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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Kale (original character)


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This is a thread for posts about my specific character, and it saves me from having to make a new thread every time. :razz: Most of them will probably be sketched anyways.

His name is Carl, but due to his unrealistic fondness for the vegetable, his friends call him Kale. Yes, I am terrible at names. :sweatdrop:

As a magic user, he can adapt a lot of matter to his own will. The only problem is that the spell’s effects only last for a certain amount of time. And when time is running out, he slowly develops a sensitivity to the spell base in question. For example, using a cold-based spell makes him more susceptible to cold... you’ll see.

The larger the spell and the more effort it takes, the faster the sensitivity appears and the longer it takes to fade afterwards.



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Cool idea to have a topic with your characters all in one place. I enjoy sketches a lot and wouldn't mind seeing the characters you draw in the future! =)

You did a really nice way of showing the different types of things this character's power is capable of. Your idea of sensitivity appearing over time is awesome! :D Especially with a magic user. Good design too! I like the drawings you did with him.

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On 2018-03-26 at 8:45 PM, ihazakitty said:

Wow! this is really creative!

Thank you! :D It’s rly entertaining to create characters.

On 2018-03-27 at 2:10 AM, mysterysneeze said:

Cool idea to have a topic with your characters all in one place. I enjoy sketches a lot and wouldn't mind seeing the characters you draw in the future! =)

You did a really nice way of showing the different types of things this character's power is capable of. Your idea of sensitivity appearing over time is awesome! :D Especially with a magic user. Good design too! I like the drawings you did with him.

TYSM! I’m glad you like the design! <3


This drawing has a bit of a story... no sneezing ahead though, just hitches! And other fetish-related details. B)

The idea is that Kale was asked to pretend to be a young heiress in order to infiltrate a ball in his line of work. His line of work being service and espionage to those interested, magical services being much more useful in an older kingdom- based time. (The world is a fantasy/ medival world, where magic conquered in technology’s stead.)


He unfortunately runs out of time, and has to maintain the facade while desperately fighting his newly developed allergies to... well.... himself. Here’s the art.


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Aaaaaw!!! So cute!!!! I love your idea of him (and of course his sensitivity) 

And oh my~~ your story and drawing are so cute!! Hahaha i like how his face was like.. Meh.. In a dress non the less, its quite funny.  I love his (or her, temporarily??)  faces!! Whats with the tears and i little bit snot~~~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~ Love it!!!! 

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