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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Self Obs During a Short Cold


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So, I have a habit of having these sort of...24 hour colds I guess? I don't get super sick very often, but I do have a short one day cold every few months, and I suppose this was one of those times. 

To let you know what I look like...eh, I'm not exactly eye candy material ^^; I'd say I'm maybe a solid 5 out of 10? Maybe a 6...I'm about 5'5 (I think) with very short natural hair considering I'm from African American decent. It's sort of shaved on the sides with a kinda sorta mohawk? It's pretty poofy and a bit of it is dyed a very dark blue. I have lighter than usual dark skin as well. Enough with the appearances, onto the sneezes!

So I came back to my apartment/dorm after Spring Break with a sore throat. I thought nothing of it and went about unpacking so I could get comfortable. It wasn't until Sunday that I really felt the 24 hour bug. My throat was still a little sore when I woke up, and I had a bit of trouble sleeping that night as well. Later on my nose started to run really frequently, and then the sneezes came.

My sneezes differ in sound depending on if I'm feeling them coming or if they manage to sneak up on me. I don't have any allergies, unless it's a super rare ocurence like a certain bug spray or air freshner really gets to me. So when I had no time to prepare for an incoming sneeze it would sound something like "Hh-Tchuuu!" And when I have time to prepare it would be more like, "Hh-hhh! Hee-ShhIEWW!" I hope that makes sense xux;

I sneezed a LOT yesterday. And after I showered thinking that would help, it only made my nose run even more, and the sneezes came out even more frequently. It didn't help that my roommate came back that night when it was in full swing, and I really don't like sneezing around other people, especially my roommates since I never really know them that well and I dunno if they're germaphobes or not. Plus I get really defensive about stuff like that...Like a tsundere anime character who's too stubborn to admit that they're sick...Except not as annoying? I don't know lol...

I went to bed last night with a few tissues nearby, the only tissues that were left in my box on my dresser xux; When I discovered that I just groaned in a pretty sickly voice. A little stuffy too might I add.

Luckily I woke up today with only a sniffle, and that sore throat from before is nowhere to be found. Thank goodness, I'd hate to get my boyfriend sick when we meet up to get some grocery shopping today! Though allergy season is coming up though...Heheheee~

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Loved this line in particular, but thank you for sharing! Hope you feel better soon!

On 4/2/2018 at 1:45 PM, TwistedOtaku said:

Plus I get really defensive about stuff like that...Like a tsundere anime character who's too stubborn to admit that they're sick...Except not as annoying? I don't know lol..


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Seriously, I thought I was the only person in the world who got 24-hour colds (I'm just recovering from one now, in fact).  Bless you, and I'm glad you're better.


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