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That Kind Of Cold (male, for Kaze wo Hiku)


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That was a couple of very long “day or two”, right…? :bag: I’m sorry. This is for @Kaze wo Hiku. Way late. Also, I was almost finished when I realised “wait, this isn’t very fluffy. Kaze wanted fluff.” There is fluff, but I’m afraid it’s not as much as you wanted… so, if you don’t like this fic, just tell me, and I’ll write you something else! :hug:




This was that kind of thick, tickly, juicy cold that started out innocently enough with a slightly sore throat and stayed that way for days, until you were certain that was it and it would soon pass – and then hit you like a ton of bricks. As if the viruses finally realised they had been procrastinating and had to put in a higher gear to get the job done.

Unfortunately, the moment of its full impact was impossible to predict, and you could hardly stay at home “just in case”, so it always struck full force when you were in a public setting. Obviously. Because that kind of cold wasn’t just sneaky, it was sadistic.

Mark groaned and rubbed his temples as a brand new headache started to form. He wasn’t sure if the headache made his sinuses swell and water, or if it was his filled sinuses that caused the headache, but they were definitely closely related.

When he had gotten back from lunch, he had sneezed for the first time since this cold first started to claim him, and he had not expected that sneeze to be the utter downfall it had turned out to be.

As if his nose had only waited for it, it immediately began to run, while simultaneously becoming increasingly more stuffed up. And as if that wasn’t enough, the tickly, light but persistent urge to sneeze had invaded his nasal passages like an enemy army and refused to go away.

It also refused to come to fruition, as each drawn-out, hitching buildup ended with the tickle momentarily shying away, leaving him hanging on the edge.

Had he really believed this would be an easy cold? The kind of cold that discreetly hangs around in the background and then leaves without creating a big scene? He should have known better, he thought as he buried his irritated nose into his handkerchief and blew forcefully. He seldom got away easily, and never if he picked up the cold while travelling. It seemed like his treacherous body actively searched for respiratory viruses to pick up, and with his pathetic excuse for an immune system, it always succeeded. Then, with the added stress of travel, it blossomed into an entire garden of unpleasant symptoms.

He hated conferences. He could hardly avoid them, though.

The tickle intensified again, teasing his reddening nose, as if a feather gently brushed against the aggravated insides, trying to caress a violent explosion out of him. At this point he wanted nothing but to give in to it, but it still wouldn’t let him reach that sweet relief.

Hhhehh… ehhh… HEH-! Ugh.”

Once more the sneeze abandoned him, and he sniffled miserably as he lowered the handkerchief.

Just to make matters even worse, his car was on service and he’d have to walk home from work. It hadn’t been so bad this morning, but he had forgotten one of the main rules of spring: never trust the weather. The sky, which had been clear and blue, offering the warm brightness of the sun, was now clouded over with dark grey clouds which seemed to hold plenty of rain. And had he remembered to bring his umbrella? No, of course not. That would have made it too easy.

There was a knock on his office door, and his boss stepped inside without waiting for a reply.

“Hey Mark, did you have time to…” she paused and smirked. “Oh. Conference last week, huh?”

“Um, yeah,” he mumbled, rubbing his nose with his fist. “Why?”

“Because you always come down with a cold after attending conferences.”

“I’b fide,” he objected, but it was a feeble objection that immediately was contradicted not only by the audible congestion, but also by the raspy cough he had to smother into his handkerchief.

“Yeah, I can hear that,” she said sarcastically, shaking her head. “You know what, why don’t you go home early? It’s Friday, God knows there’s not much productivity happening in this department today anyway.”

She gave him a firm look, the “mother knows best”-stare that shouldn’t have worked since she was about ten years younger than he was but somehow did, and he nodded his agreement. The annoying tickle in his nose was back, fluttering deep inside his left nostril.

Please, not in front of Jessica, he thought, painfully aware of how ridiculous he must look during the lengthy build-ups. He held his breath as he started to collect his things, and the tickle reluctantly let go of his sinuses.

“See you Monday,” Jessica said, and turned around to leave. When she was almost at the door, the alluring tickle conquered his nose, leaving him only a moment to get his handkerchief up and catch the spray.


“Bless you.” Jessica chuckled. “I could tell that one was coming. Go home, Mark.”

Given how his poor nose was now burning with unsneezed sneezes begging to come out, he decided it was a good idea to get out of the office as fast as possible, unless he wanted to be the Friday entertainment.


The heavy clouds decided to start unloading their cargo of wet, icy cold rain the moment he stepped outside. Because why not? It wasn’t like it would bother anyone who had to take a twenty-five-minute walk just to get home or anything like that.

