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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sick Conan O'Brien!!!


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Because I'm apparently a creep, I found different episodes of Conan where he's doing the show sick by various keyword searching on google, mainly finding things bc people will comment on the youtube videos LOL, also by twitter search.... Since he's been doing a talk show forever and he's an extreme workaholic, he almost never takes a sickday, and seems to get sick pretty often tbh. 

So basically it's just a bunch of videos with him being clearly unwell, sometimes looking more energetic than other times, but his voice can get p bad. 

I did this bc I'm in love with him and he's a beautiful/attractive and hilarious man. the end. no snz (sadly) but there IS the one time he did sneeze on camera that was pointed out on the forum already, from his Nathan Fillion interview from 2011- which I can just re-link here: http://teamcoco.com/video/nathan-fillion-wins-halloween it's just sadly silent >:( but I love that it causes him to bend his entire body forward. It's freaking cute.

Here are the fruits of my efforts:

I'm in the middle of downloading 2010-2011 Conan torrent bc so many of the old videos don't work on teamcoco for some reason, and I just want to see all of Conan in general that I can, BUT here is one part from the 12/8/10 episode where he was quite sick that did play: http://teamcoco.com/content/ray-romano-reveals-sex-secrets-and-more

https://youtu.be/F2nIkUEA9_I?list=LLA4DJ75njy70X3VPdsUpCIA&t=159 12/12/2012 This entire week period he was sick and at this moment mentions it- his voice keeps getting worse and worse as the week goes on and it's really endearing but also sad lmao!! Like honey..... take care of yourself please. But he's gotta job to do!! He's so admirable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veMsWJI45i4 12/17/12 In this sketch you can really tell, and I felt bad bc he's literally throwing himself around for the purpose of comedy while sick. Rip Conan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-KA7pTDABQ  12/17/12 Amanda Seyfried!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ_HugKUePs 12/17/12 I love Amanda Seyfried's interviews, she's so fascinating lol.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4c3LXE9pRw 12/17/12 with Adam Pally.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EPbUDEzdnI 12/18/12 With Chris Pratt.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ_ZTZH1oLY 12/18/12 Monologue!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4c3LXE9pRw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz-KjUepukk& 12/19/12 Probably the worst his voice gets.

https://cutiq.net/clip/3178902.html 9/29/2014 He was quite sick in this episode, mentions it at the very beginning, and after the first break u can even tell he has a cough drop in his mouth. ;-; It's amusing in the beginning he says when he has a cold he "actually sounds like a man" and women are more interested in him..... when he has a cold........ (Does he know!!!!!! lmao jk)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h5MTQNRxVQ 2/8/2018 His 4,000th monologue. Sounds sick here but doesn't actually let us know he's sick til the next monologue (if I remember correctly).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebLgM-CFx64 2/9/2018 4,001 monologue- at the end he says he can feel that cold getting better already. :'D

I figure someone else with a Conan O'Brien fixation can also benefit from me being a freak and having way too much time my hands. This is actually my first post on this forum, and I've been lurking as a non-member since I was about 14. So it makes me nervous but sdfjlskdg I've talked a little bit to people about the Thing on other places but only since last year so. HOPEFULLY I'm not too creepy posting these but I'm sure other people have done worse with their fave celebrities via the internet as our fetish is pretty harmless, lol, the only reason I feel bad is how detective I got over it, but it's fun... it's like treasure hunting.

I am positive there are many other times he was sick on air since obviously he does this a lot- I just wish Late Night was easily accessible!

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Um this is awesome.  I'm a huge late night TV fan, and you're right that if you search hard enough you can find this kind of stuff for EVERY show!  The other Conan one I remember is the time they did a whole Rehearsal Scraps that's just Conan making a bottle of Emergen-C:  

I also have mental lists from The Colbert Report, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, which - now that you've done this - I'm inspired to put into list form and share with you guys!


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2 hours ago, anikadicara said:

Um this is awesome.  I'm a huge late night TV fan, and you're right that if you search hard enough you can find this kind of stuff for EVERY show!  The other Conan one I remember is the time they did a whole Rehearsal Scraps that's just Conan making a bottle of Emergen-C:  

I also have mental lists from The Colbert Report, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, which - now that you've done this - I'm inspired to put into list form and share with you guys!


yeah I've seen that one, it's so cute sbshdhdjf

if you think of any others for conan, pls do add them! 💖 I found a one 2008 episode from late night where he's sick that I will post. but I'm sure there's soooo many from 1993 to 2007 and they'd be extremely hard to find bc it's before twitter, and there are very few popular late night vids on YouTube bc they are uploaded slowly by fans, since nbc took it all down I believe once he left the network. 

I'm still torrenting the 90s conan. if I find a gem in there... I'll be a happy woman. I just wish I could also have all of the 00s late night as well. nbc should release a dvd set of conan. I worry they won't bc of the debacle in 2010 :( but he's said the people in charge at that time aren't even there now...so maybe

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