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Email Notifications


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Sometime yesterday I stopped receiving email notifications for PMs and replies to topics I'm following. I checked both my spam and trash folders and nothing is in there. I also checked my account settings on here and it looks like everything is still set up how I want it for notifications. I hope someone can help me figure this out because I really rely on email notifications in order  to see PMs and topic updates in a timely manner, especially since sometimes I might not visit the forum for days or weeks at a time.

Edit: Of course, immediately after I posted I started getting email notifications again, at least for topic updates. One of them was definitely for an update from yesterday, so maybe there was a glitch and they're being sent out late? Hopefully the notifications for PMs will start coming through again soon, too.

Edited by Shay
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Yes, it seems to be. I'm now getting the PM notifications, but they're just delayed quite a bit.

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The email notifications are unfortunately out of our control. If the settings are set to receive them, then from our side of things, they will be sent. It may be a delay or a glitch with your email provider, but if they are delayed, then there isn't anything that we can do here at the forum to resolve it. There are no settings that can be changed to make them appear quicker, I'm afraid. 

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Well, I'm hoping it was a temporary thing seeing as I got notification of your response right away. I think they just got stuck for the better part of the day and then started coming in again.

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