“AaaESCHHoo! Huh… huhESSHH! HeTSSHhuuh!”

Wonderful. Instead of being teased by a tickle that never reached the tipping point, he was now sneezing several times in a row, one wetter and more desperate than the one before it, and the tickle had evolved into a burning, buzzing prickle.

Just to add to the misery, he felt like his fever was rising as well. The strong winds seemed to go straight through his thin coat, and the chilly rain was already soaking through the fabric, making his shirt stick to his feverish skin.

Twenty-five-minute walk in this weather, and he’d be lucky if he didn’t get pneumonia on top of everything else.

God, why do you always have to be so pessimistic? He scolded himself. It won’t be a pleasant walk by any means, but the sooner you get going, the sooner you’ll be home.

Mark’s nose twitched as the prickle intensified, taking complete hold of it. He raised his arm and sneezed heavily into his rain-soaked sleeve. It wasn’t enough with one or two sneezes to quell this urge, no. He sneezed four times in a row, bending over his arm with each spastic outburst. When he thought he was finished, he sniffled. Big mistake. The sniffle shifted the congestion and brought on an even stronger need to sneeze again.


It tore painfully though his raw throat, and he moaned. He really tried not to feel sorry for himself; he didn’t have any real problems after all. But it didn’t help. He felt awful. He was sick, wet, exhausted, rain trickled down the back of his coat, his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, and his sinuses itched like mad. And he wasn’t even half-way home.

He could hear a car approaching from behind, and thought how typical it would be if it splashed him with water. It would be a horrible development of a bad day.

Instead the car drove up (carefully) next to him, and the window on the passenger side was rolled down.

“Hello stranger. You look like a drenched cat. Get in, before you… no, right, you already have a cold.”

It was Patrick, his roommate.

Gratefully, Mark opened the door and slid into the passenger’s seat.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, I get off early on Fridays, and I was going into town to pick up some groceries. I thought I’d swing by and ask if you wanted a ride home. Jessica said she’d already sent you home, so I thought I’d see if I could catch up with you. You look terrible.”

He said it almost casually, but he seemed genuinely concerned.

“I’m okay, it’s just a cold,” Mark replied and rubbed his temples. The headache was getting worse.

“Anything you need? Cold meds? Tylenol?”

“Got everything I need back home. But thanks anyway.”

“Hm,” Patrick replied, frowning. “If you say so.”


When they got back home, Mark immediately went to take a hot shower. His clothes were soaked through and he was shivering, even with the heat on full blast in the car.

Patrick shook his head as he unpacked the groceries. Mark was probably worse for wear than he wanted to let on. After living together for two years, he knew that his roommate got sick far more frequently than he did. Mark wasn’t exactly weak, but he was… susceptible. Sensitive. To anything airborne, really. Cold and flu viruses, pollen, dust, strong scents… and he always tried to play it down, even when he truly suffered. Usually, Patrick didn’t pry. If Mark didn’t want to admit how miserable he was, Patrick wasn’t going to make a fuss.

But the very sight of the pathetic architect, with cold rain water dripping off his coat and hair and even the tip of his red, chapped nose, had been enough. Fuss was required here, end of story.

Mark sneezed several times in rapid succession, violently unrestrained sneezes, probably in the hopes that the shower would drown the sound. It didn’t, and it didn’t even mask how breathless and raspy he sounded. Patrick winced in sympathy. There was only one thing to do.

Chicken soup.


Much later, Mark dragged his cold-whipped self out of the bathroom. The steam had loosened up much of the congestion, but in exchange he just kept sneezing, doubling over with fit after fit of desperate wet sneezes. He could even hear how hoarse they began to sound, as his voice was slowly bailing on him as well.

He blew his nose in a fresh handkerchief and held his breath, wondering if he would get a respite from these fits. His nose seemed to calm down, but he knew the tingle was ready to flare up anew at the slightest aggravation.

He shuffled out to the living room and sat down on the couch in front of the TV, coughing harshly while he took the blanket that was draped over the armrest and swept it around his shoulders. He had just gotten comfortable when the urge to sneeze swept down upon him.

HurUSSHHuh! Oh by God,” he groaned thickly into the handkerchief. “Huhh… huhESSHHoo! EeSSHew! Hah… haehh-ESSCHHuh!”

“Bless you,” Patrick said. “In case you want to retract your previous comment that you’re ‘okay’ and replace it with a more fitting adjective, now’s the time to do so.”

“I feel like death warmed over,” Mark said, pressing the soft cloth underneath his tormented nose.

“That’s not an adjective, but I’ll give you a pass this once,” Patrick said and sat down next to him, placing a cup of steaming tea on the table. “Here you go. I have chicken soup on the stove. It’s not ready yet, though.”

