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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nose and Mouth


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So this was inspired from "Nose and Mouth" fiction written by talented writter Reader~ This is my first try in drawing and uploading it on forum, I apologise if i made a mistake in posting this, and if the drawing is not good...... and theres no sneezing in it (yet.....i hope.... )

Nose & Mouth.jpg

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(You are about to make me write 3,147 words on this!) I CANNOT STOP LOOKING AT DEREK!!!!! Ok let me break this down, but I LOVE IT. I’m like freaking out, but also trying to explain why this moves me so much! I feel like I need bullet points and sub bullet points. I keep stopping my typing down below to come back and comment up here. I keep saying oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. 


Contrast of Derek and Anel: It’s such a beautiful contrast. This is my absolute favorite part. Look at this pose! They are so close together, but.... Derek is looking down, holding her gently like he expects her to move,  His eyebrows are tense and his mouth makes it seem like he’s waiting for something or concentrating. Because he’s looking, he can’t see the adoration and gentleness on her face. 

Anel is looking straight at him with her hands on his face and neck. Even the imprint her hand is making on his hair shows how tight she’s holding him. Her eyebrows are relaxed. She might be even trying to get him to look at her. 

I want to make a scene out of this!!! Just say the word! The word is yes btw hahaha.  

Derek’s expression: I love the fact that you know what Derek is thinking even though there are no words. That is such a highly envied skill among artists and you are masterful at it!!!! It’s not even nervousness. You show it deeper, all the way to the root which is fear of rejection. This is too much for me!  His nose is redder than his embarrassed cheeks. You’re killing me. 

Ratio? (I can’t English right now): Anel is half Derek’s width and this drawing is so sexy!!!! because you captured Derek’s size against Anel’s size and you showed his vulnerability. Tell my family I love them. 

my current cause of death? DETAILS: This is so detailed. From the tissue peeking out of Derek’s hand. The difference between Anel’s eyes and Derek’s eyes. Hers are clear and just subtly shows that she knows who and what she likes ...and his are clouded and that reflects his thoughts and contrasting emotions he feels in this moment. Clothes: how you showed even the texture of the clothes. The tight long sleeve under the loose sweater vest (I think it’s called cardigan but again I can’t english). His loose hoodie. The crazy thing is that there are different levels of loose clothing shown here and I can tell!!

 I’m just so happy!!! You don’t even understand. This story is my first one and no one has drawn me something before based off something I’ve created. 

That last line....don’t tease me if you’re not going to post more 😭 I really want to write a fic for you now that’s focused on your specific preferences. This is just beautiful! I need to write a part two comment for this drawing after I take a nap to recover. And I also need cpr. THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! This means so much to me!

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Omooooooo muuuuuu nyaaaaaa *intelligible sound *blushing hard

Deeeeeear, stoooooooop, you are making me blushing and smile so big that people start looking at me weirdly at the meeting (bad me....) >< ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ tried to hold back my smile, failed, thus im making weird faces...... 

I am truly flattered and honoured for you to like it. I truly love your work, so if you have inspiration from this artwork, by all means write~~ but i dont mind if you dont XD 

I dont know whether im going to draw Derek sneezing because i truly have never draw someone sneezing, so i dont know how my drawing will end up look like.... But ill try my best if you want to~ and to tell you the truth, this is the first time i drew a guy that looks like a guy 😂 most of the time they look to girly to be a guy

Your detailed comment... I truly dont know what to say >///////< I want it to be like that,though i doubt i made it,  but im glad that at least you get the message. All the detail texture and shadow i done it unconsciously,so when you write it like that, >< trully speecless

Aaaaaaaand im blabling.... Ill stop... Muuuuuuuuu ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Thank you oh so much Reader for your compliment. How about we talk later about what i like when your syory finish? Because your story really are tgat good to be stop XD

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1 hour ago, Nval95 said:

Omooooooo muuuuuu nyaaaaaa *intelligible sound *blushing hard

Deeeeeear, stoooooooop, you are making me blushing and smile so big that people start looking at me weirdly at the meeting (bad me....) >< ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ tried to hold back my smile, failed, thus im making weird faces...... 

