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I’ll Take Care of You (Famous in Love)


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Side Note - I know that this isn’t something that would be happening on the show now because of the season premiere last night, but this is what I feel could’ve happened if Paige would’ve chose Rainer.





Paige Townsen was walking out the set of “Locked” on a Saturday night ready for the week break that they were about to have. After working for weeks and weeks on the new movie, it was beginning to take a toll on her. Her head was pounding and her nose was running like a faucet. 


She was almost to her car when she heard someone calling out her name.


“Paige, hey wait up a sec.” she heard.


She turned around and saw none other than Rainer Devon running toward her with a smile on his face. 


“Hey, would you be interested in going out tonight? A bunch of the cast and crew are going to be there and it just wouldn’t be complete without you.” Rainer said.


“I don’t know Rainer. I’m not feeling the greatest and I was just planning on going home and going to bed.” Paige said with her eyes closed while rubbing her forehead trying to soothe her monster of a headache.


All of the sudden she felt a cold hand on her forehead. Her eyes immediately shot open and saw Rainer’s concerned eyes staring right back at her. 


“You’re burning up.” He said more to himself than to her.


Paige suddenly jerked to her side sneezing twice into her elbow sniffling after. 


“hitchew chiew!”


“Gesundhite” Reiner said.


“Ugh, thank you. Listen, Rainer I would love to come out with you all tonight, but I just really don’t feel good. Maybe we can do something once I’m feeling a little better. Bye Rainer.” Paige said.


She then got into her car and headed home. Jake was living in Texas working on his directing and Cassie was living at Adam’s, so Paige had the place to herself. Once she arrived, she took off her makeup and hopped in the shower. She put on her pajamas and climbed in bed.


She was finally comfortable when her doorbell rang. Groaning, Paige pulled herself out of her bed and trudged to the door. Pulling it open she saw something she didn’t expect to see in a million years.


Reiner was standing in her doorway with bags of what looked like things from the grocery store and a bag from Bob Evans that looked like it had a container of soup and some other things in it.


“Rainer? What are you doing here? I thought you were going out tonight?” Paige said.


“I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand it knowing that you were here feeling miserable.” Rainer said with a smile.


Rainer and Paige went and sat on the couch. Immediately after sitting down Paige twisted her head to the side and let out three sneezes.


“hitchiew hishoo chishoo”


“Bless you, here.” Rainer said reaching for one of the bags he had brought. He pulled a box of tissues, some medication, and a thermometer.


He opened up the box of tissues and handed her one. 


“Thank you Rainer. Thank you for all of this, really. I appreciate this a lot.” Paige said rubbing her nose with the tissue.


“So, do you wanna move to the bed? I mean that is unless you would be uncomfortable because we can totally stay out here...” Rainer said nervously.


“That would be nice Rainer.” Paige replied.


“You go and get comfortable. I’ll put this food in the fridge and you can eat it when you wake up.” Rainer said. 


Paige got up and laid down in her bed while Rainer was putting the things in the fridge. Walking back into Paige’s room, he had the thermometer, medicine, a cup of water, and tissues in his hands. He sat it all on the bedside table and handed Paige the thermometer. 


“Here, stick this under your tongue.” Rainer said gently.


When the thermometer beeped Rainer quickly took it out of her mouth and handed Paige a tissue because she had her pre-sneeze face on. 


“Chiew hechew hitchew chishoo chew”


“101.4, and bless you” Rainer said. 


He then opened up a bottle of NyQuil and poured her a dose. He had DayQuil, but considering that it was almost 11:00 at night he decided on the NyQuil. 


“Here, take this” Rainer said handing Paige the medicine. 


Paige obliged taking the medicine and then taking a drink of water when she was done. 


“Uhh, I don’t mean to sound like a creep or anything but you’re shivering. Do you want me to lay down with you? These are different clothes so they aren’t dirty or anything.” Rainer said


Paige just nodded her head and lifted up the blankets. Rainer slid under them and situated himself to get comfortable. Paige laid her head and nuzzled into Rainer’s chest and he wrapped his arms around her. Rainer placed a kiss on her forehead before she let out 4 more tired sneezes.


“Bless you sweetheart. Try to sleep.” Rainer said rubbing her back. 