Mark gave him a surprised glance. Patrick endured it for a second or two, then he started to laugh.

“Don’t look at me like that! I do have a certain amount of cooking skills, you know. And…” he shrugged, “I guess I know by now what you want when you’re sick.”

Mark smiled wearily.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Do you want to watch a movie?”

Mark nodded, but couldn’t answer as he was in the middle of a breathy buildup.

“HeeESSHHHoo! Ah-AAEETSSHHHuuh! Ugh, excuse me. I just can’t stop.”

“It’s alright, don’t worry about it. Bless you.” Patrick stood up. “I’ll check on the soup. Do you want me to fetch a fresh handkerchief while I’m up?”

“Could you do that? Thanks.”

“No problem.”

Patrick left, and Mark leaned his head back against the wall, eyes closed. He still felt awful, and somewhat embarrassed that Patrick had gone through so much trouble on his behalf, but he had to admit, it was nice to be pampered. Very nice, indeed.



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THIS WAS WONDERFUL!!! Oh Mark....MARRRRRRKKKKKKK you are so miserable (I love it!!)

50 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

As if his nose had only waited for it, it immediately began to run, while simultaneously becoming increasingly more stuffed up. And as if that wasn’t enough, the tickly, light but persistent urge to sneeze had invaded his nasal passages like an enemy army and refused to go away.

It also refused to come to fruition, as each drawn-out, hitching buildup ended with the tickle momentarily shying away, leaving him hanging on the edge.

Oh jesus, this scene killed me :heart:

51 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

The heavy clouds decided to start unloading their cargo of wet, icy cold rain the moment he stepped outside. Because why not? It wasn’t like it would bother anyone who had to take a twenty-five-minute walk just to get home or anything like

I LOVE characters getting stuck in the rain, it is SUCH a trope of mine!!!

52 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Mark sneezed several times in rapid succession, violently unrestrained sneezes, probably in the hopes that the shower would drown the sound. It didn’t, and it didn’t even mask how breathless and raspy he sounded. Patrick winced in sympathy. There was only one thing to do.

Chicken soup.

Patrick :heart: What a sweetheart.

UGH I could quote the ENTIRE thing honestly, you hit all my buttons but the imagery is such excellent.  Thank you so SO much for this beautiful fluff!!!  I promise I'll get yours out very very soon.  Thank you again @Chanel_no5!!! :hug:

/has died now

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Oh wow, Chanel writes dudes?? What has the world come to? I have no idea, but I like it :naughty:

I love all of this. So, so much. Your descriptions are delicious and relatable, your spellings are wonderful, and even though there is minimal fluff, I found this to have just the right amount of fluff :P I especially loved: 

48 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

“Bless you.” Jessica chuckled. “I could tell that one was coming. Go home, Mark.”

I am such a sucker for vanillas engaging in sneeze-related conversation like this, hot damn. *fans self* 

49 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Given how his poor nose was now burning with unsneezed sneezes

'unsneezed sneezes' is my new favourite phrase :lol:

50 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

He raised his arm and sneezed heavily into his rain-soaked sleeve. It wasn’t enough with one or two sneezes to quell this urge, no. He sneezed four times in a row, bending over his arm with each spastic outburst.

This visual is just.. delightful :dribble:

52 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Cold and flu viruses, pollen, dust, strong scents…

I am suddenly very intrigued to get to know Mark a little bit better >w>

54 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

“In case you want to retract your previous comment that you’re ‘okay’ and replace it with a more fitting adjective, now’s the time to do so.”

“I feel like death warmed over,” Mark said, pressing the soft cloth underneath his tormented nose.

“That’s not an adjective


Okay, so in short.. this is great. I would love to read more about these two (especially Mark :shifty: ) if you do feel inclined~

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1 minute ago, PuddinPop said:

Okay, so in short.. this is great. I would love to read more about these two (especially Mark :shifty: ) if you do feel inclined~


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This is absolutely delicious. Your descriptions are beautiful, and the way you describe and write the sneezes are just amazing. I love everything about this. Thank you for writing it. 

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Niiiice!! Patrick is such a sweet roomate. Poor Mark....

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12 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:


THIS WAS WONDERFUL!!! Oh Mark....MARRRRRRKKKKKKK you are so miserable (I love it!!)

Oh my God, you have no idea how relieved I am that you enjoyed it!! :lol: Thank you so much! I did second-guess myself for a while, wondering if I overdid it with the misery (I'm prone to do that as my fetish revolves a lot around it :shy: ), so I'm really glad you didn't think it was too much. :heart: It's no rush with mine, take your time. :hug: Again, I'm really happy you enjoyed! 

