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---Inspired by true events---

(PART 1 - No sneezing yet!)

“You’re sure you’re feeling alright, sweetheart?” Kayla asked her wife of three years, Remmy. Remmy has recently come down with what she thought was just a cold but Kayla was convinced it was the flu, given the extensive sneezing and coughing, as well as her headache and fever. Kayla, being the supportive wife she is, stayed home and nursed Remmy back to health. Remmy initially worried about infecting Kayla with her ‘cold’ but quickly got over it when she realized she wouldn’t feel well enough to take care of herself. Besides, Kayla had the best immune system of anyone she’d ever met..... right? 

Today was the day that Remmy decided she was well enough to return to work. Kayla thought that Remmy may not be totally up to it and wanted to ensure that her wife’s recovery was uninterrupted. In the end, Remmy no longer had a fever and convinced her wife that she was feeling much better. She went to her office like any other day, while Kayla waved her goodbye from the porch swing.

Kayla headed inside to get ready for work. She is a newly-licensed real estate broker hosting an open house. She was showing a gorgeous 3-bed, 2-bath home right on the Californian coast. She put on her favorite dress and collected her pile of business cards, brochures, and a Tupperware of scones. She had this routine down to a science.

When she arrived at the house, she retrieved the key from the lockbox and set up her homey display. Her nose started to twitch a bit and she assumed her cleaners had missed some dust. “Seriously, you people had one job! How am I supposed to convince someone to put in an offer if I can’t stop sniffling long enough to show it to them?!” Kayla was so concerned with the dust that she went out to her car to get a feather duster. This wasn’t the first time her firm’s cleaning company had done a less-than-thorough job and she needed this open house to off without a hitch. She began to dust quickly throughout the home, sniffling all the way. Halfway through the second room, Kayla realized the the feather duster hadn’t picked up any dust. "Why am I sniffling if there isn't any dust? That's weird." Kayla thought to herself.

It was almost time for the open house to begin so she shrugged off the though and blew her nose into a tissue from the box on the master bedroom’s dresser before returning to the foyer. An attractive couple in their early 30s arrived shortly after the open house began. They instantly fell in love with the home and decided to put in an offer for above the list price (every broker’s dream). 

Kayla treated herself afterwards to lunch with her wife. Her sniffling had only worsened since it started earlier in the day, but she attributed it to the cold weather. She and Remmy enjoyed their lunch, interrupted only by Kayla’s occasional sniffle and stifled cough. Remmy was immediately concerned that she had infected her wife. Kayla, of course, denied it and changed the subject: she felt fine and who started in that movie they watched the other day? After the paid the bill, they went their separate ways; Remmy to her office, and Kayla, having finished her work duties for the day, went home to finish some paperwork.

Remmy entered their home at about 5:30 to find her wife curled up on the couch, watching Netflix and blowing her nose into a handful of tissues (the scented ones were her favorite and she always kept a few boxes around the house). Her pale complexion was complemented by her chapped, pink nose, her baby blue eyes had turned bloodshot and watery, and her normally polished caramel-colored hair was thrown up into a messy bun atop her feverish head. “Is everything okay honey? How are you feeling?” Kayla groaned and picked up a few more tissues. “I thidk I’b cobig dowd with what you had, Reb. It cabe od so fast. I felt fide whed you left this borning.”

Remmy grabbed a blanket from the closet and a bottle of water from the fridge. She sat down next to her wife, gave her the bottle of water, and covered them both with the blanket as she pulled Kayla’s warm, congested head into her chest. “I guess it’s my turn to take care of you, huh baby?” Kayla nodded gingerly as she drifted off to sleep in the arms of her doting wife.


I think I'll make this a series?? I would like to include sneezy, feverish Kayla (:drool:) in the next installment. If anyone has anything they'd like me to put in, I'll gladly see if I can incorporate it!! Also, I'd love any feedback!

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Lovely start! No suggestions as of now because this is just beginning but I look forward to the next chapter! 

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Part 2 has arrived! Not a ton of sneezing, but there will be plenty of time for that in the next part ;) Enjoy!


Kayla woke up the next morning around 8:30. “Crap! I have to be at the office by 9!” Kayla thought, remembering that she had a very important meeting with a prospective client at her office – almost an hour away. Realizing that she would be late, she sprang out of bed sending a wave of dizziness over her. She gripped the nightstand for support and gathered her balance. “Okay, this is no way to make a first impression. I’ll call the client and reschedule.” Kayla reached for her cell phone and dialed the client’s number. “Olivia, hi! It’s Kayla Modtgobery, we have ad appoidtbedt id about half ad hour.” Kayla winced at the sound of her crackly, congested voice. “Oh, goodness! Are you okay, Kayla? You sound awful.” Olivia felt bad that she called her potential realtor out like that, but she knew it was the truth. “Oh, just a little udder the weather. I thidk it would be wise to reschedule our beeting. Cad I give you a call whed I’b feelidg better?” Kayla wasn’t usually one to be laid out by a little cold, but her head was pounding, and her nose was so full and congested that she was turning into a mouth-breather. Of course, Olivia didn’t want to be in the same room as someone who sounded like they were crawling with the plague and agreed to postpone their meeting. This freed Kayla up for a day of relaxation and recovery.

