” Dean nodded and sat down at the old, beaten up table. 

Sam sat down adjacent to his brother and smiled at Bobby. “Thanks for dinner.”

Dean cleared his throat and accepted the bowl that Bobby held out to him. 


That night, Dean fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, while Sam slept on the floor next to him.

Smiling at the sight before him, Bobby put a fresh box of Kleenex on the table next to the couch. He kissed his boys goodnight (if you ever tell anyone about it, he’ll kill you) and trudged up the stairs with a warm feeling in his chest. 

Days later when Dean was better and John arrived to pick the boys up, he and Bobby exchanged some words. Some not very nice words. 

John never brought his boys back to Bobby’s again after that. When they got sick they looked after each other and when John needed a place for them to stay, he just left them alone in a motel. Bobby always had other nearby hunters check up on them, though.

So when Bobby opened the door to see his boys for the first time in almost eleven years, he knew things were bad. 



I hope it wasn’t too bad...thanks for reading. 

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3 hours ago, jensdw said:

He kissed his boys goodnight (if you ever tell anyone about it, he’ll kill you) and trudged up the stairs with a warm feeling in his chest. 



3 hours ago, jensdw said:

John never brought his boys back to Bobby’s again after that. When they got sick they looked after each other and when John needed a place for them to stay, he just left them alone in a motel. Bobby always had other nearby hunters check up on them, though.

This is just sad!

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Oh, there were Weechesters and feels and sneezy!Dean and Papa!Bobby.:notworthy::bounce:More please, as soon as you can!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Absolutely wonderful. Weechesters are my favs (Dean especially:D) What a treat!

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