I am truly flattered and honoured for you to like it. I truly love your work, so if you have inspiration from this artwork, by all means write~~ but i dont mind if you dont XD 

I dont know whether im going to draw Derek sneezing because i truly have never draw someone sneezing, so i dont know how my drawing will end up look like.... But ill try my best if you want to~ and to tell you the truth, this is the first time i drew a guy that looks like a guy 😂 most of the time they look to girly to be a guy

Your detailed comment... I truly dont know what to say >///////< I want it to be like that,though i doubt i made it,  but im glad that at least you get the message. All the detail texture and shadow i done it unconsciously,so when you write it like that, >< trully speecless

Aaaaaaaand im blabling.... Ill stop... Muuuuuuuuu ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Thank you oh so much Reader for your compliment. How about we talk later about what i like when your syory finish? Because your story really are tgat good to be stop XD

Those little sounds are so cute!!!

Hahahahahhaha that’s so funny! Haha hopefully nobody came up to you!! Literally my brother asks me everyday when he comes home from work “whatcha doin?” and I’m like “oh you know...on the internet...what’s with the third degree?! 

I’m so happy I was able to adequately explain how much I loved it! I just love that idea of Derek hugging Anel with a tissue in his hand!!! If it can be put in the story naturally, I want to write it!  Hahaha anytime you see “tissue” in my story, you’re going to perk up! I’ll give you a heads up though.

You tricked me last time, saying that you couldn’t draw and then you produced my dreams!!! 😄😄😄......Hahahahaha If you ask me what I want, immediately I’ll say yes do it!! (Derek or Anel sneezing) but it’s what you’re comfortable doing and something unfamiliar takes longer so you can show me in the distant future through pm. Honestly I don’t think I could handle a sneeze drawing!!!!! I don’t deserve it! (Why am I so dramatic! 🤣🤣🤣)

The detail comment is true boo! I noticed and admired it immediately!

Ok I’ll remember to ask you after the story finishes. I make up the story as I go so I’m thinking now of what next step it will go. We are in the middle of a fever right now. I really just wanted Derek to cry a little so I might finish that up quickly. Any suggestions you have are welcome. 

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Noooooooooo *blush 

Please stop making me smile and blush, omg now im in the middle of cafe and im smiling silly (/ω\)

Hahaha, i have a sister, fortunately (not?) we both are crazy, so when one of us act like it, we just enjoy the show.... Or got kick out (me most of the time)  >.>

I did no such thing XD i truly do think i cant draw, i mean when i compare it other artwork that i see in this forum, mine is like... Meh 😂 but im glad you like it~~ okay ill try my best XD but yes... It will take sometime practising it. You deserve it!!! Whats with your story all have delicious sneeze XD

Thank you >< no one ever give such detailed comment XD

Uuuuuuh~ cuddle timeeeee~~ then hello ex?  😂 im such a mean person




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You’re hilarious!! Going to public places with this forum. They’ll think you’re looking at some meme hopefully! I love the punctuation too! It’s little embarrassed animals. Teach me your ways! Hahahahaha 

I can’t wait to hear those stories! Especially you getting kicked out of places! Don’t let them confiscate your phone!

Omoooooo nyaaaa muu staaaaaaahp! I can’t handle compliments! You like my sneezes?! As far as your drawing, its amazing! Add a sneeze and it’ll become 3D. I know it. I’m so excited!! But no pressure and no rush. Hahaha I think you told me the same thing once! 


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Thank you for showing the link that goes with this picture. I started reading the story and Reader did an amazing job with the characters!

The way you do shading on the clothing is very nicely drawn. I like the differences in both of their outfits. you put a lot into this drawing and your effort shows =) You did a great drawing! I like how he has little nervous sweat drops while she has little hearts. 

The way you draw the hairstyles impresses me. I really like the lines you used with both characters! Her long hairstyle has a great flow to it, and his hair has a nice look to it.

I may not say as much as Reader did, especially when she pointed out details already XD , but I agree with what she said.

Sneeze drawings themselves can have a pre-sneeze expression instead of the sneeze itself. Do what you feel like drawing and do not stress about what you do =) 

Reader, you created some awesome characters and Nval did great with drawing them!

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Well..... I do not think anyone / stranger will just approched and look or ask im looking at... So... Its bit safer that way rather than at home, which there will be question. Whuuuut?? X'D How can I even teach you that?? And little embarrassed animal 😂😂😂really?? Hahaha

Oh my sister will never confesticated my phone, she just kick me out of the room,because she needs "privacy" =,=" and thus i have to evacuate to my brother's room

Now you know my feelings~ whats with yout detailed comments~~~ameeen i'll try XD but in the mean time, i think i will start with red nose, then see how i goes along the way X'D then goes to hitching?? Then a sneeze??? 😅😂 maybe~ 

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38 minutes ago, mysterysneeze said:

Thank you for showing the link that goes with this picture. I started reading the story and Reader did an amazing job with the characters!

