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Donald Trump (ugh)


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It was bound to happen I guess. Everyone's favorite cheeto sneezes during a press conference. It sounded like he farted at during it too.



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Disgusted curiousity battles with disgusted horror on whether I should watch the clip or not. So far disgusted horror has won. *shudders* 


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Eh...I just ate a big lunch so I think I'll pass. :laugh:


I had sworn that I would never ever dump on someone else's preferences no matter what but Donald Trump is a special case and even the OP started out with an "ugh" and calling him a cheeto so I'm calling it fair game! :D

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I'm scared of playing the video, I really am.


Edit: OMG, now I feel foolish.

Edited by EvaBloom
I played the video
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Oh man why did I watch the video. Now I'm annoyed with myself :rofl: didn't stop me watching the whole thing though. 

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7 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

Oh man why did I watch the video. Now I'm annoyed with myself :rofl: didn't stop me watching the whole thing though. 

I know, right? I ended up doing the same thing. :lol: 

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I didn't hear anything. All I saw was an old music video?

Edited by bingochamp7
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4 hours ago, bingochamp7 said:

I didn't hear anything. All I saw was an old music video?

Look at the date it's posted. :P 


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10 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Look at the date it's posted. :P 


Oh! Damn, I feel foolish. I've just been rickrolled!

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