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Fake/Voice Acting - Scarlett Johansson in Isle Of Dogs


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Fake and...well if you look at the screen the voice is coming out of a dog...but its delightful and I am having issues with remaining coherent right now. You can hear her voice coming through and it's so well acted. The sneezing is a main plot point of this movie so if any if the cast voicing dogs are on your faves list I would keep an eye on this.


Be still my beating heart!!!

I didn't write down the time but...the clip is a minute and a half, just watch it if you want to see it. :D

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That is one really nicely acted sneeze - and she puts quite a bit of force behind it, which certainly bodes well for what her real sneeze would be like... :hmmsmiley:

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Okay, I'm speechless! Omg! :drool: I've been dying to hear a sneeze from her for forever! Thanks for sharing, ahhhh! :D:heart:

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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Lovely! She is on my girl crush list!!! Great find, thank you!

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Omg that... wow!! It's nice to get an acted sneeze that sounds natural and believable. I know what I'll be imagining now when I read Black Widow fic in the future...

ETA: was that the only one in the movie from her?

Edited by Anonymouse
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14 minutes ago, Anonymouse said:

ETA: was that the only one in the movie from her?

Not sure, but the sneezing is a constant thing in the movie for all the dog characters so I figure there's probably more, that's just a clip YouTube suggested to me this morning but I am absolutely going to scour the movie for any possible others first chance I get!

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I always think I can tell fake from real, but this one could fool me. In fact who's to say it isn't real? Maybe she decided to make herself sneeze for the purposes of this recording. After all, we all know its not that difficult, and it'd be very easy to edit it in.

Edited by haymaker
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Great find, SleepingPhlox!! Just saw this movie today, and even though they were dogs, all the sneezing was really good :lol: For those who are curious, there was probably like 15-20 sneezes total. Most of them were male, all from dogs. It's a symptom of an illness all the dogs have contracted. Honestly, there wasn't a single one that I thought was fake or corny or anything. They're all really cute, and have that sudden, strong, breathy kind of quality like Scarlett Johansson's in this clip. If you close your eyes, you don't even realize the characters are dogs ^_^

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