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Boyfriend allergy sneezes on my shoulder


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Hey y’all! Yesterday we celebrated Easter and my bf and I went to my aunt’s house. My bf is allergic to dogs, which we’ve recently discovered, so we’re still guaging exactly what sets him off and how to avoid it. He gets pretty sneezy around my aunt’s dogs, (2 labradors) and doesn’t usually sneeze around my dog, a lab mix, but whenever my dog licks his bare skin, he gets very itchy and breaks out in hives in that spot. :( 

My bf and I have been together for over a year, and we have only been to my aunt’s maybe 3 or 4 times. This is when we discovered he is allergic to pups. On Thanksgiving, he was sneezing all day long nonstop, even after we left her house. Now that we know he’s allergic, he tries not to pet them or get too close when we visit, but they’re crazy and usually end up jumping all over us, so it’s partly inevitable. 

Yesterday, him and I were sitting on a recliner at my aunt’s. He was in back of me and I was sitting in front of him. He was scratching my back gently. We brought my dog over to my aunt’s house as usual to play with her dogs, and my cousin brought her dog as well, so there was a total of 4 crazy labradors barking, playing, jumping, running. (It was actually pretty obnoxious lmao) The dogs kept coming up to my bf and I. My dog in particular wanted us to play fetch with her, and the others were just looking for attention. J was doing ok, until he started to complain that his hands were itchy. I let him put his hands and feet under my legs so that the dogs wouldn’t touch him, and in essence I was kind of guarding him from the dogs getting all over him. Still, at one point while still in this position, I felt him inhale and he let out a powerful wet sneeze. “huhEAHpsstchh!” Since his hands were occupied under me, he couldn’t really cover. He sneezed off to our right side, openly, attempting to avoid me but I felt the slight spray of the wet sneeze on my shoulder. I was wearing a sweater, so I couldn’t feel it entirely, but I definitely felt the vibration of the sneeze against my body. I know he didn’t mean to, but I think he used my shoulder/back partly as a way to cover his sneeze at the last minute. I thought it was soooo cute and sweet! I blessed him and he thanked me, and he continued to sniffle and suffer from a runny nose after that. He’s never sneezed on me before, and I don’t necessarily love the idea of being sneezed on - I’m neutral to it, but the fact that he had to use my body as a way to cover his powerful sneeze...I loved that! 


Later on, we were sitting on another couch watching a movie with my dad and uncle. J had his head on my shoulder and the dogs ran up to us at one point like maniacs. J started sniffling and I saw his right nostril twitching out of the corner of my eye. Shortly after, he said “alright hold on..” and he sat up from me abruptly, leaning off the front of the couch. He waited a few seconds, inhaled, then let out another powerful wet “HEHpstchhew! Ugh.” My dad and I blessed him and he thanked us. 

He did sneeze once more that night, but we weren’t at my aunt’s anymore, so it wasn’t an allergy sneeze. He did seemingly better this visit than the last few times, not as sneezy, and I believe because he knows now to stay away from the dogs when he didn’t know the first time, and got himself into a mess because he played with them all day. 

I love him and his sneezes! Thanks for reading! :) 

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I just read your reply in the other obs and now I found this :D. It's great to hear/read from him again!

7 hours ago, SneezingLove said:

I let him put his hands and feet under my legs so that the dogs wouldn’t touch him, and in essence I was kind of guarding him from the dogs getting all over him. Still, at one point while still in this position, I felt him inhale and he let out a powerful wet sneeze. “huhEAHpsstchh!” Since his hands were occupied under me, he couldn’t really cover.

This situation is just too cute! Could be straight from a sneezefic. I guess he would be very open to the fetish, but I also get your point with the quiet observing – He would have reacted differently if he had known about it. Not in a negative way, but maybe with more self-awareness and less natural. Who knows... 

I hope his allergies don't get worse so he can still visit you and your crazy dog (greetings from a fellow crazy lab mix :rolleyes:), the licking can easily be avoided (or not, depending on how much she wants to express her love. Mine is less lab-like when it comes to licking, but I do know some who have to kiss everyone they love. Which is basically every human being that happens to be around...). But I guess that you won't mind a few sneezes here and there, as long as they don't bother him too much.

Thanks for sharing and happy (quiet) observing! 



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  • 4 years later...

I know this is an older topic, but totally loved reading it! I actually stopped taking my allergy medication regularly so that I could sneeze more naturally ;)

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