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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What kind of sneezes turn you on?


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When did you become a sneeze fetish? (Do you want us to talk about something?)

  • ex) Female, Male, Unspecified Gender, Allergy, Illness, Induced, Pepper, Feathers, Dust, Photic, Unspecified Cause, Various Causes, Stifled, Self-obs, Fanfic, RPFiction, Original, Fanart, Nose Blowing, Coughing, Fever, Messy, Anthro/Furry, Tissues, Handkerchiefs, M/F, M/M, F/F, V-warning, SwH
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 Well... Stifled, male, allergic, induced, M/M, dry sneezes, sneeze fits, quiet sneezes and cat allergy turns me on.

 I have the fetish since I am very young, but I entered the forum like one or two years ago.

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Both male and female loud sneezing with buildup and light panting.

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For me, it’s pretty much just male sneezing, and I like them to be quiet and “cute” vs really loud and/or stifled. I absolutely LOVE it when guys pull their shirts(or even better, their hoodies) up over their mouths to cover when they sneeze, I find it adorable and it allows you to be able to see their pre-sneeze face while still covering from actual spray. I also really like stuck sneezes and buildups, as long as they don’t overdo it. Ooh, and cat allergies🤤

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I tend to prefer female sneezing, but honestly that's just because guys rarely sneeze how I like. I like the buildups, especially breathy ones, and *especially* especially ones where the person tries to talk through it, and talks about how they have to sneeze and what's making them sneeze. I also like when they try to hold it back (I'm a sucker for the ole finger under the nose) and eventually have to give in. I don't like stifles at all. I wanna hear the sneeze in all its glory when it finally comes. I also don't like sneezes brought on by illness. My preferred sneezy causes are allergies, dust, and having the nose tickled in some way. I also love sneezing while hiding scenarios, giant sneezes, and scenarios where someone watching the person sneezing is getting turned on.

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I like both male and female sneezes! If it's female sneezing then I prefer lengthy buildup, semi-loud and wet sneezes caused by illness. If it's male sneezing then I prefer slight buildup, noticeable hitching, loud and wet sneezes caused by illness. Sometimes allergies are nice too in either gender but I definitely prefer illness. :)

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When I'm watching sneeze videos or listening to wavs, I like both male and female sneezes, but in real life I prefer male ones. 

With both genders I love breathy buildups/sneezes and wet, spraying sneezes, the ones that have many consonants like "chh", "shh" etc. in them. Preferably from colds, because then all the nice stuff (sniffles, red nose, this slightly feverish look) comes along. Allergies are also fine, but colds are better :P 

The sneeze shouldn't be too loud, overly vocalized or fully stifled, though. Then it sounds too unnatural to me. 

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