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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Easter sneezes for my boyfriend


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Hey ho :D 

So, this morning I recorded a sneezing fit for my boyfriend. I catched a light cold, my nose tickles a lot but I think the result is more successful if I induce - so I used a portuguese spice, I do not know the name of it just something wir 'p', which I brought with me from my last holidays and. it. worked. well!  My boyfriend is in Hospital for now, he broke 4 of his rips and his right wrist.... yes, I should take better care of him :D:D it was not my fault by the way....     but he stays in Portugal and I am back in my hometown.   My sneezes were very high pitched, strong a lotof brbeathy build ups and it seemed to be an endless fit, I think I recorded around 13 to 15 sneezes for him and I tried to talked too and wished him happy easter and get well soon etc. After I send it to him, he answered me.....

"Good morning, querida (I think /hope it means Darling :) ) thank you, but you are one of the sneeziest girls in the world, when I am with you, you sneeze all day and night long  and honestly I do not need extra sugar, bless you and feel better soon, I call you later, happy easter, te amo (means I love you)".......    

I am sooo sad, I thought it was a delightful present for him :( now I am alone with my Audio :) because he sended it back to me, his extra sugar :( so, if anyone is interested........ :) anyway happy easter to all of you :) 

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He sent your recording back to you?? What are you supposed to do with it? (But..giving him the benefit of the doubt -Maybe he only has an allergy sneeze fetish.) Still super adorable that he said “extra sugar” in reference to your sneezes. Happy Easter!!!

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