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Lake Ceemore


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Warning: Swearing and possible mentions of nudity

"Ready?" I asked standing in front of Noah. He nodded groaning a little obviously still tired as he picked up his bags following me to the car in a sloth like manner. I'd been planning to take Jake to my family's beach house for years but this year was perfect we'd just graduated high school and I invited a few of our other friends along for the weekend as well.

"Lake Ceemore here we come!" I shouted excitedly causing Noah to groan once again.

"Take a nap or something you no fun." I stuck my tongue out at him before starting the car and beginning our three hour journey.

Noah woke from his nap about an hour into the car ride groggily rubbing his eyes and yawning revealing his charming boyish dimples.

"Good nap?" I asked jokingly.

"It was alright." Noah cleared his throat coughing a little.

"Can you open the window it's a little hot in here?" He asked, I nodded turning off the child lock to let him open the window.

"So, how excited are you for this weekend?" I asked barely containing my own excitement.

"I'm uh, one sec... HEH'SHOO! HIH'TCHOO! ugh sorry I'm excited" he laughed a little wiping the arm he'd just sneezed in.

"Good, cause this weekends going to be the best!" I beamed smiling at him before looking back at the road.

We were almost at the Lake at his point but i was starving and knew there would be nothing at the house when we got there.

"I'm starving, let's stop for something to eat." I pulled off toward the next exit as I could already see some type of dinner. Noah just nodded leaning his head back on the window, it was unlike him to be so quiet.

"You okay? you've been pretty quite this whole time?" I asked trying not to pry/

"Yeah, sorry I think my allergies are acting up or something my nose is just so itchy." He sighed annoyingly rubbing it has nose, which I'd now realized was bright red.

We got a booth at the dinner both quietly scanning over our menus, but I couldn't help but notice Noah's constant sniffling. Noah's always been the type to avoid sickness till it completely takes him over so I knew not to bother saying anything else. We both ordered our food eating silently,  god I knew something was up with Noah. Just as I was about to say something he lifted his arm tuning away from the table with two nearly silent sneezes.

"Bless you" I offered laughing a little to keep the mood light.

"Thanks, uh sorry were you going to say something?" He grabbed a napkin from the table wiping his nose a little obviously to embarrassed to blow it. We finished our food with minimal conversation before heading back on the road for the last 30 minutes till we get to the lake house.

By the time we got to the house everyone else was already there CJ, Kate, Shawn, Amanda and Brian. They'd been my best friends along with Noah since junior high. I rushed out of the car and into the house throwing myself onto the couch between CJ and Amanda and wrapping my arms around Amanda's next.

"Manda! This weekends going to be the best!" I screamed as she hugged me tighter.

"Jesus Christ, you guys act like this is some type of reunion didn't you pack together yesterday?" CJ interrupted.

"Shut up CJ! We've had this plan forever and I promise you this weekend WILL be the BEST. OKAY? OKAY." I looked CJ dead in the eye for a few minutes to get the point across before bursting into laughter and getting up to grab my bag from Noah who was pretty much dragging himself through the front door.

"Thank for grabbing my bag, everyone chosen rooms so I guess you can have the room upstairs at then end of the hall it had a king I thought you'd want it." He gave ma a grateful smile as I grabbed my bag  as he vanished to his room to "change".

"Let's get this part started!" Amanda cheered opening a bottle of vodka and pouring a shot for her Kate, Brian and CJ.

"Want one?" She gestured the bottle towards me I'm usually not much of a drinker considering how much of a light weight I am, but it's summer and we're all here at the lake house together partying for the last time before University, so fuck it.

"Fuck it!" I raised my hands in the air in surrender as Amanda poured me a shot passing me the dark marbled shot glass.

"Cheers!" we all shouted downing the shots. I shut my eyes squirming against the burn of the alcohol as it settled into a subtle warmth.

A few shots later Noah came out from his room to join us taking a shot himself. I laughed a little as he coughed obviously choking on the shot a little. I was also far past sober at this point.

"Guys come here!" Kate slurred nearly falling onto the couch beside Brian and drunkenly kissing him. At this point we were used to this Katie and Brian had been dating since eighth grade and were the couple we all imagined together forever.

I staggered over to the couch dropping onto the floor across from it and grabbing the vodka off the coffee table.

"Never have I ever?" The first time we all got drunk was together and we'd played never have I ever together, it'd become a tradition ever since. Everyone agreed setting their shot glasses onto the table as we formed some type of circle.

"I'll start" Katie offered.

