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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Thinking about someone sneezing then it happens


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So I was out of town this past week and am now on the way home and witnessed something interesting. I was in one of the airport shuttles (with my family) going to get our car from the lot and there was a guy sitting across from me. He was a lot older than I am but still fairly attractive.  I was kind of being a creeper and watching him and thinking about how I wished he would sneeze. Then the weird part: he sneezed. It was a stifle which is not my favorite thing, but it was still pretty great. 

This happened once before with a guy I had a crush on. (I don’t anymore btw). He was standing near the door that I was about to walk out of and I really wanted to see him sneeze and then he did. I don’t really remember what it sounded like but it was just so weird that right when I thought about it, it happened. 

I just thought this was interesting and kind of cool. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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Given how often many of us look at someone and think "wouldn't it be great if they sneezed now", it would be kind of surprising to me if it DIDN'T happen occasionally.

Glad you got to enjoy it, when it happened for you.



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15 hours ago, Joal 555 said:

Given how often many of us look at someone and think "wouldn't it be great if they sneezed now", it would be kind of surprising to me if it DIDN'T happen occasionally.


How true :razz: Didn't think about that before. But now that you point it out... Yes, I tend to think that regularly :whistle2:

It also happens to me that I sneeze myself when I'm writing/reading a sneezefic. It's strange, but it happens nearly every time. Maybe it's just good timing... Or maybe imagining a sneeze somehow activates my own sneeze center. I certainly don't have a problem with that!

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It's happened to me at least once. This kinda reminds me of a myth saying that you sneeze when someone talks about you. 

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