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The First Cold (Castiel SPN One-Shot for castiel_angel )


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Summary - Cas is puzzled about his first human cold and Sam and Dean take care of him and teach him all there is to know. Could be seen as Destiel or just friendship, you can choose.



It was an odd experience. The feeling he was feeling. He had never felt this way before. 


He felt weak. He never feels weak unless something REALLY bad is going on. 


He was wrapped up in a blanket that Dean had wrapped him up in. Dean was making him some soup because he said “it’s good for colds”. He didn’t know exactly why humans felt that they needed to eat soup when they were cold. He would never understand them.


Suddenly he felt a strange sensation in the back of his nose. He tried rubbing his nose but that only intensified the tickle. He took a deep breath and three explosions that sent spit and snot flying everywhere. 


Just then, Dean and Sam walked in. Dean sat down the steaming bowl of soup that was in his hands on the table. Sam sat a box of tissues and some medication.


“Cover your mouth.” Dean said gruffly holding out a tissue. 


“What was that?” Cas said with fear lacing his features while rubbing his nose with the tissue.


Sam chuckled before saying “A sneeze, that was a sneeze Cas. Have you never sneezed before? Or even seen one of us sneeze? God knows we do it enough with our allergies and all.” 


Cas thought back. As he did, he realized that he had seen both boys sneeze. And after, they always say “Bless you”. It’s weird. Do the humans think that saying that will keep the demons away from there souls?


“Well, I suppose. I just have never witnessed the sensation myself.” Cas replied.


Cas then felt the feeling yet again. He was sniffling, trying to make it go away, but nothing would help. 


He felt tissues be pushed into his hands. He raised them to his face and released 5 consecutive sneezes. 


“Bless you.” both boys said immediately. 


Cas might’ve chuckled at that if he didn’t feel like absolute death. And he had died. Multiple times, but this was almost worse. 


“Why don’t you eat your soup and then see if maybe you can sleep?” Dean suggested. 


And he did just that. He ate the soup (tomato and rice to be exact) and then went back to his room in the bunker not expecting at all to be able to fall asleep. But boy did he ever. 


He slept for 14 hours straight. Sam almost woke him up but was stopped by Dean. When he woke he felt a little better, but definitely not 100%. 


Cas walked into the kitchen where Dean was making burgers. When Dean turned his head at the approaching footsteps, he saw one of the most pitiful things he’d ever seen.


Castiel was the badass angel who could live through almost anything.


Not right now though


He had a blanket wrapped around him with a box of tissues tucked under his right arm and a red chapped nose. Dean chuckled at the sight.


“Still not feeling the greatest?” Dean questioned. 


He only got a grunt in return. 


Cas sat down at the table and hastily pulled out multiple tissues and wrapped them around his nose and released 4 sneezes into the folds. 


“Bless ya.” Dean said


Cas then slammed his head on the table (which did not help with his headache).


“Feeling that bad?” Dean questioned. 


No reply. 


The next thing Dean knew, he heard snoring. 


Dean approaches the sleeping angel and gently shook his shoulder. 


“Hey, Cas why don’t you head back to bed? Either I’ll come check on you in a little bit or Sam will to see how you’re feeling.” 


Cas just stood up and shook his head gently and then walked back to his bedroom. 


And when Dean caught his cold from him, he was there taking care of him (with the help of Sam of course).


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Oh my goodness! This’s was fantastic! I love when Cas has no idea about being human. And when he fell asleep on the table? Adorable!:inlove:^_^ Your fic is on the way!

Edited by castiel_angel
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Aaaaaw so cute!!!! I like how you describe Cas's feeling when he first need to sneeze. And I also like that in the end both Castial and Dean are taking care of each other. That is so sweet~~

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23 hours ago, castiel_angel said:

Oh my goodness! This’s was fantastic! I love when Cas has no idea about being human. And when he fell asleep on the table? Adorable!:inlove:^_^ Your fic is on the way!

I’m so happy you liked it! I’m pumped for my fic, lol! 


13 hours ago, Nval95 said:

Aaaaaw so cute!!!! I like how you describe Cas's feeling when he first need to sneeze. And I also like that in the end both Castial and Dean are taking care of each other. That is so sweet~~

Thank you so much!!!

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1 hour ago, sneezelover32 said:

I’m so happy you liked it! I’m pumped for my fic, lol! 


Thank you so much!!!

Your going to love it! I promise it will be complete by tomorrow night at latest-I’m a little busy in the early evening tomorrow but after that I’ll be good-I’ll let ya know when it’s out^_^

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On 4/5/2018 at 9:32 PM, castiel_angel said:

Your going to love it! I promise it will be complete by tomorrow night at latest-I’m a little busy in the early evening tomorrow but after that I’ll be good-I’ll let ya know when it’s out^_^

Ok! Just let me know! I’m excited :D

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Just now, sneezelover32 said:

Ok! Just let me know! I’m excited :D

Oh my God! I feel seriously awful for breaking my promise about last night but tonight I swear you’ll have your fic

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2 minutes ago, castiel_angel said:

Oh my God! I feel seriously awful for breaking my promise about last night but tonight I swear you’ll have your fic

Hey, I get it. Life happens, lol. It’s all good!

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4 hours ago, castiel_angel said:

Oh my God! I feel seriously awful for breaking my promise about last night but tonight I swear you’ll have your fic

Is it going to be under fanficfion or drabbles? Just curious lol

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2 minutes ago, sneezelover32 said:

Is it going to be under fanficfion or drabbles? Just curious lol


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Just now, sneezelover32 said:

Ok :D

I’m almost done-promise—while your waiting you can check out my Drabble thread-no jk you don’t have to:razz: 

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4 minutes ago, castiel_angel said:

I’m almost done-promise—while your waiting you can check out my Drabble thread-no jk you don’t have to:razz: 

I already have! All of your drabbles are amazing, I’m so excited to read my fic! You’re an amazing writer!

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Just now, sneezelover32 said:

I already have! All of your drabbles are amazing, I’m so excited to read my fic! You’re an amazing writer!

Lmao that’s great! Thank you so much!

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2 hours ago, sneezelover32 said:

Is it going to be under fanficfion or drabbles? Just curious lol


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