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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nose and Mouth (Male[Derek],sneezing)


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So it was recomended by @Reader that i make a new topic for this artwork. This is how I picture of Derek and Anel in one of the scene from her amazing work. You have to check out Reader's amazing story "Nose and Mouth". This drawing does not do the story any justice, but i like to atleast share it so that others can (hopefully) enjoy it~



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What are you doing to me!!!!! Waaaaaaah!! Why are they so adorable! IEEEEEEEEEEEE!  

Her eyelashes: so pretty! 

Her smile: it’s like she’s trying to contain a smile or an evil giggle!

We are going to have such a beautiful collaboration project in the future!!! Can you picture it and are you excited!!? I’m so happy I found a friend here! 

It’s literally two pictures. If you look without the tail, you get Anel just admiring him and giving him a ruffle in his hair.  If you look with the tail, it looks like Anel is enjoying his embarassment or knew he would have that reaction!!! Love it!! 

Wow! I don’t even know artistic words but even the clothes are changed to this style of art! It’s just amazing how you did that! 

Derek’s expression: There’s so much in it. He’s laying on her lap and they are doing something and then Anel looks down and starts rubbing his hair and he freaks out. He likes it, but also feels embarassed, shocked, and overwhelmed! 

Crap I’m running out of wallpaper! It’s a good thing I couldn’t put the second drawing on my phone!


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33 minutes ago, Reader said:

What are you doing to me!!!!! Waaaaaaah!! Why are they so adorable! IEEEEEEEEEEEE!  

Her eyelashes: so pretty! 

Her smile: it’s like she’s trying to contain a smile or an evil giggle!

We are going to have such a beautiful collaboration project in the future!!! Can you picture it and are you excited!!? I’m so happy I found a friend here! 

It’s literally two pictures. If you look without the tail, you get Anel just admiring him and giving him a ruffle in his hair.  If you look with the tail, it looks like Anel is enjoying his embarassment or knew he would have that reaction!!! Love it!! 

Wow! I don’t even know artistic words but even the clothes are changed to this style of art! It’s just amazing how you did that! 

Derek’s expression: There’s so much in it. He’s laying on her lap and they are doing something and then Anel looks down and starts rubbing his hair and he freaks out. He likes it, but also feels embarassed, shocked, and overwhelmed! 

Crap I’m running out of wallpaper! It’s a good thing I couldn’t put the second drawing on my phone!


Because they areeeee, your character are so adorable!!!! Evil XD naaaaaw she's just a wolf in sheep clothing X'D Thank you so much for the compliment~~ Glad you like it

Yes!! Never thought of that nor done it before. I cant wait to try it out. Truly, I am also ecstatic to find a friend here too~

I know its a bit out of your story, but this is how I imagine when Derek regain consciousness after he fainted/sleep in Anel shoulder. And of course, who could resist to move him to her lap and let her play with his hair (i sure couldnt X'D) 

Do you want more???  (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡ I am currently trying different style of drawing, and right now I have some picture of Anel. No cold or sneezes, just some of her profile. Would you like me to post it here?? 

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@Nval95 YES!! And I blame you if nothing gets written today while I fawn over these pictures. The sneeze one will be revisited a lot! Post post post! I’m curious about this next one

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Your.... Your wish is my command... Nooo typooo (/ω\)

How is it my fault~~~ i only provide you with... Mmmmm... More graphic Inspiration~~~ (๑¯ω¯๑)

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The first thing I notice immediately (art-wise) are those interlocking fingers. I promise I don’t have a hand fetish but that just seems like it would be sooooo hard to accomplish. 3D (I’m saying 3 dimensional and not trying to make a punctuation face right. I just realized it could be a face  ;3D.   Hahahahahaha

The one on the right is perfect!!! (Like lookswise) and the one on the left is cute! I love the eyes and eyelashes! That hair is on point!!! I love them both! Which one is your favorite?!


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1 hour ago, Reader said:

The first thing I notice immediately (art-wise) are those interlocking fingers. I promise I don’t have a hand fetish but that just seems like it would be sooooo hard to accomplish. 3D (I’m saying 3 dimensional and not trying to make a punctuation face right. I just realized it could be a face  ;3D.   Hahahahahaha


Thank you >< Im glad you like it. Oh yes!!  If you didnt point it out,  i wouldnt have notice. Though i do know this emoji :3

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0_0 you took more than just baby steps with your drawings! You not only drew a pre-sneeze but you did the sneeze itself and the way you imagined the after effect of the sneeze to be. You did great drawing both Derek and Anel! ^^ There is something sweet about the way you do color on eyes. They look great to me =) 

That chibi drawing is adorable XD I like the way you did the shading on the outfits with the chibi designs. 