Remmy had used all the tissues, cough drops, Tylenol, and other cold supplies during her bout with whatever this was. She was considerate enough, however, to replenish the supplies for her wife before heading to work this morning. Kayla less-than-steadily made her way downstairs to the couch with the intention of doing nothing but watching Netflix all day. When she entered the living room, she noticed a shopping bag on the coffee table with a note next to it. Curiously, Kayla read the note: My sweetest Kay, I hope I can make up for giving you my icky sicky cold by leaving you with the finest sick day supplies Walmart has to offer. Included are: Dayquil, Nyquil, your favorite flavor of cough drops, two enormous boxes of tissues, three hankies in case you get tired of tissues (they were on sale), and four cans of chicken noodle soup. I love you soooo much and I’ll be home to take care of you after work. Take it easy today! Call me if you need anything! Your AWESOME wife, Rem. She was awesome.

Her symptoms were (thus far) limited to sinus congestion, runny nose, some coughing, scratchy throat, and a pulsing headache. Kayla made one of the cans of soup and curled up on the couch. About halfway into an episode of Blue Bloods, Kayla felt a distinct and familiar tickle in her nose. She grabbed a tissue and attempted to blow the tickle away. It was a gurgly blow: evidence that her dry congestion was shifting to a wet drip. The blow only helped for a moment when the tickle returned with a vengeance. Kayla scrambled for a tissue and sneezed a wet double. “Ah… ahhh… Atchiew! Eshieww!”  Kayla’s sneezes were always girly with a high-pitched ending.

The sneezes momentarily cleared her congestion before her nose filled back up. She took some Dayquil and continued watching the show, sneezing in cute doubles and triples every five minutes or so. She waited (im)patiently for the Dayquil to kick in by alternating between playing some games on her phone and scrolling through her Facebook feed. Eventually, the sneezing died down to the occasional double and intermittent single sneeze, still girly and high-pitched. During an exceptionally long period without sneezing or coughing, she decided to use the opportunity to take a nap.

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4 hours ago, Reader said:

I almost fell off that cliff-hanger...So excited for the caretaking!

OMG You're a literal ANGEL :laugh2: quite possibly my favorite person on the forum Remind me to PM you when I'm out of validating!! The next part should be coming out in the next few days (once I find the time and motivation lmao). Glad you like it!

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Small world! I’m validating too but I’ll remember!

i totally understand the motivation part and even just coming up with scenarios. Lil bit curious whether you’re remy or Kayla figuratively? Symbolically? Hahahaha but I don’t want to know for real I don’t think. Maybe after the story. 

I keep seeing the crossed out words and I love it! How do I do that?  

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You write caretaking superbly - "the finest sick day supplies Walmart has to offer" in particular is such a natural piece of banter. I look forward to reading more.

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Aaaaaw so cute!! Anything for the special wife~~

I actually like how Kayla actually decide to postpone the meeting, because for me its not often to read a straigforward plot.  its not that i dont like it, but usualy, the writer tend to make the sick person goes to work and enter the "denial" stage. Really, its not that i dont like it (especially if the cold can spread in even wider range 😊), but by being straight forward your story stand out more, well for me atleast. Thank you for sharing~ Cant wait for more of your work~~

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This is great! I wish there was a chance to see Kayla and Remmy sick together (maybe, with her immune system weakened by her previous illness, Remmy could get sick again?), but any F/F contagion would be wonderful. 

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On 4/5/2018 at 3:21 AM, Reader said:

Oh shoot I just realized I know you!! 

Hey, my friend on this forum pointed out that you might think I meant I know you in real life, but I just meant I know your username because you commented on my story!! Sorry for the misunderstanding if you did think that! That would be so scary lol 

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On 4/5/2018 at 7:52 AM, Nval95 said:

Aaaaaw so cute!! Anything for the special wife~~

I actually like how Kayla actually decide to postpone the meeting, because for me its not often to read a straigforward plot.  its not that i dont like it, but usualy, the writer tend to make the sick person goes to work and enter the "denial" stage. Really, its not that i dont like it (especially if the cold can spread in even wider range 😊), but by being straight forward your story stand out more, well for me atleast. Thank you for sharing~ Cant wait for more of your work~~

Thanks! This whole thing is loosely based on something that happened with me and my ex and (without giving too much away) the real life meeting was actually cancelled!


On 4/7/2018 at 4:36 AM, Likesn said:

This is great! I wish there was a chance to see Kayla and Remmy sick together (maybe, with her immune system weakened by her previous illness, Remmy could get sick again?), but any F/F contagion would be wonderful. 

Good gracious, I'm a huge fan! It means so much that you like something I wrote *blushes forever* That's a great idea, I'll keep it in mind! Thanks again!!!

On 4/8/2018 at 1:23 AM, Reader said:

Hey, my friend on this forum pointed out that you might think I meant I know you in real life, but I just meant I know your username because you commented on my story!! Sorry for the misunderstanding if you did think that! That would be so scary lol 

Hahahaha at first I was a little confused, but I figured that was what you meant! No worries! :heart:



I'm writing the next part over the next few days (you guys know how life has a sneaky habit of getting in the way!) so stay tuned!

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8 hours ago, SneezyAsh447 said:

Thanks! This whole thing is loosely based on something that happened with me and my ex and (without giving too much away) the real life meeting was actually cancelled

Ahahaha niiiiice, so you didnt get to look bad / unprofessional in front of the customer XD lucky~~

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On 9.4.2018 at 11:14 PM, SneezyAsh447 said:

Good gracious, I'm a huge fan! It means so much that you like something I wrote *blushes forever* That's a great idea, I'll keep it in mind! Thanks again!!!

Oh wow! I'm not used to having fans at all, not to mention such enthusiastic ones :) I'll be looking forward to seeing more of this story anyway.

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