"Never have I ever fantasized about anyone in this room." I laughed a little as Katie and Brian both reached for the bottle, next thing you know we'd all poured a shot. This was definitely going to be an interesting weekend.

A few rounds later we were all far too drunk to continue the game, Kate and Brian had "gone to bed" leaving the rest of us outside now lying on the dock staring at the stars.

"I'm going to miss this." I said interrupting the silence.

"Me too, high school really was better then I could of imagined." Amanda chimed in.

"We should probably going swimming." Brian began to tear his clothes of druninly wobbling around the deck.

"Swimming or skinny dipping?" Noah asked obviously already shivering in his hoodie and shorts. Brian laughed stripping down to his boxers and diving into the lake leaving the rest of us to follow.

"It's freezing" Noah complained shaking his wet curls out of his face.

"That it is, but isn't it nice out here, just look at the stars." Noah opened his mouth to reply, but his breath began to hitch interrupting him.

"HEH'Shuh, ugh I think I got water in my HUh'Shiew! nose ugh fuck that hurt."

"Bless you, allergies still bothering you?" I asked raising my eyebrows as Noah desperately rubbed at his running nose.

"I don't know, it's probably just the cold or something." He shrugged it off beggining to talk about the stars to avoid the topic.

We got out of the lake drying off in towels on the dock, well Amanda and Brian went inside to drink more. I sat staring out at the lake with Noah sitting beside me.

"Every-time I'm here I can't help but think of my childhood, it's just such a nostalgic place." Noah smiled setting his head onto my lap, something he always used to do when he was tired.

"It's beautiful here." He said yawning and nuzzling his head into my lap.

"Noah, I'm drunk" I giggled a little running my fingers through my light brown hair.

"Don't worry, I know." He smiled sniffling a little and wiping his nose with his towel.

"Huh'Shuh! Eh'SHOO! HEH-Uh'NXT!" He must've been caught of guard considering he caught the first two sneezes in his hands before stifling the last one into his elbow.

"BLESS YOU!" I yelled in surprised as he sniffled again.

"THANK YOU!" he yelled back, clearing his throat a little after.

"Shit! On sec." He turned away from me a little lifting his head from my lap.

"EH'SHOO, HUH-EH, HAH'CHIEW, Eh'Shoo, Heh-AH'SHIEW, Heh'nxght'choo!" Noah sneezed into his elbow sniffling and shaking his head a little after.

"BUH-LESS YOU! Damn!" He laughed a little obviously trying to shrug it off.

"I'm gonna go inside, I need to blow my nose." Noah laughed before getting up and helping me up before grabbing his clothes and heading inside.

We walked back inside into the kitchen where Amanda and Brian were laughing, obviously shit-faced at this point. Noah grabbed some paper towel blowing his nose into it then grabbing another as he hesitated nostrils now flaring.

"Hehh'TSHH, Eh'Choo! damn my fr..fre..HEH'USHH! CHIEW! HEHH-UH'TCHOO! my freaking nose! DAMN!"

"Bless you!" Amanda and Brian said in unison as I gave Noah a glare.

"Thanks." Noah said obviously embarrassed as he blew his nose again.

"Are you getting sick or something?" I asked raising my eyebrows in hope to look more serious then drunk.

"No, my nose is just bothering me today."

"You sure? You never sneeze this much, like ever." I clarified crossing my arms and observing him a little. He did look a little flushed and his nose was a dark redish pink at this point.

"I'm fine, MOM, but thanks for asking." He said sarcastically as he grabbed some more paper towel and headed to his room.

"What's going on with him?" Amanda asked, I shrugged rolling my eyes.

"I think I'm just going to head to bed see you guys in the morning." I hugged them both before heading up to my room, next to Noah's. As I passed his room I could hear him sneezing rapidly inside, of course. As I said Noah will pretend he's fine until he's pretty much dying.

Let me know if you guys liked this! I loved writing it. Also let me know if I should continue and If you have any ideas for future parts. Thanks for reading!




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On 4/4/2018 at 5:36 PM, sneezelover32 said:

I really liked this! Please continue :D!!


On 4/4/2018 at 7:59 PM, Sneezer08 said:

This is freaking awesome!!! Please continue 😊😊😊😊


On 4/4/2018 at 8:13 PM, M214186 said:

So awesome please do continue 

Thank you so much! :)

Took me awhile but I really wanted to make a second part I hope you enjoy it! Let me know if you want more or have any ideas, thanks.

I stepped into the kitchen, head fogged and stomach churning. A typical hangover.

"How was your sleep?" Brian asked, throwing his arm over Kate's.

