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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Viewing Previous Names of Forum Members


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Have had a bit of an absence from the forum recently, and was wondering - with the old forum there was a tool that allowed you to see the previous names that forum members had gone under and the date they changed it. Does such a feature still exist (if it does, I don't seem to be able to find it) or was it thrown out with the last upgrade? 

Its just a bit weird when you are pretty sure you know who someone is, but a change in name and avatar make it a somewhat confusing (especially for an old-timer such as me :lol: )

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As far as I am aware, it disappeared with the last upgrade (I seem to remember it being mentioned at some point).

And I agree that there are times when it would be useful!




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Oh trust me, this is waaaaay more inconvenient for the staff :lol: it's really frustrating sometimes, but Joal's right; it was a feature removed from the last upgrade which - as far as I'm aware - the hosts aren't looking to reinstate. Annoying, for sure, but just one of those things, I'm afraid. 

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