The way you do shading on the clothing is very nicely drawn. I like the differences in both of their outfits. you put a lot into this drawing and your effort shows =) You did a great drawing! I like how he has little nervous sweat drops while she has little hearts. 

The way you draw the hairstyles impresses me. I really like the lines you used with both characters! Her long hairstyle has a great flow to it, and his hair has a nice look to it.

I may not say as much as Reader did, especially when she pointed out details already XD , but I agree with what she said.

Sneeze drawings themselves can have a pre-sneeze expression instead of the sneeze itself. Do what you feel like drawing and do not stress about what you do =) 

Reader, you created some awesome characters and Nval did great with drawing them!

You are very welcome~ I know right!!! I totaly agree, Reader's story is really amazing!!! 😊:wub:

Oh, thank you!! Its has been quite some times since i last drew something, so i'm a bit nervous about it 😂 again, thank you for your wonderful compliments (/ω\) ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Yes!!! I've just realised that, thank you for pointing it out XD i keep on jumping to try and make a sneeze drawing, while i actualy can just just start with pre-sneeze face ( ̄. ̄) Thank you~~ baby steps i guess~

Aaaaaw thank you again for the compliment (´∀`)♡ ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Truly thank you XD

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You are very welcome! I am glad you noticed my comment! Take your time with what you want to draw :) I like saying what I like about a drawing. 

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Why wouldn't I?? Thank you XD yes, and let me tell you, for me, as an artist, that actually helps a lot. See, as an artist, we usually draw or make something and feel that our first work are perfect, which we knoe its not, but sometimes we just fell in love with it, well at least sometimes that happens to me. So in order to improve it, i need other people perspective, because when you stare at it for quite sometimes, everything tend to get blurred X'D and i need a set new eyes tk point the "obvious" mistake / weird things in my artwork. 

So in other words (ill stop my babling \( ̄▽ ̄;)/) I truly appreciate your and reader's comment. So i can at least improve my artwork. Thank you~~~

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1 hour ago, mysterysneeze said:

Thank you for showing the link that goes with this picture. I started reading the story and Reader did an amazing job with the characters!

The way you do shading on the clothing is very nicely drawn. I like the differences in both of their outfits. you put a lot into this drawing and your effort shows =) You did a great drawing! I like how he has little nervous sweat drops while she has little hearts. 

The way you draw the hairstyles impresses me. I really like the lines you used with both characters! Her long hairstyle has a great flow to it, and his hair has a nice look to it.

I may not say as much as Reader did, especially when she pointed out details already XD , but I agree with what she said.

Sneeze drawings themselves can have a pre-sneeze expression instead of the sneeze itself. Do what you feel like drawing and do not stress about what you do =) 

Reader, you created some awesome characters and Nval did great with drawing them!

I’m so happy someone else commented on her drawing! In case she thinks I’m biased ;) I hope other people check out her link in my story! I literally melted when I saw it the first time. And it’s my phone wallpaper. Shhh don’t tell 😁 Thankyou so much!! After I finish chatting here, I’m going to reply to you in my story!

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1 hour ago, Nval95 said:

Well..... I do not think anyone / stranger will just approched and look or ask im looking at... So... Its bit safer that way rather than at home, which there will be question. Whuuuut?? X'D How can I even teach you that?? And little embarrassed animal 😂😂😂really?? Hahaha

Oh my sister will never confesticated my phone, she just kick me out of the room,because she needs "privacy" =,=" and thus i have to evacuate to my brother's room

Now you know my feelings~ whats with yout detailed comments~~~ameeen i'll try XD but in the mean time, i think i will start with red nose, then see how i goes along the way X'D then goes to hitching?? Then a sneeze??? 😅😂 maybe~ 

Yea it’s like a birdie and a bunny! Cute! 

Ya that’s a good idea. It could even turn into a comic panel. I’ve seen that on here. But that’s crazy time-consuming!

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1 hour ago, Reader said:

Yea it’s like a birdie and a bunny! Cute! 

Ya that’s a good idea. It could even turn into a comic panel. I’ve seen that on here. But that’s crazy time-consuming!

 Bunny 😂😂😂😂 thank you?? 

How true T.T well, i'll tag you when I upload it X'D sometimes in the future... Hopefully soon.. 😂

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1 hour ago, Reader said:

I’m so happy someone else commented on her drawing! In case she thinks I’m biased ;) I hope other people check out her link in my story! I literally melted when I saw it the first time. And it’s my phone wallpaper. Shhh don’t tell 😁 Thankyou so much!! After I finish chatting here, I’m going to reply to you in my story!

