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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My boyfriend sneezes on me (TWICE)


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I'm dead, guys. This was an amazing day. So I told my boyfriend (of about 5-6 months) about the fetish really early on in our relationship-- he was the first I ever told and he was very sweet and thought it was an adorable fetish. He's been great about asking all about it and talking about his sneezes for me. He has a lot of allergies-- dogs, cat, dust, grass, etc. so he's a pretty sneezy person in general. I saw him sneeze a moderate amount these past months but they were few and far between because winter cuts his allergies a lot. BUT spring has sprung :D

He's about 5'10," slim, with reddish brown hair and a lovely large nose-- long but not too skinny or wide. Anyway, we had talked before about the possibility of him sneezing on me sometime, but whenever he's sneezed lately, we've been in public. 


The first time: it was morning and we were laying in bed on our sides, facing each other, just talking. We were chatting about something or other when all of the sudden he reaches over and grabs me like he's going to pull me into a hug. The next thing I know, he's stifling a large sneeze directly into my shoulder- HEH-CHMPPF. I was shocked because he doesn't usually build up too much to his sneezes so I didn't notice it coming! My kneejerk reaction kicked in and I immediately said "bless you" and smiled at him and then we both started giggling and kissing because he knew how much it meant to me.

The second time was later that day! We had gone on a longer road trip, and my two friends were up front and he and I were snuggled up in the back seat. We were sitting side by side, with our arms intertwined and holding hands (this is important). All of the sudden, I heard him hitch his breath, and he raised the arm that still held mine and sneezed toward his shoulder-- the one right next to me! So he sneezed openly onto both his and my upper arms-- Heh-HEHchew! I felt the spray on my arm and shivered immediately, while blessing him. It felt so amazing to get a full sneeze rather than a stifle. I don't think I stopped smiling for a good hour.... 

I'm very excited for the future :D

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2 hours ago, Woodsie said:

Are glad you told him.  Now your can explore and enjoy. :)

Absolutely! I'm so happy I told him. I knew I could trust him to be respectful, but I'm so glad he goes above and beyond to help me explore. 

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That really is a fetishist dream you're living! :D  His reaction is amazing, especially in the car. How did you manage to stay calm after that? I would have died with my friends there as well :razz:

I wish you two all the best (and happy exploring)!

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20 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

That really is a fetishist dream you're living! :D  His reaction is amazing, especially in the car. How did you manage to stay calm after that? I would have died with my friends there as well :razz:

I wish you two all the best (and happy exploring)!

Haha, you KNOW I immediately panic-glanced up at the mirror to see if they were looking. But they weren't! He sneezed in the exact perfect position to look like he was maybe aiming at his own shoulder 3:) 

Thanks so much! 

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Oh, wow. Gorgeous descriptions right there, thanks for sharing. I also personally love, love, LOVE it when my boyfriend sneezes on me naturally and unexpectedly. He sounds like a sweet guy.

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