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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Jimin Park (BTS)


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I recently got into BTS (by recently, I mean like 2 weeks ago) and I found this gem which I haven't seen around on this forum yet.


I'd say start watching around 3:04 for the sneezes, but I suggest watching the whole video as it is quite entertaining!


Edited by WolfPack
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CUTE MY BOI JIMIN <3  The episode was super cute too poor babies let them sleep lol

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4 hours ago, MeForever said:

Awww! So cute! In the same exact video he also sneezes at 27:54 .

I noticed that too! He's just SO CUTE I can't handle it :boom:

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my god I’ve seen that run episode twice but I never noticed Jimin’s sneeze at the beginning! This boy is a smol bean and must be protected at all costs :razz:

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  • 1 month later...



Edit: The video has been removed from youtube but I found a new link, the sneeze is a few seconds later then in the other video, around 0:50


Edited by MeForever
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19 minutes ago, MeForever said:



Edit: The video has been removed from youtube but I found a new link, the sneeze is a few seconds later then in the other video, around 0:50


Ahhhh Thank you <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

At (0:40) there’s a compilation of a lot of Jimin’s snz also the vid’s funny do recommend


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  • 3 weeks later...

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