"Not too bad I guess." I groaned rubbing at my aching head. Shawn then walked around the corner gracing us with his presence. It was only now I'd realized I hadn't seen him at all last night.

"Where'd you disappear to last night?" Shawn just nudged ruffling his hands through his tame blonde hair. He never was one to kiss and tell. We all sat down in front of the breakfast Kate and Brian had made. I looked around the table to see an empty chair, where was Noah? I asked CJ who was sitting beside me digging into his eggs now. He just shrugged continuing to shovel food into his mouth. Thankfully Kate was listening and told me she had tried to wake him up but he seemed really tired and asked to sleep a little longer. This was unusual for Noah, he's usually the first up and out for a run while everyone else is still asleep.

I waited till we were all done breakfast to go wake Noah up. I stepped into the room looking at him, he looked so small. All curled up as if he were sinking into the king bed. He looked so peaceful I felt bad waking him.

"Hey, it's morning." I said softy stroking his light brown curls, he'd always found it comforting. He moved into my hand a little groaning.

"You okay? I think you have a fever." His body heat was pretty much radiating.

"No, I'm fine. Just tired." He curled further into the duvet. "Can I please just have a more minutes to sleep?" He said something about being hungover but all I could hear was the congestion moving into his voice.

"HAHH'ESSHUH! fugk, can you pass me a tissue." I nodded grabbing the box on the night side table passing him a handful to blow his streaming nose.

"So are you going to admit your sick? C'mon you look like shit." He shot me a glare continuing to wetly blow his nose and shake his head. "Do you know where Shawn was last night?" Noah's eyes had been practically pleading me to drop the whole sick thing, so he was pleased with this.

"No, not really. He was leaving when we got here, going to see a "friend"." He started laughing throwing himself into a painful sounding coughing fit. I couldn't help but rub his back, feeling terrible just watching him in pain. Especially when he wouldn't even admit it and accept my help.

"Sorry about that. What are we doing today?" He asked calming from his coughing fit, tears still in his eyes. I laughed at the boy in front of me sitting up half asleep, rubbing at his raw nose.

"We're just going down the Lake, Janelle's here for the summer too with some friends, she's having a party tonight...You know if your up to it, I don't mid staying back with you." I was cut off by Noah attempted to silence a sneeze into his arm. "Bless you." It just came so automatically to me, I'd always been told being polite was the most important thing growing up. Let's just say, in a way they're full of bullshit.

"Yeah I uh, HEH, jus...HHUH..." he looked off awaiting the oncoming sneeze. 'HEH... I uh, HUESHOO, I, ETCHOO HESHOO HUH'ESHOO!" Noah gave into the harsh sneezes, blocking his face with blanket. "Sorry, I just have to get ready." He blew his nose more wetly then before. Sighing after going through a few tissues.

"Yeah, your totally okay." I said sarcastically. Rolling my eyes at Noah as weakly tried to get up, groggily searching for his bag.

"Over there." I pointed to the the red duffle sitting against the closet doors. He nodded in thanks, dragging his weak limbs to pick it up. I tried to hold my laughter in watching him tiredly put his shirt on backwards for the third time. I turned all to slowly as he began to pull his pants off.

"I'll meet you downstairs, with everyone else." I walked out of the room the sound of his rough congested voice following me. He really was going to suffer.

Everyone sat in the living room on there phones, already talking about the party tonight. Social media.

"Noah coming?" CJ asked interrupting the other conversation. I shrugged, dropping onto the couch beside him.

"He seems really sick, but I don't know he said he's fine. As usual." CJ shrugged telling me to let it go. He's right Noah eighteen for gods sake. I talked to CJ a little longer letting Shawn join in as I left to help Amanda in the kitchen.

"You're alive!" I yelled jokingly surprised to see Noah already in the kitchen with Amanda.

"Barely, Manda was just getting something for my headache. You know, hangovers." He assured me before I could say anything. I rolled my eyes again propping myself on the counter to grab the Advil.

"HEH"ESHUHH, HEH'NXGT!" Noah ducked his head into his arm, only managing to suppress the second sneeze. Obviously not wanting us to notice.

"Bless you." Amanda and I said in unison. "You sure you don't want cold medicine instead?" Noah scowled at the offer, grabbing the Advil from the volunteer.

"I'm good thanks. Just a headache."

"Must be a hell of a headache." I snapped back, Amanda now bending over in laughter at our dispute.

"I hope you don't mind me interrupting, whatever that was. But do you guys need anything from the store. I'm writing up a list right now."