To be honest it has been a really long time since I've seen anywhere on the forum where this much awesome support has been shown between an artist and a writer. Both you and Reader work hard, and both of your efforts show =)

The way you drew the final pictures of Anel could be seen as part of a ref sheet. I like the way you did different views/angles of her! Each drawing has good details with it. The little blush and the way she seems excited remind me of how eager she is to try to take care of Derek.

Thank you for taking the time to draw these characters! =) I like your drawings of both of them.

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Well truthfully, my first plan was to draw only the sneezinv part, then i want to drawn the ending part,  then i got curious.... And do the whole sequence.  .......... =,=" oh thank you~ I'm glad that you like it~~

Thank you~~~yes~~they are XD i plan to draw another chibi, but this time it will be Anel who is sick~~

Oh my, thank you >\\\\\<

Yeeees~~ oh you've seen the blush? Its was so faint that I thought most people will miss it XD but yes~ I am glad that her excitement can be felt~~

Thank you!! And thank you again for you thoughtful and details comment ⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄ω⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄

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Well, @Reader, this is the promised artwork. Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I hope you like it ><

So.. This is the first version


And this is the second version when i remembered that the scene suppose to be dark 😂😂


Which do you like the most?  The bright one? Or the dark one??? 

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I love the dark one the most!!!!!! Is it just me or does every feature just seem to POP in the darkness. Is that my eyes or your skills!!!!! Wowza!!!

Some minor details that kills me...HER EYES AND LIPS....It’s so perfect I could :kisscheek: you! It’s so tiny in the eyes but the upturned lashes and curve of the closed eye matches the lips!!! You can just tell she’s smiling and happy! 😭😭😭 And again the hand clench because that girl is awake! And her hands are fantastic! 

Her hair is gorgeous and actually looks real! It just falls down her back like silk. And oomph! That big hoodie on her! 

Derek’s eye bags, how exhausted he looks, that pert red little nose, the fading red that goes to his cheeks, and how his arms seem to box her in is just sooooo enticing! MOAR!!! Derek’s arm is so strong! I love it!! 

I just got an idea. Since we are role playing this week, maybe you should draw something for this next part and post same time. 

Thankyou my sweet sweet friend!!!!!! 

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Yaaaaaaaaay!  So happy that you love it~~ mmmm coincidence??

Nyaaaaaaaaaa *blush thank you (/ω\) oh yes~ she knows that she is where she belongs (so no running Anel, noooooooooo, go back to Dereeeeek X'D) 

Well i thought, since you like it @Reader,and its actually more probable for her to use Derek's clothes, i just had to draw he wearing it 😈 😋😏

He is having a fever.... Yes?, or at least had it?? Does that red blush actually tells you that, or am i adding it to much? And making it looks like he is wearing a make up instead. Derek go clingy!!! XD

Oh okay~ I'll try my best to draw it~~~

You are very welcome XD i'm glad that you love it~~

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Definitely your fantastic shading skills!

Hahahaha (Nval! I can’t be hurt again. I have to  atleast try to run)  Lets hope Derek can make it harder on her and make it an easy and quick surrender ;)

It doesn’t look like makeup AT ALL! It’s perfectly faded! 

I think all I mentioned was that she was wearing Derek’s clothing  but not exactly what she was wearing. I’ll have to describe her clothes. That actually might help part of the storyline. Thanks boo! 



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Muuuu ⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄ω⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄ thank you

(yeah, make it a bit more dramatic.xD) Amen!!!! But Derek being cute and cuddly. Whoever cant resist that X'D 

Yaaaaaay~ well u can let us all reader imagine what she's wearing XD something specific does helps me draw it though. You are very welcome @Reader~ glad to help~~

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The brighter and darker each have their advantages. I like both =) The brighter one, for me, is easier to see details with both characters. The darker one has very impressive shading ^^ 

Great job with these!

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34 minutes ago, mysterysneeze said:

The brighter and darker each have their advantages. I like both =) The brighter one, for me, is easier to see details with both characters. The darker one has very impressive shading ^^ 

Great job with these!

Thank you~~~ ♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ́˱˲ˍ̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛

Im glad that you like it~~~

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