Wait what Σ( ° △ °)

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuu waiiii ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ oh my god, why did u made it your wallpaper OAO >< oh my god, thank you? 

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Just now, Nval95 said:

Wait what Σ( ° △ °)

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuu waiiii ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ oh my god, why did u made it your wallpaper OAO >< oh my god, thank you? 

because it’s significant to me! It perfectly captures my story. I don’t even need a summary at the beginning. Just this picture. My phone has a password and it’s covered mostly by apps, but just let me know if you want me to take it down ok boo? 

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3 hours ago, Reader said:

because it’s significant to me! It perfectly captures my story. I don’t even need a summary at the beginning. Just this picture. My phone has a password and it’s covered mostly by apps, but just let me know if you want me to take it down ok boo? 

Oh no need, i drew this picture for you, so you can do anything you like with it~~please stop making me blush XD

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4 hours ago, Reader said:

Ya that’s a good idea. It could even turn into a comic panel. I’ve seen that on here. But that’s crazy time-consuming!

So uuuuum..... I hope you like it?? 


Is this the right way of not hotlink the images.... Or did I do it wrong and accidentally hotlink it.....  

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YOU NEED TO POST THIS AS A NEW POST SO EVERYONE CAN SEE IT!!! I can’t wait to comment! Hurry so I can comment!! I think you have to click hyperlink to actually hyperlink something so I doubt it. I just looked on google. Please hurry I’m dying!!! I need to comment on this @Nval95 

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 I can’t wait…..                        
I love this so much!!! Ok it’s literally difficult to breathe and type at the same time! I keep trying to regulate my breathing, but I can’t multitask. Ok listen, I cannot believe you did this!!!!!!!!!! You have reduced me to stuttering, gasping, breathless disbelief! 
You are a magician!!! I am in awe!!!!! I never thought you would give me a comic panel!!!There’s so much I love, adore, melt about this!!! I am shook! Ok ok ok ok ok....😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤯🤯🤯
You’re so talented. Skillful, and so PRECISE. It’s incredible. Everything is just so imaginative and creative. Instead of a side by side panel, you do this unique focal point with background comics. And your ability to speak without words? How do you do this? Silently point out things that just tell a story. 

I’m not going in any order. . .and I’m shouting this. Just picture that in your head so I don’t have to capitalize everything 

Double homicide: You killed me twice. Contrast again!!!!!   I cannot believe you showed the contrast sideways this time!!!!! And Derek is still in his own head and still unable to see her reaction! He’s holding her tightly after the sneeze because you can see it from her hair. So many swirling emotions up to the observer to figure out. For me, I gotta take it to the stairwell scene. And that gets my heart pumping because you recreated a scene! She’s leaning on him, content and satisfied blessing him in her way. He’s beating himself up and thinking everything’s ruined.
I must write another scene where he has to sneeze over her back. It hits me in all the right places!!! 

The part I’m about to mention was so powerful, so eye-catching, so profound BUT it was drawn in such a delicate way that I am speechless because it’s that big of an impact. The only reaction you let us see from Anel is her hand clutching his arm. I could literally write a chapter on that detail alone. A freakin small hand and I’m putty! It’s so beautiful because everyone would be focused on Derek’s sneeze and then you just slipped that detail in. It’s so impressive! 

THOSE SHAKING SHOULDERS: You made me almost curse. His sneeze in the third image is EYE-CANDY! 
Anel’s reaction in the second is hilarious and this is such a great pre-sneeze expression!  His head is tilted back (a little bit of his neck peaks out now), his nose is redder, his mouth is open….wow! The last panel was just the definition of caretaking! Hurt and comfort. Derek and Anel. 
You spoil me…..THANKYOU!!! 


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1 hour ago, Reader said:

 I can’t wait…..                        
I love this so much!!! Ok it’s literally difficult to breathe and type at the same time! I keep trying to regulate my breathing, but I can’t multitask. Ok listen, I cannot believe you did this!!!!!!!!!! You have reduced me to stuttering, gasping, breathless disbelief! 
You are a magician!!! I am in awe!!!!! I never thought you would give me a comic panel!!!There’s so much I love, adore, melt about this!!! I am shook! Ok ok ok ok ok....😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤯🤯🤯
You’re so talented. Skillful, and so PRECISE. It’s incredible. Everything is just so imaginative and creative. Instead of a side by side panel, you do this unique focal point with background comics. And your ability to speak without words? How do you do this? Silently point out things that just tell a story. 

