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Sneeze Fetish Forum

New boyfriend is verrrryyy sneezy + possibly getting sick


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Helloooo guys! I’ve been such a ghost on here lately! But Im back and will probably be much more active considering my new bf is, no joke, the sneeziest person I think I have ever met. He always sneezes in multiples of at least 3-5, with barely enough time for a breath in between - and let me tell you, that has always been my absolute favorite kind of sneezer. As for a description, he’s extremely tall with decently long brown hair that he regularly ties back into a little man bun. He’s got green eyes, good eyebrows and super nice facial hair. I didnt know how often he sneezed when we first got together, but I am such a lucky duck :) 

So we work at a restaurant, and before we got together/before I became a server, I used to work in the back-of-house a lot more and he worked mostly in the front-of-house. I was already very, very attracted to him, but I remember he had a cold once that made me go craaazy every shift. He works with the food, and obviously didnt want customers to see him sneezing so he would come to the back, specifically to sneeze, multiple times a shift. I would bless him and he would grin at me then blow his nose and go back up front. I would diiiiie a little to myself every time. 

He’s talked a lot about his sneezing, too, bringing up how everyone gets annoyed or gives him shit for never sneezing less than 3 times. His friends will try to bless him and eventually be like, “ok, that’s enough” or just tell him to shut up already, lolol. He doesnt know about the fetish yet, and Im a liiiittle scared to tell him simply because he sneezes SO often, I dont want him to get weirded out thinking Im constantly turned on or something:sweatdrop: but who knows, I may get the guts to tell him one day. For now I’ll just quietly enjoy myself ;)

Now that we’ve been dating for a bit, there’s been sooo many good obs, I wish I could remember them all. But I’ll give just a few shorties to give you guys an idea. The other night we were drinking with his friends and he was sitting down while we all stood around, just talking. He’d been pretty quiet for a few minutes, just listening when suddenly, he lets out a huge, “HUP’tshooo!” And while it’s not as loud, the “shoo” part of his sneezes are always very pronounced. There was a round of bless you’s, but he was immediately gearing up for another. His pre-sneeze expression is great too, I don’t know how to describe it other than that it makes his sneezes look so... itchy :P So he proceeds to sneeze another 4 times in a span of less than 30 seconds, switching from uncovered to in the collar of his shirt. Some of you may think thats kinda gross, but in his defense, he was very drunk and I love uncovered sneezing anyways, hahaha. All of the attention was on him, as you wouldn’t have been able to hear a story over his sneezing. Eventually everyone gave up blessing him and it was replaced by a couple, “damn, (his nickname) you done yet?” When he was finished, he pulled his face out of his shirt and just pulled a glassy-eyed, dopey grin at everyone and we all laughed. It was, to say the least, really cute.

Here recently, he’s had this cough and I keep telling him he feels super hot when we cuddle. Like really, I get so hot just laying with him and have to take the covers off. So last night, we were laying in bed, my head on his chest when I felt him take a deep breath. I knew what was coming so obviously I didn’t move... lol ooooops. I had him slightly trapped but he turned his head away and let the first one go, “hp’tshewww!” he sucked down another breath and then, “hup’SHeww! Heh’tshew!!” He let out a sigh and said, “Shit, Im sorry if I sneezed on you.” Before I could even tell him it was okay, he’d turned his head away and started gearing up for more. He let out a big & wet “HP’SHOO!” and then proceeded to sneeze 5. more. times. I was in heaaven!!! the fit got more rapid-fire, more intense, and louder with each sneeze. At that point, he actually got up and went to the bathroom where I heard him sneeze some more and then blow his nose at the end. I honestly lost count because I was so amazed. When he finally came back into the room, I jokingly asked, “are you done babe?” He groaned a little and sounded out of breath when he laid back down and replied, “i think so, but you know how I am.” He pulled me back onto his chest and sniffled for a good while. Then, this morning when I was taking him to work, he complained of his head hurting, brought up that cough and said he might be getting sick. Of course I dont want him to be sick, but the fetish was kicking in on the down low. I brought up how hot he’d been lately too and he agreed. I feel bad for him buuuut hopefully theres some good obs in the next couple days? :P  

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11 hours ago, SneezingLove said:

Omg! This obs is so great!!! First of all I’m so happy for you that you’re dating someone soo super sneezy! He sounds adorable. And I love your descriptions! Please do keep us updated with more obs and let us know if he gets sick! :) PS: I’m also a server so I totally feel you lolol my bf and I actually met at the restaurant we both work at! He doesn’t work there anymore but I still do and I loveeeeed getting work obs. They’re the best! 

Ahhh thank you so much!! Isn’t it crazy how you can meet someone honestly perfect for you just by chance & at your job of all places!! :)  i so love this forum and how much we can all relate to eachother hahaha. & I totally agree, the work obs are the best, until i’m too distracted to, yanno, work... ooops ;) 

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9 hours ago, sneezybaby said:

This sounds amazing!! So great when you find out your boyfriend is so sneezy!

right?! such a secret dream come true lol! I was totally head over heels for him already but his sneezes are for sure icing on the cake :D 

5 hours ago, Reader said:


thank you!!! <3

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Just a little tiny obs update; there isn’t much but I thought it was too cute to not share :) 

So we both worked today and it was veeerrry busy. We also worked staggering shifts so I had to work the morning, then he got there & worked together maybe 2 hours before I left and he worked the rest of the night. So needless to say I didnt get to see enough of him to guage whether or not he’s getting sick yet, but I diiiid manage to be in the right place for a mini-obs before I left. 

So our manager was helping out the FOH line cooks since we were so busy. She finished up a plate right as my boyfriend happened to be walking by and he froze, full pre-sneeze face already on. We’re all really close there, so my manager took one look at him and just busted out laughing. He went to try and say something to her but his breath was hitching and he’d already brought an arm up to cover. and she goes, “Go on, (bfs name) I know what you’re gonna say” through giggles. Mouth still dropped open and eyes half closed, he nodded and rushed into back. Right before he could get to the door, the first sneeze hit him hard. He doubled over at the waist and then literally stumbled a little into the door & then into the back with his arm still up to cover the next one - pre-sneeze expression totally glued onto his face the whole time. My manager then turned to me and says, “pepper. I set him off again,” and laughs some more. During this, I could hear some of the rest of his fit from up front and my manager is trying to talk to me about my boyfriend’s sneezes!! Sooo yeah, I could barely hold it together at this point. I just laughed along with her and I think I said something like, “it’s not hard to do!” Then she actually made a comment about how he’s one of the sneeziest people she knows. Like girl, you dont have to tell me :P 

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