"I'm good, but maybe sickie over there wants some cough drops or something." I glared at Noah again, almost cracking a smile as he began to cough again.

"Oh fuck off. Can you just add some lemonade to the list, thanks." He smiled at Amanda, barely looking at me as he walked off to the living room.

"God, what's up with these sick little man children." Amanda joked scribbling a few more things onto her list. I have no idea I thought.

Sorry this part kind of sucks, but the next one should be better! And there will be much more sneezing! And a party!

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/4/2018 at 12:15 AM, SneezingGodess914 said:

Warning: Swearing and possible mentions of nudity

"Ready?" I asked standing in front of Noah. He nodded groaning a little obviously still tired as he picked up his bags following me to the car in a sloth like manner. I'd been planning to take Noah to my family's beach house for years but this year was perfect we'd just graduated high school and I invited a few of our other friends along for the weekend as well.

"Lake Ceemore here we come!" I shouted excitedly causing Noah to groan once again.

"Take a nap or something you no fun." I stuck my tongue out at him before starting the car and beginning our three hour journey.

Noah woke from his nap about an hour into the car ride groggily rubbing his eyes and yawning revealing his charming boyish dimples.

"Good nap?" I asked jokingly.

"It was alright." Noah cleared his throat coughing a little.

"Can you open the window it's a little hot in here?" He asked, I nodded turning off the child lock to let him open the window.

"So, how excited are you for this weekend?" I asked barely containing my own excitement.

"I'm uh, one sec... HEH'SHOO! HIH'TCHOO! ugh sorry I'm excited" he laughed a little wiping the arm he'd just sneezed in.

"Good, cause this weekends going to be the best!" I beamed smiling at him before looking back at the road.

We were almost at the Lake at his point but i was starving and knew there would be nothing at the house when we got there.

"I'm starving, let's stop for something to eat." I pulled off toward the next exit as I could already see some type of dinner. Noah just nodded leaning his head back on the window, it was unlike him to be so quiet.

"You okay? you've been pretty quite this whole time?" I asked trying not to pry/

"Yeah, sorry I think my allergies are acting up or something my nose is just so itchy." He sighed annoyingly rubbing it has nose, which I'd now realized was bright red.

We got a booth at the dinner both quietly scanning over our menus, but I couldn't help but notice Noah's constant sniffling. Noah's always been the type to avoid sickness till it completely takes him over so I knew not to bother saying anything else. We both ordered our food eating silently,  god I knew something was up with Noah. Just as I was about to say something he lifted his arm tuning away from the table with two nearly silent sneezes.

"Bless you" I offered laughing a little to keep the mood light.

"Thanks, uh sorry were you going to say something?" He grabbed a napkin from the table wiping his nose a little obviously to embarrassed to blow it. We finished our food with minimal conversation before heading back on the road for the last 30 minutes till we get to the lake house.

By the time we got to the house everyone else was already there CJ, Kate, Shawn, Amanda and Brian. They'd been my best friends along with Noah since junior high. I rushed out of the car and into the house throwing myself onto the couch between CJ and Amanda and wrapping my arms around Amanda's next.

"Manda! This weekends going to be the best!" I screamed as she hugged me tighter.

"Jesus Christ, you guys act like this is some type of reunion didn't you pack together yesterday?" CJ interrupted.

"Shut up CJ! We've had this plan forever and I promise you this weekend WILL be the BEST. OKAY? OKAY." I looked CJ dead in the eye for a few minutes to get the point across before bursting into laughter and getting up to grab my bag from Noah who was pretty much dragging himself through the front door.

"Thank for grabbing my bag, everyone chosen rooms so I guess you can have the room upstairs at then end of the hall it had a king I thought you'd want it." He gave ma a grateful smile as I grabbed my bag  as he vanished to his room to "change".

"Let's get this part started!" Amanda cheered opening a bottle of vodka and pouring a shot for her Kate, Brian and CJ.

"Want one?" She gestured the bottle towards me I'm usually not much of a drinker considering how much of a light weight I am, but it's summer and we're all here at the lake house together partying for the last time before University, so fuck it.

"Fuck it!" I raised my hands in the air in surrender as Amanda poured me a shot passing me the dark marbled shot glass.

"Cheers!" we all shouted downing the shots. I shut my eyes squirming against the burn of the alcohol as it settled into a subtle warmth.

A few shots later Noah came out from his room to join us taking a shot himself. I laughed a little as he coughed obviously choking on the shot a little. I was also far past sober at this point.