I’m not going in any order. . .and I’m shouting this. Just picture that in your head so I don’t have to capitalize everything 

Double homicide: You killed me twice. Contrast again!!!!!   I cannot believe you showed the contrast sideways this time!!!!! And Derek is still in his own head and still unable to see her reaction! He’s holding her tightly after the sneeze because you can see it from her hair. So many swirling emotions up to the observer to figure out. For me, I gotta take it to the stairwell scene. And that gets my heart pumping because you recreated a scene! She’s leaning on him, content and satisfied blessing him in her way. He’s beating himself up and thinking everything’s ruined.
I must write another scene where he has to sneeze over her back. It hits me in all the right places!!! 

The part I’m about to mention was so powerful, so eye-catching, so profound BUT it was drawn in such a delicate way that I am speechless because it’s that big of an impact. The only reaction you let us see from Anel is her hand clutching his arm. I could literally write a chapter on that detail alone. A freakin small hand and I’m putty! It’s so beautiful because everyone would be focused on Derek’s sneeze and then you just slipped that detail in. It’s so impressive! 

THOSE SHAKING SHOULDERS: You made me almost curse. His sneeze in the third image is EYE-CANDY! 
Anel’s reaction in the second is hilarious and this is such a great pre-sneeze expression!  His head is tilted back (a little bit of his neck peaks out now), his nose is redder, his mouth is open….wow! The last panel was just the definition of caretaking! Hurt and comfort. Derek and Anel. 
You spoil me…..THANKYOU!!! 


Should I? I thought it would be better if I put it in one topic o.o

Muuuuuuuuu ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ thank you >< I do not mean to fish any more compliment, but i dun think this drawing do your story any justice. But im so glad and flattered that you love it ♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪

It is!!!  See i was at the country when I read your story, and that scene just wont get out of my head. Both picture that I drew are actually based on that scene. I love how instead of pushing her away or doing it sideway, Derek end up hugging her in order to sneeze XD though in my imagination, Anel actually have demon tail that cant stop moving (like smug demon tail, sort of??) 

When i drew her, i imagine how "exited" she must to get "sneeze" at. And i mean really exited, that she cant believe she get, in a way,  the front sit XD she's so surprise and happy that she need to hold on to something, kind of feeling (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡ well thats how i imagine her feeling and base from your story. Thank u ><

Did you realize??? I actualy copy his sneezing sound from your story~~~ well he didnt see her, and she was like "i need to get closer look" or "oh dear!  He's going to sneeze *squiling inside" well... Thats how i imagine her from your story xD

You're very welcome~~ well you spoil me with your amazing story, so is the least i can do to show my appreciation~~

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5 hours ago, Nval95 said:

Should I? I thought it would be better if I put it in one topic o.o

Muuuuuuuuu ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ thank you >< I do not mean to fish any more compliment, but i dun think this drawing do your story any justice. But im so glad and flattered that you love it ♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪

It is!!!  See i was at the country when I read your story, and that scene just wont get out of my head. Both picture that I drew are actually based on that scene. I love how instead of pushing her away or doing it sideway, Derek end up hugging her in order to sneeze XD though in my imagination, Anel actually have demon tail that cant stop moving (like smug demon tail, sort of??) 

When i drew her, i imagine how "exited" she must to get "sneeze" at. And i mean really exited, that she cant believe she get, in a way,  the front sit XD she's so surprise and happy that she need to hold on to something, kind of feeling (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡ well thats how i imagine her feeling and base from your story. Thank u ><

Did you realize??? I actualy copy his sneezing sound from your story~~~ well he didnt see her, and she was like "i need to get closer look" or "oh dear!  He's going to sneeze *squiling inside" well... Thats how i imagine her from your story xD

You're very welcome~~ well you spoil me with your amazing story, so is the least i can do to show my appreciation~~

Yes!!! DO IT. This thread is so long that nobody is going to see this!! Post a new topic and include in title (sneeze). I’m so excited!! 

It does my story soooooo much justice because I get chills when I see that third panel. It brings me back to my story and shows the story aesthetically! And it’s so pleasing!!! I’m literally in that story’s moment. i went back just now and looked at it and lost a few more brain cells from shock. It’s so compelling and perfect. Ok for the love of my sanity, post a new topic! 

YES YES YES I NEED DEMON TAILED SMUG (ho ho ho type laugh) Anel! 

Yes I realized it!!!! It’s my favorite spelling of his sneeze although I do different versions of it. Make another topic and I won’t comment. That way, other ppl can give their comment without my long thing in the way. I hope you see this soon! I just woke up! 


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Well hello there~ Did you sleep well~~

1 hour ago, Reader said:

 I hope you see this soon! I just woke up! 



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