And they did just that. Falling asleep in each other’s arms. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/5/2018 at 1:55 PM, sneezelover32 said:

Side Note - I know that this isn’t something that would be happening on the show now because of the season premiere last night, but this is what I feel could’ve happened if Paige would’ve chose Rainer.





Paige Townsen was walking out the set of “Locked” on a Saturday night ready for the week break that they were about to have. After working for weeks and weeks on the new movie, it was beginning to take a toll on her. Her head was pounding and her nose was running like a faucet. 


She was almost to her car when she heard someone calling out her name.


“Paige, hey wait up a sec.” she heard.


She turned around and saw none other than Rainer Devon running toward her with a smile on his face. 


“Hey, would you be interested in going out tonight? A bunch of the cast and crew are going to be there and it just wouldn’t be complete without you.” Rainer said.


“I don’t know Rainer. I’m not feeling the greatest and I was just planning on going home and going to bed.” Paige said with her eyes closed while rubbing her forehead trying to soothe her monster of a headache.


All of the sudden she felt a cold hand on her forehead. Her eyes immediately shot open and saw Rainer’s concerned eyes staring right back at her. 


“You’re burning up.” He said more to himself than to her.


Paige suddenly jerked to her side sneezing twice into her elbow sniffling after. 


“hitchew chiew!”


“Gesundhite” Reiner said.


“Ugh, thank you. Listen, Rainer I would love to come out with you all tonight, but I just really don’t feel good. Maybe we can do something once I’m feeling a little better. Bye Rainer.” Paige said.


She then got into her car and headed home. Jake was living in Texas working on his directing and Cassie was living at Adam’s, so Paige had the place to herself. Once she arrived, she took off her makeup and hopped in the shower. She put on her pajamas and climbed in bed.


She was finally comfortable when her doorbell rang. Groaning, Paige pulled herself out of her bed and trudged to the door. Pulling it open she saw something she didn’t expect to see in a million years.


Reiner was standing in her doorway with bags of what looked like things from the grocery store and a bag from Bob Evans that looked like it had a container of soup and some other things in it.


“Rainer? What are you doing here? I thought you were going out tonight?” Paige said.


“I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand it knowing that you were here feeling miserable.” Rainer said with a smile.


Rainer and Paige went and sat on the couch. Immediately after sitting down Paige twisted her head to the side and let out three sneezes.


“hitchiew hishoo chishoo”


“Bless you, here.” Rainer said reaching for one of the bags he had brought. He pulled a box of tissues, some medication, and a thermometer.


He opened up the box of tissues and handed her one. 


“Thank you Rainer. Thank you for all of this, really. I appreciate this a lot.” Paige said rubbing her nose with the tissue.


“So, do you wanna move to the bed? I mean that is unless you would be uncomfortable because we can totally stay out here...” Rainer said nervously.


“That would be nice Rainer.” Paige replied.


“You go and get comfortable. I’ll put this food in the fridge and you can eat it when you wake up.” Rainer said. 


Paige got up and laid down in her bed while Rainer was putting the things in the fridge. Walking back into Paige’s room, he had the thermometer, medicine, a cup of water, and tissues in his hands. He sat it all on the bedside table and handed Paige the thermometer. 


“Here, stick this under your tongue.” Rainer said gently.


When the thermometer beeped Rainer quickly took it out of her mouth and handed Paige a tissue because she had her pre-sneeze face on. 


“Chiew hechew hitchew chishoo chew”


“101.4, and bless you” Rainer said. 


He then opened up a bottle of NyQuil and poured her a dose. He had DayQuil, but considering that it was almost 11:00 at night he decided on the NyQuil. 


“Here, take this” Rainer said handing Paige the medicine. 


Paige obliged taking the medicine and then taking a drink of water when she was done. 


“Uhh, I don’t mean to sound like a creep or anything but you’re shivering. Do you want me to lay down with you? These are different clothes so they aren’t dirty or anything.” Rainer said


Paige just nodded her head and lifted up the blankets. Rainer slid under them and situated himself to get comfortable. Paige laid her head and nuzzled into Rainer’s chest and he wrapped his arms around her. Rainer placed a kiss on her forehead before she let out 4 more tired sneezes.


“Bless you sweetheart. Try to sleep.” Rainer said rubbing her back. 


And they did just that. Falling asleep in each other’s arms. 


P.S I do not own Famous in Love or any of the characters mentioned in this story. Please don’t sue me :D

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