"Guys come here!" Kate slurred nearly falling onto the couch beside Brian and drunkenly kissing him. At this point we were used to this Katie and Brian had been dating since eighth grade and were the couple we all imagined together forever.

I staggered over to the couch dropping onto the floor across from it and grabbing the vodka off the coffee table.

"Never have I ever?" The first time we all got drunk was together and we'd played never have I ever together, it'd become a tradition ever since. Everyone agreed setting their shot glasses onto the table as we formed some type of circle.

"I'll start" Katie offered.

"Never have I ever fantasized about anyone in this room." I laughed a little as Katie and Brian both reached for the bottle, next thing you know we'd all poured a shot. This was definitely going to be an interesting weekend.

A few rounds later we were all far too drunk to continue the game, Kate and Brian had "gone to bed" leaving the rest of us outside now lying on the dock staring at the stars.

"I'm going to miss this." I said interrupting the silence.

"Me too, high school really was better then I could of imagined." Amanda chimed in.

"We should probably going swimming." Brian began to tear his clothes of druninly wobbling around the deck.

"Swimming or skinny dipping?" Noah asked obviously already shivering in his hoodie and shorts. Brian laughed stripping down to his boxers and diving into the lake leaving the rest of us to follow.

"It's freezing" Noah complained shaking his wet curls out of his face.

"That it is, but isn't it nice out here, just look at the stars." Noah opened his mouth to reply, but his breath began to hitch interrupting him.

"HEH'Shuh, ugh I think I got water in my HUh'Shiew! nose ugh fuck that hurt."

"Bless you, allergies still bothering you?" I asked raising my eyebrows as Noah desperately rubbed at his running nose.

"I don't know, it's probably just the cold or something." He shrugged it off beggining to talk about the stars to avoid the topic.

We got out of the lake drying off in towels on the dock, well Amanda and Brian went inside to drink more. I sat staring out at the lake with Noah sitting beside me.

"Every-time I'm here I can't help but think of my childhood, it's just such a nostalgic place." Noah smiled setting his head onto my lap, something he always used to do when he was tired.

"It's beautiful here." He said yawning and nuzzling his head into my lap.

"Noah, I'm drunk" I giggled a little running my fingers through my light brown hair.

"Don't worry, I know." He smiled sniffling a little and wiping his nose with his towel.

"Huh'Shuh! Eh'SHOO! HEH-Uh'NXT!" He must've been caught of guard considering he caught the first two sneezes in his hands before stifling the last one into his elbow.

"BLESS YOU!" I yelled in surprised as he sniffled again.

"THANK YOU!" he yelled back, clearing his throat a little after.

"Shit! On sec." He turned away from me a little lifting his head from my lap.

"EH'SHOO, HUH-EH, HAH'CHIEW, Eh'Shoo, Heh-AH'SHIEW, Heh'nxght'choo!" Noah sneezed into his elbow sniffling and shaking his head a little after.

"BUH-LESS YOU! Damn!" He laughed a little obviously trying to shrug it off.

"I'm gonna go inside, I need to blow my nose." Noah laughed before getting up and helping me up before grabbing his clothes and heading inside.

We walked back inside into the kitchen where Amanda and Brian were laughing, obviously shit-faced at this point. Noah grabbed some paper towel blowing his nose into it then grabbing another as he hesitated nostrils now flaring.

"Hehh'TSHH, Eh'Choo! damn my fr..fre..HEH'USHH! CHIEW! HEHH-UH'TCHOO! my freaking nose! DAMN!"

"Bless you!" Amanda and Brian said in unison as I gave Noah a glare.

"Thanks." Noah said obviously embarrassed as he blew his nose again.

"Are you getting sick or something?" I asked raising my eyebrows in hope to look more serious then drunk.

"No, my nose is just bothering me today."

"You sure? You never sneeze this much, like ever." I clarified crossing my arms and observing him a little. He did look a little flushed and his nose was a dark redish pink at this point.

"I'm fine, MOM, but thanks for asking." He said sarcastically as he grabbed some more paper towel and headed to his room.

"What's going on with him?" Amanda asked, I shrugged rolling my eyes.

"I think I'm just going to head to bed see you guys in the morning." I hugged them both before heading up to my room, next to Noah's. As I passed his room I could hear him sneezing rapidly inside, of course. As I said Noah will pretend he's fine until he's pretty much dying.

Let me know if you guys liked this! I loved writing it. Also let me know if I should continue and If you have any ideas for future parts. Thanks for reading!





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I want more! I love love LOVE how stubborn Noah is!! Please do continue :)! I love your characters’ interactions with each other and the sneezes are very well written :D!!

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