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Allergies/Sinus Infection


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Seems like allergies rule my life late February to mid-April--so much sneezing and burning eyes and congestion. The congestion has been particularly bad this year and for the second time in a month I've got a sinus infection (or maybe I just never fully got over it last time). Anyway, several days ago the sinus headaches got really terrible and by yesterday I had a low-grade fever. So off to the doctor for medicine :hmmsmiley02:. As a result of all this congestion my sneezes have gotten insanely messy. My allergy sneezes tend to come in series of quick fits of 8 or so at a time. Now that I'm sick they sound like they're coming 100% from my nose, no vocalization at all (if that makes sense). They're just wet, messy explosions of grossness. I'm using two tissues at a time and blowing my nose for ages once I'm done.

I teach college and I loathe sneezing in front of my students. Usually I can manage alright or at least stifle, but yesterday I doubted my abilities. One of my male students sneezed six times in a row and the whole class blessed him (myself included). I asked him if he was okay and he moaned about his allergies being so bad. I even offered him an Allegra (which I keep in my purse at all times) but he'd said he'd taken something that just hadn't kicked in yet.

"I feel you," I said. "I'm pretty miserable too. In fact, I'm sure I'll start sneezing at some point before we're done today." Somehow I felt better that I'd warned them. 

I had a few close calls and sniffled way more than I care to admit during my lecture but about 45 minutes in I felt the prickling, sharp sensation in my nose.

"Hang on guys, sorry," I said as I turned my back to them. I grabbed my tissues off the podium and brought them to my nose.

hehNGSHH! SNGSSCH! SNGSSCH! SNGSSCH! GNsshhchh! GNsshhchh! Ntsschh! Ntsschh! Ntsschh!

I heard several of them say "bless you" and I blew my nose. When I turned around my face was bright red.

"Well that was embarrassing," I said, trying to laugh it off. My poor student from earlier just raised his fist in a sign of solidarity :lol: 

I'll post a couple recordings when I don't feel so crappy. 

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Oh no, I'm sorry you feel so awful!! :hug: That sucks! :( 

(I still enjoyed the obs per say, obviously... but sinus infections hurt like HELL, so... feel better soon! :heart: )


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Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, but great obs.

Hope you feel better soon, and not just because I want to hear the recordings...

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On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:14 PM, matilda3948 said:

Seems like allergies rule my life late February to mid-April--so much sneezing and burning eyes and congestion. The congestion has been particularly bad this year and for the second time in a month I've got a sinus infection (or maybe I just never fully got over it last time). Anyway, several days ago the sinus headaches got really terrible and by yesterday I had a low-grade fever. So off to the doctor for medicine :hmmsmiley02:. As a result of all this congestion my sneezes have gotten insanely messy. My allergy sneezes tend to come in series of quick fits of 8 or so at a time. Now that I'm sick they sound like they're coming 100% from my nose, no vocalization at all (if that makes sense). They're just wet, messy explosions of grossness. I'm using two tissues at a time and blowing my nose for ages once I'm done.

I teach college and I loathe sneezing in front of my students. Usually I can manage alright or at least stifle, but yesterday I doubted my abilities. One of my male students sneezed six times in a row and the whole class blessed him (myself included). I asked him if he was okay and he moaned about his allergies being so bad. I even offered him an Allegra (which I keep in my purse at all times) but he'd said he'd taken something that just hadn't kicked in yet.

"I feel you," I said. "I'm pretty miserable too. In fact, I'm sure I'll start sneezing at some point before we're done today." Somehow I felt better that I'd warned them. 

I had a few close calls and sniffled way more than I care to admit during my lecture but about 45 minutes in I felt the prickling, sharp sensation in my nose.

"Hang on guys, sorry," I said as I turned my back to them. I grabbed my tissues off the podium and brought them to my nose.

hehNGSHH! SNGSSCH! SNGSSCH! SNGSSCH! GNsshhchh! GNsshhchh! Ntsschh! Ntsschh! Ntsschh!

I heard several of them say "bless you" and I blew my nose. When I turned around my face was bright red.

"Well that was embarrassing," I said, trying to laugh it off. My poor student from earlier just raised his fist in a sign of solidarity :lol: 

I'll post a couple recordings when I don't feel so crappy. 

Matilda I just want to say I have enjoyed your obs and wavs for a long time! I esp love your nose blowing. Thanks for sharing!

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  • 1 month later...

That was a wonderful scene. Are things better these days?

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