12 hours ago, PuddinPop said:

Oh wow, Chanel writes dudes?? What has the world come to? I have no idea, but I like it :naughty:

Hahaha, yet another sign the apocalypse approaches! :lol:  Don't get too used to it, though!  :rofl: I know the guys are more popular here, buuuuut I think I'll stick to the ladies (unless, that is, I'm writing for someone else. :P ) Seriously, I'm really glad you liked it. Thank you. :D 

12 hours ago, starpollen said:

This is very cute. :wub:

Thank you, m'dear! :heart: 

10 hours ago, striderlicious said:

This is absolutely delicious. Your descriptions are beautiful, and the way you describe and write the sneezes are just amazing. I love everything about this. Thank you for writing it. 

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! :D 

8 hours ago, M214186 said:

Itchy breathy cold sneezes, so wonderful 

I'm glad you enjoyed. ;) 

6 hours ago, Arty said:

Niiiice!! Patrick is such a sweet roomate. Poor Mark....

Thank you. Oh, I'm sure Patrick will make being sick worth it. :P 


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22 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

This is wonderful!

Thank you! :) 


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On 9.4.2018 at 0:12 AM, PuddinPop said:

Oh wow, Chanel writes dudes?? What has the world come to? I have no idea, but I like it :naughty:

My thoughts exactly :D It was quite a surprise, but a nice one! Thank you for venturing into the dark corners of writing an M fic, Chanel ^_^

Many of the parts I especially loved and enjoyed have already been quoted in this thread by other people, but I'd still like to add a few things:

First of all, I loved Marks slightly bitter inner voice when he realised that he had caught another cold. And his super observant, gloriously sarcastic boss Jessica, who knew him better than Mark liked to admit.

On 8.4.2018 at 11:16 PM, Chanel_no5 said:

“Oh. Conference last week, huh?”

“Um, yeah,” he mumbled, rubbing his nose with his fist. “Why?”

“Because you always come down with a cold after attending conferences."

Amazing matter-of-factly deadpanning statement right there! :inlove:

On 8.4.2018 at 11:16 PM, Chanel_no5 said:

It tore painfully though his raw throat, and he moaned. He really tried not to feel sorry for himself; he didn’t have any real problems after all. But it didn’t help. He felt awful. He was sick, wet, exhausted, rain trickled down the back of his coat, his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, and his sinuses itched like mad. And he wasn’t even half-way home.

At that point, i felt so sorry for him and I was so glad when Patrick turned up only a few moments later! :heart:

On 8.4.2018 at 11:16 PM, Chanel_no5 said:

Usually, Patrick didn’t pry. If Mark didn’t want to admit how miserable he was, Patrick wasn’t going to make a fuss.

But the very sight of the pathetic architect, with cold rain water dripping off his coat and hair and even the tip of his red, chapped nose, had been enough. Fuss was required here, end of story.

Thank you, Patrick, for making that call! :D I loved how they had their little dance of downplaying on Mark's and trying not to fuss on Patrick's side, before both of them gave up


I very much enjoyed your detour into writing male fics, thank you for sharing! :heart:

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On ‎2018‎-‎04‎-‎12 at 2:39 AM, Selene said:

I very much enjoyed your detour into writing male fics, thank you for sharing! :heart:

Thank you!! It's... quite an unusual detour for me, unmapped territory almost (yeah yeah, I know it's very mapped out by others, but I still wander cluelessly in it :lol: ), so I'm very glad (and RELIEVED!) that others enjoyed it! :D:heart: 

1 hour ago, Gingersneeze said:

Love this! Amazingly good. Please keep going! 

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed! :) This will be a oneshot, though. I only write male fics when it's for trades. :) 


Edited by Chanel_no5
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That was DELICIOUSLY miserable cold loveliness! :wub: Thanks for sharing the goods, Chanel ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there more coming? Just curious, and eager, and I'm a sucker for colds. :)

Very well written. I like how people know him and care. It's sweet.

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This was beautiful!  I love how you described this cold.   Also, the sweet way Mark's friends were there for him.   

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Thank you so, so much everyone, I'm truly flattered that so many of you liked it! Thank you! :heart: 

On ‎2018‎-‎04‎-‎27 at 6:14 AM, OnlyInMyDreams said:

Is there more coming? Just curious, and eager, and I'm a sucker for colds. :)

I'm afraid this is just a oneshot, no more parts coming. I only write male fics when it's for a trade, as it isn't something that I have any interest in myself. :) 


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On 4/8/2018 at 5:16 PM, Chanel_no5 said:


“Hey Mark, did you have time to…” she paused and smirked. “Oh. Conference last week, huh?”

👌👌👌 this is great! 💛

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